However, I am not certain I wish to keep it.
I was looking at this :
To get instead!
Which would you choose? [ 12-30-2003: Message edited by: Khyron ]
Alaan's fortune cookie read:
Well, you use the arrow keys, so I think Logitec would be best for you since it has all the other media buttons etc.
Alaan was naked while typing this:
I'm not sure how that is supposed to be almighty and superior anyway. I can reach just as many keys from WASD. Already have a scroll wheel on my mouse that can have 2 uses...
Three if you count Mwheelup, Mwheeldown and Mouse3.
A sleep deprived Delphi Aegis stammered:
Three if you count Mwheelup, Mwheeldown and Mouse3.
Indeed. And if you have a "Five Button Mouse," even better. Having more controls on the mouse would be superior I think, since you can reach all 5 at the same time without affecting movement at all as you would with that pad.
But unless you are getting the wireless MX combo with the MX 700 mouse, keep the speedpad.
Alaan had this to say about Pirotess:
I'm not sure how that is supposed to be almighty and superior anyway. I can reach just as many keys from WASD. Already have a scroll wheel on my mouse that can have 2 uses...
On 99.99% of keyboards, you have to reach farther from the arrow keys to reach any other key than you would if you used any other set of keys on the entire keyboard.
The nostromo pads and their ilk are largely frivolous in my opinion. They consume desk space, you can't type with them so if you want to stop and chat in any online game you're playing you have to fetch the keyboard, and they really don't grant any noticible benefit over using a regular keyboard.
I just happen to have that exact model of keyboard, and it is pretty handy. There's a mousewheel on the keyboard (readily accessable to the pinky finger while using WASD) that's actually kinda useful in certain games.
Shall post more from it once I set 'er up.