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Topic: Local Subway runs out of bread.
Tal NSFW!!
posted 08-01-2003 09:34:12 PM
What the fuck.
Oh shi...
posted 08-01-2003 09:37:23 PM
It happened once before at mine, but only once. And I never saw the two employees that worked there ever again.
Palador ChibiDragon
posted 08-01-2003 10:17:41 PM
Eh, it can happen.

Most places don't want to keep too much food stuff on hand, lest it go bad on them. So, they try to have just a bit more than they need to last till the next shipment of supplies. Should that shipment get delayed...

Or, maybe the oven broke or something?

I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
A completely different kind of Buckethead
posted 08-02-2003 11:12:29 AM
The Great Voldo had this to say about (_|_):
It happened once before at mine, but only once. And I never saw the two employees that worked there ever again.

Where do you think they got the next batch of bread from?

posted 08-02-2003 11:35:06 AM
Vorago was listening to Cher while typing:
Where do you think they got the next batch of bread from?

Subway bread is PEOPLE?

A completely different kind of Buckethead
posted 08-02-2003 11:43:03 AM
Kermitov wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Subway bread is PEOPLE?


My hair is a deadly weapon
posted 08-02-2003 12:33:18 PM
Ours runs out of meatballs all the time
Old and Gay
posted 08-02-2003 12:46:40 PM
The worst thing is whenever something like that happens, the customer wants something else for free. WHY THE FUCK WOULD WE GIVE YOU FREE FOOD BECAUSE WE'RE OUT OF SOMETHING ELSE? I guess it only makes sense in the poor undeveloped mind of a three year old.
A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent.
posted 08-02-2003 12:50:50 PM
They run out of white bread the quickest here usually

So you want to start a revolution. Well, you know...
posted 08-02-2003 02:04:51 PM
Cool Hand Luke stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
The worst thing is whenever something like that happens, the customer wants something else for free. WHY THE FUCK WOULD WE GIVE YOU FREE FOOD BECAUSE WE'RE OUT OF SOMETHING ELSE? I guess it only makes sense in the poor undeveloped mind of a three year old.

"The debit machine is down? I only have a debit card!"

"I'm sorry ma'am, our machine is down, and we're only taking cash or credit"

"But I don't have cash"

"Well, then I suggest you walk down to the bank, and get some"

"But I didn't know your debit wasn't working, I'll just come back later"

"No, we had signs up at the pump, I told you over the intercom that the debit was down, and you still pumped, if your car leaves this lot without you paying, I have to call the police to report a theft, so have a nice walk"


*customer walks out to car, gets cash from friend, and pays*

I hate customers.

Bite me.

No, Really. Bite me.

Elvish Crack Piper
Murder is justified so long as people believe in something different than you do
posted 08-02-2003 02:21:00 PM
Aury painfully thought these words up:
Ours runs out of meatballs all the time

I know, I REALLLY REAAALY hate that.

Its not like they arent out of meatballs every day when I coem in, or there like "well, we have 3 left do you want that with pepperoni and stuff too?"

The Chicken pizzeolla was invented to use up all the extra sauce they have lying around from oversaucing meatballs.

Grrr, I want my meatballs

On a side note, who the heck is whitemage?

(Insert Funny Phrase Here)
Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 08-02-2003 02:26:14 PM
Elspeth had this to say about Knight Rider:
They run out of white bread the quickest here usually

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Bummey the Fool
Prefers to play with men
posted 08-02-2003 02:26:59 PM
ACES! Another post by Elvish Crack Piper:

On a side note, who the heck is whitemage?


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