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Topic: wtf...
Naota Nandaba
Don't ask me about any goddamned bannings!
posted 06-25-2002 04:49:36 PM
Erm... My computer decided to randomly stop displaying certain particle effects...

What it DOES show:
- Effects from players DURING casting
- Effects from NPCs DURING casting
- Post-cast effects (like the purdy blue bubbles that surround you with Heal spells) on ME

What it doesn't show:
- Post-cast effects on players (excluding me)
- Post-cast effects on NPCs

I have no idea what I did. Help.

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Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 06-25-2002 04:52:31 PM
Check your chat filters.
Naota Nandaba
Don't ask me about any goddamned bannings!
posted 06-25-2002 04:54:00 PM
I'll do that when I get home...

Chat filters have an impact on particle effects? Hmm.... Weird.

Nothing amazing happens here.
Only the ordinary.
Delphi Aegis
posted 06-25-2002 04:57:49 PM
I get this as well. Bard songs wont show up on anyone except me, and I'll get the MESSAGE of "soandso is filled by a lupine aura", but I dont get the particle effects.

Petitioned about it a bit ago, and they said it was a known issue.. Maybe they fixed it? cycle all your spell/chat/server filter settings. That might work.

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Naota Nandaba
Don't ask me about any goddamned bannings!
posted 06-25-2002 05:00:58 PM
It was like this last night... I'm headed home now, I'll try some stuff.
Nothing amazing happens here.
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Roll for initiative, Monkey Boy!
posted 06-25-2002 05:09:05 PM
Kegwen 2.0 stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
Chat filters have an impact on particle effects? Hmm.... Weird.

What you think verant would be smart enough to send a few bits out to signal that a player got hit by a spell, instead of just letting the client parce the text messages and apply effects as needed?

On a plane ride, the more it shakes,
The more I have to let go.
Closet Republican
posted 06-25-2002 05:14:10 PM
Blind Swordsman had this to say about Cuba:
What you think verant would be smart enough to send a few bits out to signal that a player got hit by a spell, instead of just letting the client parce the text messages and apply effects as needed?

That's basically how it works already :P

posted 06-25-2002 05:34:13 PM
Also check your particle density and the option to turn it off completely /showspelleffcts(?).

If it's on Low, it'll only show effects during casting, if I remember right.

Dark Evil Panda
posted 06-25-2002 06:05:59 PM
thats just weird
~Dark Evil Panda Person
"I love it when you say that!"
*grins evily and disappears* MWHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Naota Nandaba
Don't ask me about any goddamned bannings!
posted 06-26-2002 12:45:02 AM
A sleep deprived Skaw stammered:
Also check your particle density and the option to turn it off completely /showspelleffcts(?).

If it's on Low, it'll only show effects during casting, if I remember right.

High particle density. /showspelleffects on.


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