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Topic: Military People! I need your help!
Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 07-21-2003 09:39:28 PM
I need to know something about yalls DD Form 4 ( Enlistment Form ) for both someone that is Active Duty and someone that enlisted in the Reserves. I do not know if we have any reservses here or someone that is in the Navy. But I am looking for help regardless.

On Tam's Contract, in Section B option 8 it states that she is joining the Naval Reserves. Later in the contact it states that her branch of service is just Navy. Then again later in the contract there are several pages that states United States Naval Reserve.

Excluding the following portions of your contract:
- DEP Portion that declares you a reserve until your Boot Camp date
- The portion that discusses how long you are inactive

Is there ANY reference to the Reserves on your contract for those of you that are Active Duty. If you are a Reserve, does your contract go back and forth between stating the Reserves and just whatever branch you are in.

Please help if you can... I need my sanity and the recruiters are NO help. They get confused when I say the words TAR, TEP, 5 years active duty, and Naval Reserve in the same sentence.

[ 07-21-2003: Message edited by: Pesco ]

posted 07-21-2003 11:16:29 PM
I'm unsure of how much help I can be here but I will try.
When you are in the DEP, you are considered Inactive Reserve. This counts toward your Inactive Reserve time which is owed after your active duty or Reserve time is paid. Basically what that means that if your job is in dire need of more bodies and you are on Inactive Reserve after you seperate, they can pull you back into the service once more. Happened to a few SEALs, aircrew, PJ/CCT for AF.
In any case, to go to Basic, you must activate to active duty. Your tech training or whatever the Navy calls it (damn wierd lingo) is also considered an activation, and you are an active duty airman/sailor. So while she is doing all of that, she is considered active duty, gets paid active duty pay, recieves BAS/BAH, etc. After completion of her job training, she will return to her Reserve unit, not to a base of the Navy's choosing. Once she returns, she will be unactivated, unless perhaps the unit is activated, and she will begin normal Reserve life. I have no idea whether that ramble helped or not, but thats kind of what it sounds like is going on.
Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 07-21-2003 11:22:54 PM
The weird thing is.. it says Naval Reserve but lists her as 4 Years Active Duty. This would point to the TAR program but one of the recruiters here seems to think that she is actually Full Navy. Yet the Program Enlisted For is TEP AV which is supposedly TAR Training.

Now here is my question. WTF is she? Is she Full or Reserve? Is she some sort of weird Hybrid classification? I already know that a TAR works Tuesday - Sunday on a Naval Reserve Base.. But since that is a Full Time Job wouldnt that make her Full Navy?

31337 UBB hax0r
posted 07-21-2003 11:22:57 PM
In basic Training and Tech school you are considered Active Duty, then, if you joined the reserves, you go into reserve status upon completion of school.

I am active duty, I'm also a reservist, its weird like that. Though I may have joined for 5 years, I have to serve a total of 8 years, 3 being in the reserves.

But if you want, I can find the form 4 for you.

[ 07-21-2003: Message edited by: Ninok ]

Old Skool Has returned from the Dead
31337 UBB hax0r
posted 07-21-2003 11:24:47 PM
Pesco's account was hax0red to write:
The weird thing is.. it says Naval Reserve but lists her as 4 Years Active Duty. This would point to the TAR program but one of the recruiters here seems to think that she is actually Full Navy. Yet the Program Enlisted For is TEP AV which is supposedly TAR Training.

Now here is my question. WTF is she? Is she Full or Reserve? Is she some sort of weird Hybrid classification? I already know that a TAR works Tuesday - Sunday on a Naval Reserve Base.. But since that is a Full Time Job wouldnt that make her Full Navy?

With THAT being said, she is Active reserve, IE, there ARE full active reserve units. Not units that activate and deactivate, units that stay active with reserve personal.

Old Skool Has returned from the Dead
Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 07-21-2003 11:25:39 PM

[ 07-21-2003: Message edited by: Pesco ]

31337 UBB hax0r
posted 07-21-2003 11:27:32 PM
Well its more like this, we have a reserve F-16 fighter squadron here in San Antonio, you can't let those planes sit for weeks on end until 1 weekend for everyone to show, someone HAS to be there everyday. Thus its like a unit where you never get transfered like an Active person, but you do the same as the Active person only on one station for the entire time you are in the reserves.
Old Skool Has returned from the Dead
31337 UBB hax0r
posted 07-21-2003 11:30:43 PM
Personally I would rather move into the reserves as an Active reservist, you get paid everything an Active member does, but with the less hassle of an Active individual. Tammy is rather in a sweet spot when of the military =D.
Old Skool Has returned from the Dead
Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 07-21-2003 11:36:36 PM
I hope so... The letters I get from Boot Camp, however soothing to read, are in reality very heartbreaking. She wants to be together ASAP and I want to be together ASAP, and if she is an Active Reserve then we will get all the time together we need with small periods every year or so for Training Deployments.

I know that anything can happen in the military, I just hope for the best.

31337 UBB hax0r
posted 07-21-2003 11:38:57 PM
Well, I don't know about the Navy alot, but she shouldn't deploy as much as other active units, if she deploys at all. I know its hard not being with her, I'm in the same boat sometimes. But you also have to understand that you have a good 60 years ahead of you with her, this is just the beginning!
Old Skool Has returned from the Dead
Sarudani Miolnir
Old-school poster
posted 07-22-2003 12:43:23 AM
When I met my bro in law he was active reserve in the Navy. Specifically, he was an full time airframe mechanic for VFA-305, a F-18 reserve squadron. All of the squadron's pilots were inactive reserve, typically they were commercial airliner pilots who joined the reserves so they could get the rush of flying on and off a boat without the hassle of being a full time fighter jock.

Now for the point, the navy has lots of reserve units that require full time people to take care of the weekend warrior's toys. I don't know what Tam's job will be, but it's definitely possible to be full time in a reserve unit.

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