This is mine.
I have just one thing to say.
OMFG that was awesome!
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Who was the kid that changed channels whenever he blinked?
And what about the screaming bitch?
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
From the book of Iron Parcelan, chapter 3, verse 16:
QUESTIONSWho was the kid that changed channels whenever he blinked?
I think that might have been a little known character called "Whiz Kid". He had the power to control and transform/create machines. Leave him in a junkyard, and he can make a 15ft tall robot with little problem (though it might not work once he stops concentrating on it).
He tended to hang out with two other little kids, named Artie and Leech. Though he looked nothing like the comicbook version of Artie, that was the name of the kid that stuck out his tounge at the begining and end of the movie.
The only reason I'm not sure if it was really Whiz Kid, is because WK couldn't walk, and used a wheelchair. (Motorized wheelchair, which he sometimes did interesting things with using his powers.)
And what about the screaming bitch?
Siren (sp?). Her powers center around a sonic scream that can actually cause deafness, shatter glass, and break steel. [ 05-15-2003: Message edited by: Palador ChibiDragon ]
And I like the general development of powers over time. Like Palador said Siryn's scream could cause deafness or shatter things, but all it did in the movie was cause intense aural pain. Of course, she's only a kid right now. So it leaves the door open for development as she ages.
Everyone's not a badass at first, and I like seeing that. [ 05-15-2003: Message edited by: Lyinar Ka`Bael ]
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
The positives first, keeping it semi-vague so I don't spoil stuff for anyone:
Pretty much any scene involving Magneto was awesome. Mystique was great just for the FX. Pyro blowing stuff up owned, same for Wolverine in the mansion.
The negatives:
The fights involving Jean Grey and Wolverine at the end were pretty dull and unimaginative imo. The end sequence wouldn't have made sense to anyone not in the know about the story already. There was far too much filler between the actual action.
Lyinar Ka`Bael had this to say about Pirotess:
They threw in a kid in the first movie I believe who was never in the comics, so the one watching TV could also have just been a plot device.
I would have thought the same, but for the mention of Artie. Artie, Whiz Kid, and Leech were a team. Where one went, the other two would never be far behind.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Palador ChibiDragon's fortune cookie read:
I would have thought the same, but for the mention of Artie. Artie, Whiz Kid, and Leech were a team. Where one went, the other two would never be far behind.
Who knows. Maybe they'll use him in the next movie more
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
From the book of Lyinar Ka`Bael, chapter 3, verse 16:
Who knows. Maybe they'll use him in the next movie more
I hope not. Whiz Kid is actually far too powerful to use and keep the plot reasonable. His power basically allows him to make whatever gizmo or repairs they might need, whenever they need it.
Example: At the end of the movie, when Rogue flew the X-Jet, he could have flown it without any problem using his powers. Or, he could have fixed it before the flood hit, preventing the sacrifice of Jean. Cerebro's locked door would have slowed him down for only 15 seconds or so, as he mentally reworked the locks. Cerebro itself would have been disabled easily, saving Storm the trouble of stopping it.
They might use him as a minor character in the next film again, but I can't see them using him for anything else. Ditto with Artie (Power: telepathic image creation, basically making you see something that isn't there) and ESPECALLY Leech (Power: Negation of any and ALL superhuman powers within his area of effect, you'll notice that they didn't have him in there at all).
I even liked the fact Nightcrawler wasn't fuzzy (he has short fur all over his body in the comic, hence his nickname "Fuzzy Elf")...the angelic whorl scars were a nice touch. I liked the opening sequence...they definitely got the teleportation down right...
and of course, there are the things they threw in just for fans...
1. When you see Mystique looking up Magneto's file in the computer, just above "Lensherr, Eric" is "LeBeau, Remy" aka Gambit [ 05-15-2003: Message edited by: Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael ]
2. Discussing Mutants on CNN? None other than Doctor Henry McCoy (in human form...I nearly wet my pants to see the Beast...jolly good show there)
3. The Phoenix storyline. I doubt, given the mutant-centric storyline, that they'll go into the Shi'ar/aliens element of it, but it was pretty cool to see Jean getting fiery.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
A sleep deprived Lyinar Ka`Bael stammered:
I dunno, I think it was pretty damn sweet to see Jean fight Scott. But you are right about the end sequence. I'm sure they'll clarify in the third movie, but for now people who have never known about the Phoenix storyline will be pretty damned confused.
