Now go get me some CAFFIENE.
CAFFIENE is very good and it makes me HAPPY instead of CRANKY.
I'm very CRANKY because I need CAFFIENE.
Oh, and be sure to get me plenty of MONEY too because MONEY makes everyone happy!@%$#
Oh, and I'm going to spoil the 'Return of the King' ending for you people.
Gollum bites off finger. Gollum fall down go boom. Sam kisses Frodo's finger all better. Things get hot (Inside the volcano) and Frodo and Sam have hot hobbit luvvin'. [ 01-12-2003: Message edited by: Khyron ]
Cadga Model 2000 was programmed to say:
money makes me upset cause it always runs out. Its not that i cant save money im just so damn good at spending it :/
I keep wanting to spend money to get more Xanth books, and I'll be on my way home, and I'll be on the freeway and think 'Hmmm, I could stop by Barnes and Nobles after work and pick up Centaur Isle', but then I'll think 'YOU FOOL! YOU NEED T3H MUNEEZ~!' and hit myself until I die.
It happened! I swear!
they dotn put up a fight much unless you get one thats like Hulk Hogan... cause hes old but not frail!
I'm sick
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
No, Really. Bite me.
I have the Uranus one as my desktop background at home.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Everyone wondered WTF when The Burger wrote:
heh, ever read angst tech Dante?
I've been trying to find the one where Marc suggests they use a time machine to go back in time to encode the source of their new game into human DNA.
we are liek soulmates. omfg.