I'm an ex-EverQuest player, and I read the EverCrest comic back when it was linked to from Stratics. I never read these boards until recently, though.
And the name? I'm not dyslexic, really! I was creating a character for EQ when I ran into some severe writer's block. All I could think about was my guitar. So, I became Squier (eventually Squier Fender, but I didn't play that toon up very high.)
I enjoyed lurking here, and hope to enjoy posting just as much.
Glad to see you joined. Have fun
Welcome aboard the EC Express! Toot toot!
<hands Squier a cookie> Don't mind anything that is said in this thread, some of the grumpier ECers like to haze new people. ^.^
*runs off*
Ares stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
*steals the cookie* ^.^*runs off*
Onose! <hands Squier another cookie then pounces after Ares> Rawr!
The logic train ran off the tracks when Katrinity said:
Onose! <hands Squier another cookie then pounces after Ares> Rawr!
Eep! *drops the cookie and runs*
Yay for us taking over the thread!
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Katrinity was all like:
<picks the cookie up and dusts it off, then hands it to Ares> Hijack2win! ^.^
Rawr! *munches*
I'm just really really bored, and it's 10:15am and I havn't slept.
So, new person.. Do you like.. Cookies? You better with Katrinity hanging out in your thread. :3
Social entropy is a bad thing.
So quoth Cysa Da Merc:
can we wound and main this one?
How bout we just welcome with arms wide open?
Katrinity had this to say about Cuba:
How bout we just welcome with arms wide open?
Like you did with me!
*reminisces* Okay, I'm done.
Did they look like psychos? Is that what they looked like? They were vampires. Psychos do not explode when sunlight hits them, I don't give a fuck how crazy they are.
Nice to have you. Acid bath's to your left.
Squier was listening to Cher while typing:
Not only do I like cookies, Icookies.
He's A-OK in my book! ^.^
Squier had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
Not only do I like cookies, Icookies.
That's good, cause Kat has claws and she's not afraid to use them!
Be weary, though, since the bossman is away and that might make a few think they can do whatever they please.
Full sigpic image.
Liam - "Caitlin: You terrify me, but in a good way."
But otherwise welcome. yes yes.
Verily, Ocyrrhoe Trazere doth proclaim:
Be weary, though, since the bossman is away and that might make a few think they can do whatever they please.
But beware...for the wrath of Abbi is swift and vengeful!
Flamer: Haha! U SuXX0r n3wb!
Abbikat pops up in front of the Flamer and lifts him by his collar over a building edge.
Flamer: Ahhh! Who r u, wommin?
Abbi: I'm Abbi-Kat. Tell your friends.
takes the n00b and throws him in a cannon then welds the barrel closed and FIRES!
Katrinity wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
But beware...for the wrath of Abbi is swift and vengeful!Flamer: Haha! U SuXX0r n3wb!
Abbikat pops up in front of the Flamer and lifts him by his collar over a building edge.
Flamer: Ahhh! Who r u, wommin?
Abbi: I'm Abbi-Kat. Tell your friends.
phear the Abbikat, for her vengence is swift... or something...
Anyways, welcome to EverCrest. Please be sure to keep your arms and legs inside the carriage at all times and do not attempt to leave until the ride has come to a complete stop.... The exits are there, there, there, and there *does the airstewardess pointy routine*.... In case of emergency, be sure to quote passages of Shakespeare at the top of your lungs.... it won't help, but it may soothe the nerves of fellow victims.... err, passengers...
No offense, Tal/White Mage.
From the book of Squier, chapter 3, verse 16:
Squier is the name of a line of guitars made by Fender. Hence, Squier Fender.
Oh, don't worry about him. ^_^
Veruca Salt had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
I dunno man, I'm not really diggin' the cowbell here.
We're friends and all, but sometimes you make it really hard.
Veruca Salt had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
Easy, fella. I put my pants on just like you - one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on... I make gold records.
More cowbell.