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Topic: Japanese Dictionary
posted 05-26-2003 02:06:53 PM
Baka= Idiot
I am not a woman
posted 05-28-2003 09:04:46 PM
ohio = good morning
hentai = pervert
ja nae = good bye
posted 05-28-2003 10:56:30 PM
Omae o kuroso = I'm going to kill you.
posted 05-29-2003 01:33:34 PM
tame= bastard
Iulius Czar
posted 05-29-2003 07:22:58 PM
kawaii /ka/wa/î/; adj
(1) Cute, in the manner of puppies and babies
(2) Jailbait
No longer a Towel Girl
posted 05-29-2003 07:30:16 PM
musei = a wet dream
omonkuu = Oral sex
posted 05-29-2003 09:07:51 PM
*dies from all the mistakes*
**~*Pink Sugar Heart Attack!*~**
Iulius Czar
posted 05-29-2003 09:10:02 PM
Enlighten us.
posted 05-29-2003 09:42:52 PM
Aoi = Blue
Tenchi = sky/heavens
senpai = someone in a higher grade than you in class

That's about all the Japanese I know.

Nwist, Who?
posted 05-29-2003 10:11:03 PM
Akki/Oni/Tenma = Demon. Or Devil. You know. Stuff along those lines.
Bakushin = Rush or dash.
Furiki = Freak.
Hitodama = Fireball. Basically, anyways.
Iulius Czar
posted 05-29-2003 10:44:55 PM
And speaking of fireballs....

hadouken (波動拳)

The Kanji are wave-motion-fist; the first two together form "surge" as a compound. "ken" is an on-reading of the last character.

[ 05-29-2003: Message edited by: Iulius Kæsar ]

posted 05-30-2003 07:31:55 AM
ohayou/ohayo - good morning
ja ne - bye
Omae wo korosu
tame doesn't mean "bastard". You probably mean teme, which also doesn't mean "bastard", but I've seen it translated that way before.

Bad spelling/grammar/definitions is just one of my pet peeves. And no, I'm not perfect. I make plenty (not really) mistakes.

**~*Pink Sugar Heart Attack!*~**
posted 06-03-2003 01:46:37 PM
Bake Mono: Monster
posted 06-16-2003 08:11:35 AM
Does anyone know what know what "Osu" means? (the u is silent)
Iulius Czar
posted 06-16-2003 10:38:34 AM
What was the context? It could be:

雄 【おす】 (n) male (animal), (P)
推す 【おす】 (v5s) to infer, to conclude, to support, (P)
押す 【おす】 (v5s,vt) to push, to press, to stamp (i.e. a passport), (P)

posted 06-16-2003 07:29:48 PM
It's also a short version of "Ohayo Gozaimasu".
**~*Pink Sugar Heart Attack!*~**
posted 06-18-2003 10:04:05 AM
Arigato Gozimashita (or gozi mashita I'm not sure how many words it is): Thank you very much (highest degree of thanks)
Deadly in battle,
even deadlier in bed
posted 06-22-2003 07:12:21 PM
bukakke, wa doko detsu ka? (sorrry about the spelling) *smirks mischeviously*

[ 06-22-2003: Message edited by: Venefica ]

Destroyer of Mystiana
Iulius Czar
posted 06-22-2003 10:57:36 PM
Venifica wa <<bukakke wa doko desu ka>> o iimashita

...sore wa anata no hahasan ga sakuban iimashita

posted 06-23-2003 11:28:00 AM
Mavos had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Does anyone know what know what "Osu" means? (the u is silent)

A fun little read on the word "Osu"

Deadly in battle,
even deadlier in bed
posted 06-24-2003 02:18:48 AM
LOL!!! You wouldn't have said that, Iulius, if you knew her. *shudders*
Destroyer of Mystiana
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 06-24-2003 12:45:43 PM
As much as I love anime and Japanese culture, I refuse to speak it or use any words (with a few exceptions) until I totally learn it, people doing that just look/sound foolish to me.


