It's totally customizable in the spells and equipment area, and making a character is painless.
However, there are still problems. For example, the cleric domain powers seem to be very buggy. The Knowledge domain should make all Knowledge skills class skills, but they are still cross-class. Also the monster generator is not very good at all. In fact, I'd call the monster generator a waste of time. You can advance monsters, but only so far. Also, the only dragons included were adult dragons. If you wanted something smaller or bigger, well you're out of luck.
I still think it's well worth the purchase, and I hope that they will patch out the bugs and incomplete features.
Sorry for the long response too I just moved. Now Kloie can't stalk me! *cackles*
Everyone wondered WTF when Delphi Aegis wrote:
That reminds me to start rolling up practice characters for 3e with that neato disk that came in the back of the PHB.
Those sheets are fucking impossible to extract except to print them on paper.
So quoth G.S. Waisztarroz:
Those sheets are fucking impossible to extract except to print them on paper.
Still, gives me *some* idea of what feats I should choose, spells, etc. I still need to read through the book, Heh.