Let's say you have high strength and low intelligence, and you're an accomplished blacksmith. Now supposed you suddenly decided to take on a Wizard's tradeskill, like alchemy or something. Now when you were smithing your skills went up fast due to your high strength score, but now you find that you have to practice a LOT just advance a little in alchemy. At the same time your smithing skill starts deteriorating. When you gain 1 point of Alchemy you lose 10 points of Smithing. if you try to make up for those 10 points of smithing you lost, after easily gaining back 9 points of smithing you lose that 1 point of Alchemy you just worked so hard to get.
The argument put to me is that your tradeskills shouldn't depreciate and should remain the same while you take up another, which will allow you to become a master of all tradeskills (which I don't want to happen). What do you think?