The idea was good, but the whole laser beam pushing fight theme has been a bit overdone imo.
There was much rejoicing when Shazorx / Modrakien said this:
The idea was good, but the whole laser beam pushing fight theme has been a bit overdone imo.
Scott's optic blasts aren't lasers. They're beams of concussive force; a common misconception.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
1. The new costumes. In the first movie, they were very tight, restrictive things. They seemed to fit better this go around, and fit the characters better.
2. Scott's new visor. In the first movie, if you recall, it was a huge clunky thing; the new visor was thinner, sleeker. Very cool.
3. Magneto's brutality...In the first movie, they sort of painted Magneto as a good guy doing things the wrong way; he didn't want to acknowledge that the process he was using was dangerous to normal the second movie, it was nice to see the dichotomy of his behavior. On one hand, he could be very charming and charitable towards mutants (in a way), but on the other hand, he wasn't above yanking the extra iron out of the guard's bloodstream and attempting to commit genocide
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
And Storm really came into her own in this movie. I was very very happy to see more Storm being a badass.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Pyro : Actually, they've discovered the mutant gene is passed down from the father, so it's his fault.
That part cracked me up
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
"So, they say you're the badguy."
"Is that what they say?"
There's just something about that one tiny little part that screams Magneto. [ 05-16-2003: Message edited by: Comrade Snoota ]
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Frankly, I was glad that Rogue and Iceman had such bit parts in this one. Too much Rogue (especially with such a young actress playing her) would rapidly turn her into a "Jubilee" character, which would piss me off seeing as how they've stacked the deck of other mutants nicely.
I want to see Colossus again next time. They need a heavy hitter. Wolverine is, as always, a badass, but you need a bona fide tank sometimes.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
I laughed
Niklas stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
Why has no one mentioned the part where Magneto pulls the pins out from all the grenades? That was probably my favorite part.
It was in one of the other threads and this was deserving of the spoiler tags.
(and too old to edit now, rats [ 05-16-2003: Message edited by: Niklas ] )
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael's account was hax0red to write:
I want to see Colossus again next time. They need a heavy hitter. Wolverine is, as always, a badass, but you need a bona fide tank sometimes.
Until your tank becomes a wrecking ball of friendly fire when he crosses Magneto.
It's not something people hear about.
Now imagine that sort of fight on the big screen. Tasty.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
*edit* How do you do spoiler tags? [ 05-16-2003: Message edited by: Zair ]
Zair had this to say about the Spice Girls:
[/spoiler] When Prof X was using Cerebro to kill all the mutants, and they were all practically incapacitated from pain, why was the mutant in the wheelchair unaffected? The one creating the illusions. [/spoiler]*edit* How do you do spoiler tags?
leave the / out of the first one.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Zair was all like:
[/spoiler] When Prof X was using Cerebro to kill all the mutants, and they were all practically incapacitated from pain, why was the mutant in the wheelchair unaffected? The one creating the illusions. [/spoiler]*edit* How do you do spoiler tags?
I think Jason made himself invisible to Cerebro, since it was his illusion and he could control what went on in it. So Professor X never "found" him, especially since he was pretending to be a little kid and not the decimated form he was in the wheelchair.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
There's also the fact that if Xavier was being mind controlled, Jason simply told him to not target him. Likewise, there's the possibility that Jason (more or less comatose to the world around him) was being affected and just didn't show it. My guess is that if Xavier HAD wiped out all mutants, however, Jason and Xavier would have been included.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
There was much rejoicing when Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael said this:
It would explain why Xavier asks people who come into the Cerebro chamber with him to not move; if they change their ongoing status, Cerebro refreshes their data, and if Xavier is busy acting both as bandwidth and at the same controlling Cerebro, he may zero in on those around him.
"Wow Proffessor, that's cool. What's that over thereeeeeaaaaaaahhh...!"
"My tolerance for your smoking in the Mansion not withstanding, if you continue to smoke that in here you will live the rest of your days under the belief that you are a nine year old girl."
" can do that?"
"I'll even have Jean braid your hair."