Let's see all you people who say I create too many threads do without me!
The time right now is 12:26 AM Thursday the 30th. The next time you shall here from me will be 12:30AM Sunday, February the 1st, a full 72 hours and 4 minutes from now.
This does not hold in IRC, I shall be there still if any of you have anything to ask me.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
Honegger had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Going on a trip?
He said he'll be in IRC, so I doubt it.
edit: Plus he's trying to measure the board slowdown in his absence. [ 01-30-2003: Message edited by: Kegwen ]
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
So quoth Suchii:
Whoever wants naked pix of me, post here!
What Suchii really ment to say was:
Whoever wants Bajah to murder them in their sleep with a Black & Decker Gizmo, post here!
Elvish Crack Piper impressed everyone with:
Tempting, but I think bajahs Ire is a tad bit more fearful than suchiis hotness
Suchii's hotness is fearful?
[ 01-30-2003: Message edited by: Vorbo Goatboy ]
Vorbo Goatboy had this to say about dark elf butts:
Suchii's scary meanability + her hammer + the fact she has a car and lives a few hours away from me > any teeny tiny desire to see her naked.
It's more likely she'll drive to your place and kill you over a game of Desert Combat or something than you having seen her naked.
This one time, at Suchii camp:
Whoever wants naked pix of me, post here!
*posts here.. a lot*
Zephyer had this to say about Optimus Prime:
I'd rather have nekkid pictures of Bahaj!
Edit: Yes, I know, I need to shave. I'm outta work, leave me alone. [ 01-30-2003: Message edited by: Bajah ]
Zephyer was naked while typing this:
I'd rather have nekkid pictures of Bahaj!
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Bajah was all like:
I like the biceps.
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
This one time, at Zephyer camp:
I'd rather have nekkid pictures of Bahaj!
Doh, Bahaj ain't around
Hajab had this to say about pies:
Doh, Bahaj ain't around
*WOKS hajab!* Gimme a break, I'm slochsed...er, sloch...sloshed!
quote:That's only 48 hours. January doesn't have 32 days.
The Big Stupid thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
The time right now is 12:26 AM Thursday the 30th. The next time you shall here from me will be 12:30AM Sunday, February the 1st, a full 72 hours and 4 minutes from now.
No, wait, the 1st of February doesn't fall on a Sunday this year. Does this mean you won't be posting for a whole year? [ 01-30-2003: Message edited by: Ford Prefect ]
Ford Prefect had this to say about Duck Tales:
That's only 48 hours. January doesn't have 32 days.
And Feb. 1 is a Saturday.
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
quote:I just noticed that. February 1st 2004 falls on a Sunday though.
Judge Gydyon obviously shouldn't have said:
And Feb. 1 is a Saturday.
Ford Prefect had this to say about Tron:
I just noticed that. February 1st 2004 falls on a Sunday though.
I don't think we're that lucky. [ 01-30-2003: Message edited by: Judge Gydyon ]
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001