Submit or face a life in this video!
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, forums
I'm an individual. Just like everyone else!
Soy sauce makes the difference
Pour it, taste it, be amazed!
Restaurants are no mach to him
Take his blow the "Kikko-punch"!
(Eat sunny-side up with soysauce!)
Show me Show you Kikkoman Kikkoman
Show me Show you Kikkoman!
The Star of Soy has send him here
The cool guy called Kikkoman!
Try soy sauce and be healthy
Did you know that it kills germs!
Sauce? Ketchup? Nonsense!
Vanish them with "Kikko Beam"!
(I said eat eggs with soysauce, idiot!)
Show me Show you Kikkoman Kikkoman
Show me Show you Kikkoman!