[ 06-24-2003: Message edited by: OtakuPenguin ]

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
Iulius Czar
posted 06-24-2003 02:37:59 PM
On the other hand, what's there to lose? I figure the worst that will happen is that Cheese will correct me--and then I'll know something I didn't.

As far as the real world goes, the punks on WinMX always get a laugh out of me answering "gomen, watashi wa baka gaijin desu" -- especially since I'm generating the unicode kanji for it.

posted 09-11-2003 08:42:39 AM
genjitsuka : realist
Elvish Crack Piper
Murder is justified so long as people believe in something different than you do
posted 09-12-2003 06:08:57 AM
wakarimasu - I understand

This is the only thing I use day to day really, as I find it easier to say than, "I get it already now shut the fuck up or I kill you" ta my mom.

(Insert Funny Phrase Here)
posted 09-15-2003 11:44:36 PM
Tenchuu = 1. pillars supporting heaven
2. heaven's (well-deserved) punishment.
3. applying an extended meaning to a kanji

Tenbatsu = divine punishment; wrath of God; visitation

Ishigami = stone which is worshipped

lol, I know more but meh, pointless.

"Truly, if there is evil in this world, it lies within the heart of mankind"
I am a vampire and
posted 09-19-2003 03:52:02 PM
Anyone have a link to somewhere that translates English to non-symbolic Japanese/Chinese/etc.?

Also, how do you say 'Banana'?

"Death most resembles a prophet who is without honor in his own land or a poet who is a stranger among his people."
"Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once."
Hime, eien-ni, anata-wo ai-shimasu.
I am a vampire and
posted 09-20-2003 08:51:33 PM
OK, maybe if I contribute to the thread then? Ona means woman. Combined with baka, or stupid, it makes baka ona, bitch.
"Death most resembles a prophet who is without honor in his own land or a poet who is a stranger among his people."
"Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once."
Hime, eien-ni, anata-wo ai-shimasu.
Iulius Czar
posted 09-21-2003 06:21:50 PM
Zeke the Final Fencer attempted to be funny by writing:
Also, how do you say 'Banana'?

Banana is just "banana" (see the Excel Saga opening for an example).

Oh, and here.

[ 09-21-2003: Message edited by: Iulius Czar ]

Iulius Czar
posted 09-21-2003 06:40:11 PM
inu -- Dog
yasha -- Demon

So maybe it was only a revelation to me that his name means something. Ah well. As an odd aside, my dictionary specifies "yasha" as a female demon. Pawing further (pun intended) into the kanji I found that the word literally means "night-crotch," at which point I decided I was in a bit over my head. Thoughts?

I am a vampire and
posted 09-21-2003 11:03:29 PM
Arigato Gozimashita, Czar Iulias-san
"Death most resembles a prophet who is without honor in his own land or a poet who is a stranger among his people."
"Cowards die many times before their deaths;
The valiant never taste of death but once."
Hime, eien-ni, anata-wo ai-shimasu.
posted 09-21-2003 11:49:46 PM
We were all impressed when Iulius Czar wrote:
inu -- Dog
yasha -- Demon

So maybe it was only a revelation to me that his name means something. Ah well. As an odd aside, my dictionary specifies "yasha" as a female demon. Pawing further (pun intended) into the kanji I found that the word literally means "night-crotch," at which point I decided I was in a bit over my head. Thoughts?

I've read that "yasha" means something similar to "witch," which is still pretty odd...

Azrael Heavenblade
Damn Dirty Godmoder
posted 09-22-2003 12:41:24 AM
Being enrolled in Japanese 111, I'd post on this thread, but my class used the JSL (Japanese Spoken Lanuage) romanization guide, which differs from Hepburn, the romanization you all are using. Not that I can't make the attempt to convert it.
"The basic tool for manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use them." - Philip K. Dick
Iulius Czar
posted 09-23-2003 01:37:21 AM
Mt. Huzi just doesn't sound as romantic, for some reason.
posted 10-15-2003 11:50:03 AM
Sento: Leader
Steven Steve
posted 10-26-2003 06:44:12 PM

It's not areegato gozeemahshite or whatever you think, it's "arigatou gozaimasu."


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