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Topic: *snore*
King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 11-12-2002 11:54:50 PM
Zzzznnnnn...*hack, snnnnaaaaaaagh!* HMMM! Hmm hmm...zzzzz....
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 11-12-2002 11:57:52 PM
Mortious quietly tiptoes in. Unfortunately, it's hard to tiptoe quietly when you're a large suit of armour.

*crash* *crash* *crash* *crash* *crash*

Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 11-12-2002 11:59:29 PM
*covers Parce with spiders as he sleeps*
I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
posted 11-13-2002 12:01:20 AM
*steals stuff from the fridge*
Rodent King
Stabbed in the Eye
posted 11-13-2002 12:05:10 AM
*Sits down with Zair and eats Parce's food.*
My inner child is bigger than my outer adult.
Road Warrior Queef
posted 11-13-2002 12:11:06 AM
Goddammit, the fucker passed out on top of the plate of buffalo wings. Aw, geez, there's drool all over them now. Motherf...someone order another plate!
That's the American Dream: to make your life into something you can sell. - Chuck Palahniuk, Haunted

Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith


Steven Steve
posted 11-13-2002 12:12:14 AM
*stands up and quickly pulls up pants*
"Absolutely NOTHING [will stop me from buying Diablo III]. I will buy it regardless of what they do."
- Grawbad, Battle.net forums

"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

posted 11-13-2002 12:24:18 AM
Fazum'Zen Fastfist had this to say about pies:
*stands up and quickly pulls up pants*

At least his keyboard survived this time...

"Jesus saves, Buddha enlightens, Cthulhu thinks you'll make a nice sandwich."
posted 11-13-2002 12:51:52 AM
*calls johny knoxville, he'll have some good ideas...*
Bite me.

No, Really. Bite me.

Faelynn LeAndris
Lusty busty redheaded wood elf with sharp claws
posted 11-13-2002 11:26:59 AM
Fazum'Zen Fastfist had this to say about Knight Rider:
*stands up and quickly pulls up pants*

OMFG.... Concindering the vein this thread started in, the parties involved, and the infered action... That is so horribly sick and disturbing, it's not even funny...

My LAUNCHCast Station
"Respect the Forest, Fear the Ranger"
I got lost for an hour and became god.
Freschel Spindrift
posted 11-13-2002 05:45:44 PM
Secretly replaces his regular coffee with Folger's Crystals. Let see what happens.
Who's that crazy kook that's destroying the world. It's Zorc (That's me) It's Zorc and Pals.
Bakura: Did you forget our anniversary, again? (laughter)
Zorc: Yes, I was busy destroying the world (laughter) Slaughtering millions. (Laughter)
Bakura: That's my Zorc.
The blood of the innocents will flow without end. His name is Zorc, and he's destroying the world.
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