Isnt a livejournal sposed to.. you know.. be live or something? Most people's that I read from one side to the other, only had MAYBE 10 postings. Usually last updated back in July of 2000 or so.
Livejournals are somewhat popular, because bored people like to read about the lives of others, in a legal, pg version of a voyeuristic whatever. Now, this is fine, and dandy, until people stop posting.
Some people really want to know if your uncle got out of jail. They want to know if your slut sister is really going on vacation this summer.
The pathetically bored, socially challenged people NEED to have updates to your livejournal. They want to know everything. They want to imagine what its like to be somebody, ANYBODY else for a few moments of thier day. Now, they may be some pathetic simp who has no life of thier own, and wants to live vicariously though people they dont know, because thier fear of rejection by women, and society in general has ruined them for anything other than AOL sex chat, and looking for nudes of whatever young girlie the WB has givin a series to this week. Or, they may be like me.. at work, bored, and wishing they were somewhere else.
Either way, reading about another persons life, is as much an escape as reading a book, watching a movie...
BAh.. who the hell am I kidding. LiveJournals are not entertainment. They can be entertaining, when you read about some jackass who jumped in a mosh pit, and got his head split open. When somebody claims thier newborn baby is really the child of thier uncle, who is gay, and lives 3000 miles away, and was only around 9 months ago, at Christmas time.
But they are not, in and of themselves, entertainment. They need life breathed into them from time to time.
I guess what I'm saying is..
If you have linkage in your sig, you should have more than three fucking updates..
not that I'm picking at anybody in particular..
You see, your most simple actions, and thoughts, will somewhere, somehow, give some freak something to do. Somebody in Grand Rapids, Michigan, might collect lids from Vegemite jars. Now, polishing off a jar of Vegemite, may seem a common, everyday thing to some folks. But to this sick, depraved soul in Grand Rapids, it is thier meaning in life. They will obsess over the thought of you, titillatingly teasing them with the lid off a food(?) product.
Now, you see... Life, is not dull... maybe it is to you, but not to everybody..
Another person living in Michigan?
there are plenty of active journals. most journals are active.
Squire Twitch had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
If you have linkage in your sig, you should have more than three fucking updates..not that I'm picking at anybody in particular..