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Topic: Roleplaying on IRC, And Why It Is A Sin
posted 07-06-2003 09:15:27 PM
I do it. I do it alot. I tried to cut down but it PULLS me back. However, I...dislike many of the other players. Allow me to list a few for your entertainment:

- The Whore: Yes, they only RP busty, red-haired women that wear nothing and are very independent so they can cyber. The reality is it's either a horny girl (widely thought to be a myth) or a man, of indeterminable age.

- The Unique Guy: Much like those that are Emo, Goth or Pretend Hippy, they think that by wearing the clothing that defines those types of people is as clever as Dennis Miller's show in HBO when in reality it's as clever as Star Trek Erotic Fan Fiction. For example, I play an ex-drug addict who suffers from relapse, so not that much of an ex-drug addict who happens to have been in a mildly popular musical group. He spent his youth with his parents and his two siblings. His father was killed as a police officer when he was 16. He joined a gang in highschool, a larger gang when he was older, didn't really learn shit in college (public). So on, so forth. Realistic stuff. (Also, he's Fianna but the setting for the room is the World of Darkness games so I wanted to be Garou. He still has flaws). While every other character is as such:

I got an new idea for a character, he's 6'3, muscular, powerful, likes heavy metal rock and grunge but when he finds his one true love who will be in the Haven, he will be polite with her, but rude to everyone else.


- The Inconsiderate RPer: This player will leave RPing with you to go RP with someone else. Someone they find my interesting physically, usually. A considerate player would do it IC, as opposed to just stand up and leave. This player needs to be lynch my mutant Irishmen.

'S all I can think of. Add your own.


Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 07-06-2003 09:20:49 PM
You need to read the comic Elf Only Inn. Makes me laugh my ass off. I've seen all the types of people mocked in that comic.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

posted 07-06-2003 09:22:30 PM
Ah, Lyinar, you speak to moi? We folk 'round these parts like to talk to our friends.

Ya know what might be delicious as well? A URL.


posted 07-06-2003 09:24:52 PM
Check out the big brain on Ozimander!
...or a man, of indeterminable age.

Shut up, shut up, shut up!

*rocks back and forth, grimacing*

""...destructive analysis of the familiar is the only method of approach to an understanding of fundamentally different modes of expression." -Edward Sapir, Language
posted 07-06-2003 09:25:21 PM
Ozimander spewed forth this undeniable truth:
Ah, Lyinar, you speak to moi? We folk 'round these parts like to talk to our friends.

Ya know what might be delicious as well? A URL.



Life... is like a box of chocolates. A cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift that nobody ever asks for. Unreturnable, because all you get back is another box of chocolates. You're stuck with this undefinable whipped-mint crap that you mindlessly wolf down when there's nothing else left to eat. Sure, once in a while, there's a peanut butter cup, or an English toffee. But they're gone too fast, the taste is fleeting. So you end up with nothing but broken bits, filled with hardened jelly and teeth-crunching nuts, and if you're desperate enough to eat those, all you've got left is a... is an empty box... filled with useless, brown paper wrappers.
I <3 My Deviant
posted 07-06-2003 09:26:41 PM
Ozimander wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Ah, Lyinar, you speak to moi? We folk 'round these parts like to talk to our friends.

Ya know what might be delicious as well? A URL.


http://elfonlyinn.keenspace.com/ Bazzam!
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 07-06-2003 09:27:04 PM
Yeah, there ya go.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 07-06-2003 09:29:28 PM
There was much rejoicing when Ozimander said this:

- The Whore: Yes, they only RP busty, red-haired women that wear nothing and are very independent so they can cyber. The reality is it's either a horny girl (widely thought to be a myth) or a man, of indeterminable age.

Oh, and 99% of the time, this is a guy. We used to have a girl that everyone was hot for, and it turned out it was a guy named Jade.

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Arrenn Lightblade
Yes. Yes he is.
posted 07-06-2003 09:49:49 PM
Well, since we are kind of on the subject, anyone know of a decent plays to roleplay?
posted 07-06-2003 09:50:39 PM
Well, with a name like Jade, mayhaps the parents could be blamed...
Dad's going to kill you. Really. He is.
Vader to Deth's Obi-wan
posted 07-06-2003 10:00:12 PM
I don't know where you rp.. but you need to find a new place. The only stuff on your list I've come across in my many years of rp'ing is the big ass angry dude, and that was a long time ago. Most places where I have played recently on IRC those types of characters are ignored.

Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 07-06-2003 10:00:46 PM
From the book of Arrenn Lightblade, chapter 3, verse 16:
Well, since we are kind of on the subject, anyone know of a decent plays to roleplay?

I tried, argh did I try, BUT FAILED

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
Arrenn Lightblade
Yes. Yes he is.
posted 07-06-2003 10:15:32 PM
Tried to set a place up?
The hip-hop-happiest bunny in all of marshmallow woods
posted 07-06-2003 10:19:12 PM
- The Guy Who Just Dosen't Know What's Going On: You know this guy. He makes you feel GOOD about your random, pathetic newbie days. Say you're in a medieval type setting; he's the one who beams down from his own starship, dispatches an alien assassin as it comes to get him and synthesyzes alien booze for everyone in an attempt to put the tavern out of business. Or in a cyberpunk setting, he's the guy in the cloak with the glowing violet eyes, talking to a floating skull beside him and casting spells left and right. No matter how you explain it to him, he never really quite gets it, or if he does he tries to modify the setting to his own needs. Usually eventually ends up getting banned/kicked out by society, but everyone feels really bad about it because he's not BAD, just dosen't get it.

