Otherwise how did he cheat like that
I don't know if you are allowed to have multiple of the same hero though
If so, you can rig a map to do that
If it was a blizz approved game, it was a Wand of Illusion, 3 charges to create a mirror image of the targetted unit, hero included
Vorago had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Were you playing a custom game?If so, you can rig a map to do that
If it was a blizz approved game, it was a Wand of Illusion, 3 charges to create a mirror image of the targetted unit, hero included
That's a lot of fun to do.
If you manage to get a bunch of Wands of Illusion with a Blademaster, get Mirror Image Lv. 3 and use all the wands. Send illusions into the base, along with the REAL Blademaster so you'll do a little bit of damage.
I like to scare the shit out of people.