anyhow, here's ta thing;
I like to know not ofly what you think of the painting, but also of What mini (not that paint but the mini it self) do you like most, that you would buy.
This is a kind of poll, as i buy minis to sell them painted.
Anyhow, anjoy the pics!
Edit: This picture never fails to make me laugh [ 03-23-2003: Message edited by: Tegadil ]
EDIT: And is there anything from Legions of Steel in there? That's pretty much my favorite minis game ever. [ 03-23-2003: Message edited by: Mr. Glass ]
Mr. Glass wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Cool! What's this one from?
It's most likely the Apocolypse game, but I cant be sure. Reaper has the single best quality minis in the industry, and it has a sweet online catalog to browse through
EDIT: Correction, it's actually a Warlord mini, found [ 03-23-2003: Message edited by: Kekvit Irae ]
Those Reaper miniatures!
Those in particular are of a quality that I would purchase, painted, from an artist such as yourself.
But there's also Confrontation that i love. sure, the minis are not cheap. But the size, the qualaty and the fact that you need but only 4-5 to start playing is fun.
Warhammer is a nice game ... but the fact that 300$ will only give you a starting army sux, and then making the minis (cuting, cleaning, painting, more glueing and then base) is a real pain.
on this note, dont be afraide to ask me if you want a mini =)
Unfortunately both Reaper and Confrontation minis are difficult to find here in the land Down Under (or at least the better models are).
As for WH...heh, my fiance would more than agree with you. I think both she and I would have a stroke if I were to add up just how much I've spent on WH (including minis, paints, etc) over the last 6 months. Expensive, sure , but I do believe (as is evident with their newest figures) you get great quality miniatures for what you pay.
So if you like, even by paying the mailling it can be cheaper from here.
and more i buy ... more i can get it cheap (10 to 20% off)
one my good friends owns a comic book/miniature shop
Bajah Fixed, Hosting and helped me LOTS to get this online and i like to Thank him ever so much for making this OUTSTANDING webpage for little old me.
You Rock Bajah!
I just wanna pet him and hug him and then get killed by him.
Tegadil had this to say about Knight Rider:
I and this guy, whose name escapes me
Ukko: Your work is great, but to be honest it's way to colorful for my taste.
hehehe, no problem and is a pleasure, Ukko. I hope it makes you lots of money
Your talent never stops to amaze me sirs!
first, 2 mindless ones, orc and a hungry barbarien;
And, 2 confrontation... one is a Wolfen and... i belive it is my best mini yet!!!