- Weird Fetish Person: OK, maybe this is a phenomenon unique only to females/female characters. Or maybe it's just me. But occasionally your character gets, cough, romantically involved with another. And occasionally this ends up in the private room session. And sometimes it is only there you find out this otherwise nice and normal person is an UTTER GOD DAMN FREAK who wants you to, like, chew his penis like bubble gum. What the fuck.

- Guy From Another Room: Generally only shows up to plug this other room. Generally stays only long enough for the @'s to take notice and bannify.

- Music Guy: Interrupts RP every five minutes as his script announces he is now listening to ::[Backstreet Boys - Something Generic]::. Won't/can't shut it off. Lasts approximately two days, depending on the room patrons/@'s patience.

- The Actual, Swear to God, Real Life Woman: Identifiable because she plays a female character, but is not a big-breasted slut. Tends to get hit on anyway because she's female. Once people find out she actually is a real woman gains like FIVE BILLION POINTS OF POPULARITY RIGHT THERE. Attracts the Weird Fetish Person like a fucking MAGNET.

I need a new place to RP. And I just whipped up a new cyberpunk character, too...

I just spent
my last cent
purchasing this poverty.

posted 07-06-2003 10:20:58 PM
Nicole wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
I need a new place to RP. And I just whipped up a new cyberpunk character, too...

I don't know, that shit sounds hilarious to me.

A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.

It's not something people hear about.

posted 07-06-2003 10:22:37 PM
Arrenn Lightblade said this about your mom:
Well, since we are kind of on the subject, anyone know of a decent plays to roleplay?

On .s.o.r.c.e.r.y.net there is a place where I play sometimes, #Broken_Dagger

It has some of those folks but doesn't suck royal cock like many others. Tell me if you join, we can RP someday.


posted 07-06-2003 10:25:40 PM
Ozimander had this to say about Cuba:
On .s.o.r.c.e.r.y.net there is a place where I play sometimes, #Broken_Dagger

Dude, what the fuck. Some girl in there stalks me,

A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.

It's not something people hear about.

posted 07-06-2003 10:32:22 PM
Sean had this to say about Robocop:
Dude, what the fuck. Some girl in there stalks me,

Hahahah! HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAAHAHA! Laughs for a ridiculously long time

Comedy gold...


posted 07-06-2003 10:34:11 PM
Seriously, who the fuck is Sylvanna and why won't she leave me alone?
A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.

It's not something people hear about.

Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 07-06-2003 10:42:17 PM
Arrenn Lightblade wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Tried to set a place up?

Yeah =(

I left the site up

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
posted 07-06-2003 10:43:16 PM
I liked RPing in RPcrest, but it seemed to me people stopped RPing.

Oh well

So you want to start a revolution. Well, you know...
posted 07-06-2003 10:47:28 PM
The logic train ran off the tracks when Elspeth said:
I liked RPing in RPcrest, but it seemed to me people stopped RPing.

Oh well

Whoa, where'd you come from?

posted 07-06-2003 10:50:16 PM
Elspeth tried to impress everyone with:
I liked RPing in RPcrest, but it seemed to me people stopped RPing.

Oh well

RPCrest is just an evil organization now.

posted 07-06-2003 10:56:19 PM
We're misunderstood.

But our bling bling is not.

A Kansas City Shuffle is when everybody looks right, you go left.

It's not something people hear about.

posted 07-06-2003 11:08:23 PM
Actual RPing is done in off rooms relevant to the RP, since we've attracted a lot of people who don't RP, and still want to carry on their conversations.
Dad's going to kill you. Really. He is.
Canadian Mountee
Rumble Pak+FMV Sequence=FUN!
posted 07-06-2003 11:25:04 PM
I am a knight who came from the east ! do you think i can find adventures here and maybe a bottle of ale ?

(lol this is fun !! )

The World is Yours
Mr. Parcelan
posted 07-06-2003 11:25:57 PM
This insanity brought to you by Drysart:
RPCrest is just an evil organization now.

This would be FOMAC if you hadn't broken our leader.

posted 07-06-2003 11:26:37 PM
I am a swordsman who came from the west ! You killed my parents, buy me a drink and die .

(omg I rawk at this )

posted 07-07-2003 01:24:22 AM
Vorbo Goatboy wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Whoa, where'd you come from?

Came down to Ian's room to get my Digital Camera that he took without asking, saw he was posting on a thread, I asked if I could post under me quickly, and that's that!

How are you Vorb (Vorbis?)?

Sean, you must be D...who was/is Demitri?

Liam? You were in RPcrest too, a monk, but for the life of me I can't remember what your name was. Oh that's right Aedil

So, just dropping a line again.

Take care all

So you want to start a revolution. Well, you know...
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 07-07-2003 01:28:24 AM
A sleep deprived Elspeth stammered:
Sean, you must be D...who was/is Demitri?


"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
posted 07-07-2003 01:29:19 AM
Hey Elspeth! Long time no see.
posted 07-07-2003 01:30:05 AM
Elspeth thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Came down to Ian's room to get my Digital Camera that he took without asking, saw he was posting on a thread, I asked if I could post under me quickly, and that's that!

How are you Vorb (Vorbis?)?

Ah! Yup, still Vorbis, and still doing mighty fine!

Hadn't heard much of you since you got back from Japan.

Hope life finds you well!

Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 07-07-2003 09:56:17 PM
This thread gets a five just for Ozius and Nicole's IRC RPer stereotypes.
Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

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