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Topic: E&B's kinda cool
Dark Prince
posted 10-02-2002 11:36:49 PM
I was going into it not expecting to be impressed, but so far it's actually pretty entertaining. I imagine I'll play it until I get to the end of their quest line.
posted 10-02-2002 11:40:53 PM
One plus one equals one on a bun.
I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piƱa coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
Delphi Aegis
Delphi. That's right. The oracle. Ask me anything. Anything about your underwear.
posted 10-02-2002 11:44:38 PM
Name? Race? Class? Server? Omg. We must harass you.

Or give you pointers if you're the l33t progen Sentinel.

posted 10-03-2002 12:31:22 AM
Honestly, when I started I thought it was the coolest game ever. Now that I've leveled a bit, I think that it sucks. Trade routes are boring, combat is boring, and finding new points can only get you EL25. All in all, I should have waited for reviews and the like to come out before buying it....damn you impulse purchase goblins, DAMN YOU!
posted 10-03-2002 03:13:45 AM
So far I have found the game to be entertaining. It reminds me alot of Privateer, you can do the quest, or do combat or just Trade a little bit. So far they seem to have alot in it for a game just recently released. I am also wondering were all the High levels from the Beta have gone off to.
Was once a member
posted 10-03-2002 07:42:33 AM
I have the game, had it for beta. I like it alot. If anyone is on andromeda server I have a few characters although I don't much time to play they're low level. I think it's great, but it's more of a filler until SWG.
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