Name the movie and character name, and win a prize.
Mortious got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
<---Name the movie and character name, and win a prize.
Garthim! RIDE!
The Dark Crystal
JooJooFlop had this to say about Captain Planet:
I hate puppet movies.
Thats funny coming from a gumbi character.
JooJooFlop's account was hax0red to write:
I hate puppet movies.
I do, too, but I actually liked Dark Crystal.
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
Cinnistyr's unholy Backstreet Boys obsession manifested in:
Thats funny coming from a gumbi character.
I'm very tempted to hit you for confusing puppets with claymation.
That's like confusing Kraft Singles with fine aged cheddar.
JooJooFlop had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
I'm very tempted to hit you for confusing puppets with claymation.That's like confusing Kraft Singles with fine aged cheddar.
Cheese is cheeese is cheeeese!
unless it is blue cheese in which it is mold.
Who were your favortites, the old mystics, or the fearsome skeksis? And did you have a personal favorite from the two groups, such as the Chamberlain, the old emperor, etc.
Cinnistyr had this to say:
And did you have a personal favorite from the two groups, such as the Chamberlain, the old emperor, etc.
The Skeksis High Priest, the one who refused to lead after the old Emperor died (even though others wanted him to).
He was the one who wore a full golden suit, and held a sacrificial knife almost 24/7.
I still...vaguely remember parts of it. Nothing coherent.
Although I recognized the one vulture puppet thing immediately when it had a cameo in Farscape [ 05-24-2003: Message edited by: Bill ]
Nobody really understood why Cinnistyr wrote:
I absolutely adored that movie when I was younger.
Ok. New test. Name the long legged white creatures from the Dark Crystal that were ridden by the gelflings.
I liked the mystics as a child, skeksis as I grew up.