A VAERY LOENG TIEM AEGo when the dinosaeurs ROAEMD the EARTh, kieng arthuaer ruealed with an iroen claed fiset, becuase he loest hsi real fiest in a gaembling match!!1howevaer, hsi KNIGHTES OF the ROUEND TABERNAECLE discoavaerd a caev oen daey, and insied it, a TERRIBAEL DARKNESS!!!1raecing baeck too tell their league, king aerthuer sent foer all the best nieghts in the laned!!!
nowe, i beat yuo nevaer knew, buet i uesd too be the best kneight taht ROAMED the SEVENS SEAS!!!11soe, natuaerlly, kieng arthan CAELLD FOER ME!!!1buet i waes in the bathroom so he caelled baeck later and i went!!1 SOOEN i arriaved at the mysticael laend of CAMELHOET, laend of the straenge men wieth MUSTACHES!!1 sooen ,i waes broughte befoaer KING ARTHAK aend toeld taht my missieon, shoueld i chooes to acept it, waes too JOURNEY INTOO the DEPTHS of the dangaerous caveraen and DEFEAT the DAERKNESS!!!1i aesked "howe caen yuo attaeck the darkeness???//" aend kineg arthunak saeid "YUO MUST DISCOVAER THSI FOR YUORSELFFE!!!1"!!!1so i punchead hiem in the guet and leaft on my worldwiend ADVENTUAER!!!
sooen, i arriaevead at the DREADAED CARAVAERN!!!1 waelking insiaed, i coueld hear the daerkness fielled with breatheing!!11or perhaeps a gas leaek!!!1 i sooen arriavead at the bottoem flooer, aend staered intoo a large pit!!1 alle of a suddaen, DARKENSESS CAELLED too me!!1 he yealled "WOUELD YUO LIAK A FREEE BACHTECHLOERS DECREE???//" i waes soe stuennaed by thsi MESSSAGEG OF PUER EVIAEL taht i stepaped back and fell intoo a waell!!!1 daerkness continueaed hsi onslaueght of eviael bay yelling "howe abouet soem viargae??/ IT SI the DRUEG OF MIRACELES!!!1" i slowaeley, buet paienefuelly advaenced toowaerds the DEMOS LAYAER!!!1 finaelly, cloes enouegh, i tosseed the SWOERD OF SWOERDS intoo the piet!!1 the daemone scraemed, and wieth hsi dyeing breathe, yellead "BUET NOW YUO CAN NEVER GET YUOER CREDIT INSTAENTLY APPROARVED!!11" soe i punchead him aend left!!1
baekc at the castael, i waes congratulated by KIENG ARATHUR foer my braev contribuaetino too kieng and countey!!!!1 i accaepeated hsi rewared of the finest haems in the laend, whiech i threwwe at hiem wehn i discovaered he gaev me beef instead!!11aend taht si the end of the stoery fairy tael!!!
buet i uesd too be the best kneight taht ROAMED the SEVENS SEAS!!!11
5 for that alone
[ 01-30-2004: Message edited by: Tian ]
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
From the book of Super Kagrama, chapter 3, verse 16:
kieng arthuaer ruealed with an iroen claed fiset, becuase he loest hsi real fiest in a gaembling match!!1howevaer,
Pure genius!
How.... King Parcelan.... uughhhhhh:
How would we survive without Kagrama?
I donno... and I hope we never find out.
This deserves to be spread through the net.
Don't ruin my perfectly good idiocy with your damn logic.
And so the almighty Super Kagrama spoketh:
sooen, i arriaevead at the DREADAED CARAVAERN!!!1 waelking insiaed, i coueld hear the daerkness fielled with breatheing!!11or perhaeps a gas leaek!!!1 i sooen arriavead at the bottoem flooer, aend staered intoo a large pit!!1 alle of a suddaen, DARKENSESS CAELLED too me!!1 he yealled "WOUELD YUO LIAK A FREEE BACHTECHLOERS DECREE???//" i waes soe stuennaed by thsi MESSSAGEG OF PUER EVIAEL taht i stepaped back and fell intoo a waell!!!1 daerkness continueaed hsi onslaueght of eviael bay yelling "howe abouet soem viargae??/ IT SI the DRUEG OF MIRACELES!!!1" i slowaeley, buet paienefuelly advaenced toowaerds the DEMOS LAYAER!!!1 finaelly, cloes enouegh, i tosseed the SWOERD OF SWOERDS intoo the piet!!1 the daemone scraemed, and wieth hsi dyeing breathe, yellead "BUET NOW YUO CAN NEVER GET YUOER CREDIT INSTAENTLY APPROARVED!!11" soe i punchead him aend left!!1