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Topic: things that piss diadem off (whine here! wee!)
eet bugz
posted 09-25-2003 06:16:23 PM
list your pet peeves....

people who drive slower than you walk yet are still totaly oblivous to their sorrundings

double for you drunkards. here's a hint - if you're too drunk to walk, you're too drunk to drive.

people who don't know how to walk. they are like the people who drive slow but don't know what's going on around them. like in a supermarket, you take up the entire isle with your fat ass arms spread woddeling along walking in front of people.

panhandelers, especialy those who walk (or stroll the wheelchair that they don't need) in front of my car or wait near atms. especaily that asshole at the mall who brings his kid with him to make a bigger sob story and the guy in the wheelchair who frightens old ladies

children who scream at night. over and over again. and the guys who yell at them in spanish. and the guys who honk their horns becuase they don't want to get out of their cars to knock on their friends door. or the people who light fires and do crimes or whatever the hell they are doing to make these constant police/fire sirens. all at 3am.

people who steal my spot. after a long days work, i have one place to park. if i don't park there, my car will get towed. simple as that. but i can't park anywhere because you stole my damn spot. assigned spot. so i have to kick your ass out before i can finish my day and sit down after my long days work.

people who are too much of a pussie to talk to me about a problem striaght to my face so they have to have an elabreate plot like a 4 year old girl to get at me (or my friends) instead of fucking dealing with the situation direction like a man.

there is also some one time shit that gets to me, such as strangers throwing shit at my car, people driving on the left hand side ot the road, etc.

edit: thanks to the construction, the people driving on the left hand side of my road isn't a one time thing anymore. *sigh*

[ 10-03-2003: Message edited by: diadem ]

play da best song in da world or me eet your soul
posted 09-25-2003 08:59:03 PM
Threads posted by you in Flameball. They all suck.
eet bugz
posted 09-25-2003 11:14:32 PM
that's why i made this and this - to keep the people happy!

free boobies, food, and pot for all!

disclaimer: drugs are bad, so double up on the boobies and food

play da best song in da world or me eet your soul
The Imp
posted 09-25-2003 11:21:00 PM
Yuri- had this to say about Robocop:
Threads posted by you in Flameball. They all suck.
The Outlaw Torn
posted 09-25-2003 11:35:43 PM
Oh my Yuri-:
Threads posted by you in Flameball. They all suck.
Funny, the same thing could be said about all your posts, everywhere. They all suck.

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

posted 09-26-2003 06:54:35 AM
Black had this to say about Knight Rider:
Funny, the same thing could be said about all your posts, everywhere. They all suck.

You should be quite happy I post so rarely then.

The hip-hop-happiest bunny in all of marshmallow woods
posted 09-26-2003 07:56:58 PM
ACES! Another post by Yuri-:
You should be quite happy I post so rarely then.

Not rare enough.


Today only two things made my vein twitch, so I guess that makes it a good day.

When schools force you into a stupid, stupid, stupid class because the fucking government closed like eight billion other schools forcing everyone else to make your school super overloaded and make it so you don't get the god damn class you want... sorry, whole 'nother rant altogether. When you're forced into a stupid class, like Parenting, because it's either that or, like, Accounting, then have to deal with teachers who should be put down and 17 year old single mothers who bitch a lot, and the whole class makes my IQ drop, and jesus I need to stop sleeping during English, that was a long ass sentence.

When people who aren't even present in your conversation, just overheard it, go all blitzspaz on you because you're using ethnic slurs. As jokes. In an Igor voice. Killkillkill.

I just spent
my last cent
purchasing this poverty.

posted 09-27-2003 02:57:08 AM
Pet Peeves v1.0

1. Driving down the road and nearly rear-ending some fucktard that is doing 20mph under the speedlimit when you are doing 20mph over the speedlimit. (Fix this by adding a sign similar to the kid construction signs worded : 'Hey slowass.. drive over here in the right lane, Thanks - Random_someone that prefers driving over sightseeing)

2. Cold food at a fast food restaurant. - For crying out loud... I think McDonalds gives employees like a 3% raise every year now or some shit... that's comparable to a government job... but they can't understand the fact that if food sits for more than 10 minutes.. you can't serve it cause it's COLD. Give me a refund for every time this happens... so I can pay the phone bill required to bitch about the food to so and so's manager... just to find out they live their own life in a mobile home infested with roaches and rats the size of a small car (yes.. this actually happened to me once... don't eat at Burger King is all I have to say about that.. )

3. Flag burners. - If you don't like America.. and all the shit people like me and others that contribute to the good of the country just to keep your ass warm and with a roof at night... if you can't handle that truth.. then get the fuck out... you'll be helping the greater cause. For those oversea types... I don't see your freedom of everything. I am proud to have a lifestyle that I can control.. and if you are that jealous... well - make a movement within your own shithole to get things fixed.

4. Noobies - This should be self explanatory... but really - common sense will take you far in EQ.. but I swear that 50% of the EQ population lacks that common sense at some point in there EQ career. And to make things worse... EQ is like walking down the streets of any large city in the US... there are beggars like... everwhere. Hell... even my RL friends that play EQ.. they beg me.. like 'I need this and that' - it's like.. sheesh, what happened to working for it? The rest of us did.. or had some friend in uber_guild_09809 that gave us enough shit to get us by... in any case... it should be a rule against spamming other players for lewts.

I'd think of more.. cause they are there.. but I got better things to take care of atm...

I Ate Mr Parcelan
Mr. Parcelan
posted 09-27-2003 04:17:21 AM
I hate the need for fiber. If I could stay regular from eating meat, I would be in heaven.
Withered and Alone
posted 09-27-2003 03:57:12 PM
Cigarette smoke -- especially when I find it IN my house because my neighbor is smoking right under my bedroom window!
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 09-28-2003 04:41:10 AM
Check out the big brain on diadem!

Oh hell yes. Hell fucking yes. Especially all the stuff that (seems to me) related to living in an apartment. People screaming at other people in tongues at all hours, people sitting in their car and honking. Sirens at 3am.

I'd like to add partygoers at car shows who are still partying at 3am, revving their fucking engines all night.

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 09-29-2003 03:03:45 AM
Yuri- stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
Threads posted by you in Flameball. They all suck.

And you're an idiot. Thank you, drive through.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

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