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Topic: Silent Hill 3
Dr Cysa
Angsty Mcangst
posted 08-08-2003 07:59:08 PM
I'm frightened....

I don't think I will ever be able to get back to sleep, and I've only played it for like 5 minutes.

I haven't even gotten to a cut scene besides the opening one.

I don't discriminate...I hate everyone.
posted 08-08-2003 08:01:21 PM
I want to get around to playing that

So you want to start a revolution. Well, you know...
posted 08-08-2003 08:02:15 PM
If you're playing the PS2 version you're missing a lot, unless you imported from Japan.
Dr Cysa
Angsty Mcangst
posted 08-08-2003 11:41:23 PM
Maradon! had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
If you're playing the PS2 version you're missing a lot, unless you imported from Japan.

I refuse to play nonPS2 version, If I play it on my computer I feel I have a much better chance of being sucked into the game and slaughtered like a helpless farm animal.

PS2 version to me is safer, but yeah I know I'm missing alot. I fully intend to go online and find video from all the scenes I missed.

Plus hopefully they will do another DVD with missing scenes.

I don't discriminate...I hate everyone.
posted 08-09-2003 12:57:46 AM
I was referring to the entire second scenario and three extra endings present in the x-box version.
The hip-hop-happiest bunny in all of marshmallow woods
posted 08-09-2003 01:00:11 AM
When the babel fish was in place, it was apparent Maradon! said:
I was referring to the entire second scenario and three extra endings present in the x-box version.

That is a problem for us destitute bastards who only own a PS2.


I just spent
my last cent
purchasing this poverty.

Matilda Jane
ph33r my MIRVs
posted 08-09-2003 01:03:24 AM
There was much rejoicing when Maradon! said this:
I was referring to the entire second scenario and three extra endings present in the x-box version.

Silent Hill 3 isn't on Xbox.

There was a signature here... it's gone now.
posted 08-09-2003 01:10:01 AM
x--Terena AzalO-('-'Q) :
Silent Hill 3 isn't on Xbox.

Are you sure?

Oh yeah, my fault, this is silent hill 2 I'm thinkin of.

Bummey the Fool
Prefers to play with men
posted 08-09-2003 02:12:42 PM
I never played any of the Silent Hill games =\ What are they like?
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 08-09-2003 02:14:59 PM
Bummey the Fool wrote this:
I never played any of the Silent Hill games =\ What are they like?

Mortious wanders past a neglected radio. It starts to buzz..

Illanae's Stooge!
posted 08-09-2003 05:59:27 PM
i think "disturbing" sums them up quite nicely..
Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
Ruvie's Alt
Haven't you always wanted a monkey?
posted 08-09-2003 08:14:04 PM
There was much rejoicing when Cysa Da Merc said this:
I'm frightened....


Sentow, Maybe
posted 08-09-2003 08:17:55 PM
Bummey the Fool had this to say about pies:
I never played any of the Silent Hill games =\ What are they like?

It's a survival horror game which meshes Event Horizon with Dawson's Creek. It also has a katana.

Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
posted 08-09-2003 08:47:40 PM
Silent Hill 1 (only one I have played so far) was FUCKING SCARY
posted 08-09-2003 08:56:01 PM
Terena Azal wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Silent Hill 3 isn't on Xbox.

i think i saw this board at hastings that said it will be on xbox next month...might be mistaken.

Dr Cysa
Angsty Mcangst
posted 08-10-2003 04:04:16 AM
Everyone wondered WTF when Xyless wrote:
i think i saw this board at hastings that said it will be on xbox next month...might be mistaken.

Putting Silent Hill 2 on Xbox is a mistake. It is on the PS2 where it belongs.

NOTE: They did not change the graphics at all from PS2 to Xbox and the PS2 version came out sooner so I do not quite see why the Xbox version was worth it?


I have sufficiently met my quota, for the day. Unfortunately this Silent Hill is far superior to its predecessor in fear, there for I can take much less of the game at a time.

Fun things:
They have altered the inventory so it is now divided up into categories: Supplies, Items, Weapons. In a very easy and simple to use fashion.

All the same lovely sound setting from the previous two games remain.

The flash light is the same.

Radio is EVIL, as usual.

New monsters are much much scarier. Character designs are much improved.


Look for a future thread where I will reveal actual spoliers

I don't discriminate...I hate everyone.
Nwist, Who?
posted 08-10-2003 04:11:16 AM
Meh, in SH2, and what I've seen from 3, the monsters aren't all that scary. They just look like random body parts glued to a torso.
Dr Cysa
Angsty Mcangst
posted 08-10-2003 04:18:29 AM
Nwizzle Fo' Shizzle's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
Meh, in SH2, and what I've seen from 3, the monsters aren't all that scary. They just look like random body parts glued to a torso.

No no no, those were the crack manicans. No one in the universe will figure out what the fuck they were suppose to be. The scary stuff out of SH3 were the crazy nurses, and HIM! THE GIAN EVIL SATANIC PYRAMID HEADED RED DEVIL!

I don't discriminate...I hate everyone.
Cookie Goddess!
posted 08-11-2003 10:32:50 AM
What freaked me out in the first game was those little child-demons in the school... <shudders>

Number 2 wasn't as scary as number 1, but still a good game.

Cookie Goddess Supreme
Furry Kitsune of Power!
Pouncer of the 12th degree!
"Cxularath ftombn gonoragh pv'iornw hqxoxon targh!"
Translated: "Sell your soul for a cookie?"
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