FAVOURITE GAME: It's a toss up between Age of Empires II (with the expansion) mainly for the multiplayer, and Sim City 2000 for single player. I defy you to find a more linear goal-oriented game that retains as much fun after the first few times you beat it.
GAME OF THE FUTURE: Return to Castle Wolfenstein. The multiplayer kicks serious butt. I'm not normally a big FPS fan, but this one's managed to grab my attention.
BROWNIES OR BOOBIES?: Booth babes aren't appropriate for what Themis does. Themis should be trying to get the attention of people in suits, not gamers. (Though I really WOULD like to see booth babes in revealing 'business attire')
Everyone wondered WTF when Delidgamond wrote:
What other way to get more comfortable than owning your own resort! http://www.philippineshotels.net/batangas/evercrest/index.php3
So when is Drysart going to send us all on a well-deserved vacation to the Philippines?