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Topic: My precious.....
Sinice Aralund
posted 04-04-2003 10:14:23 PM
We loves you....
She cried out in a loud voice, "Mother, into your hands I commend my spirit";
Kekvit Irae
posted 04-04-2003 10:15:56 PM
Store an entire collection of digital music — over 2,500 songs — in this portable player with 10.0GB hard drive.

posted 04-04-2003 10:23:40 PM
Kekvit Irae had this to say about pies:

Theres smaller, and more Disk space.

Sinice Aralund
posted 04-04-2003 10:27:06 PM
Quite frankly... I don't even have 6GB of MP3s on my computers.... And the steps of MP3 Player storage are:

64mb with those retarded, overpriced Flash memory sticks
128mb with those retarded, overpriced Flash memory sticks
(Go on to Insane amounts)

They used to make 6GB ones, which they apparently don't make anymore.

She cried out in a loud voice, "Mother, into your hands I commend my spirit";
Sinice Aralund
posted 04-04-2003 11:10:29 PM
It came loaded with 129 perfect quality classical music tracks...

You have no idea how hard it is it find a decent quality MP3 of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata... Or any other classical music MP3s


I think people smoke crack while naming their MP3s sometimes.

She cried out in a loud voice, "Mother, into your hands I commend my spirit";
posted 04-04-2003 11:19:54 PM
Just rip your own music?
Steven Steve
posted 04-04-2003 11:22:47 PM
Well actually, that's not quite right, because the owners of the One Ring actually hate it, but are magically drawn to it.
"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

Sinice Aralund
posted 04-04-2003 11:27:47 PM
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Tier was all like:
Just rip your own music?

You mean my own Brandenberg Concerto? My own Water Music? My own New World Symphony? My own Hungarian Dance? My own Pleading Child? My own Blue Danube? My own Anitra's Dance? My own Clair de Lune? My own 'Planets'? My own Fantasie Impromptu? My own Firebird Suite?

You see where this is going?
That's a lot of different CDs, a LOT.
Seeing that it's all Public Domain too, I don't feel to bad, because I'm not exactly stealing food from the mouth of Beethoven, and I doubt I'll get a call from a lawyer representing the estate of Mr. Chopin regarding his intellectual property.

So in other words: Bite me, ^_^

She cried out in a loud voice, "Mother, into your hands I commend my spirit";
Iulius Czar
posted 04-05-2003 01:07:17 AM
In the I-can't-believe-I'm-posting-an-anti-piracy-argument department

An ensemble can own a particular recording of a work though--some orchestras are quite proud of their sound.

Sinice Aralund
posted 04-05-2003 01:29:51 AM
Iulius Kæsar attempted to be funny by writing:
In the I-can't-believe-I'm-posting-an-anti-piracy-argument department

An ensemble can own a particular recording of a work though--some orchestras are quite proud of their sound.

But these MP3s came WITH the MP3 Player, with full credits.

They were even Made In China, extra cheap Classical Music (Beijing Central Phil Orchestra).
My MP3 Player is infected with Communism...

She cried out in a loud voice, "Mother, into your hands I commend my spirit";
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