What brings this on you ask?
I found a girl I really like. We go out for coffee and then go back to her place.. We joke and play around some(nothing sexual) and we kiss a bit. She kissed me first mind you. Now the next couple times we are together things get a lot more iteresting. We do not make love but we play around a lot. I leave very frustrated by my own choice..
Now why is this information important you ask (because I am sure it is TMI for most)
Well she gets real distant and tells me she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. We have managed to salvage a friendship out of this and I hope for more. But she tells me that because of what we did she doesn't think that will happen. ANd then she drops the real Bomb..
She only let us mess around because she thought it was expected of her. Because of things that have happened to her she finds it easier to just give in than to say no. All because of some bastard that decided she looked like a good piece of ass when she was 8.. I want to kill. I want to find every SOB who has ever done something like this and kill them in a slow and painful manner.
I was lucky. I had a good childhood. Nothing like that ever happened to me. ANd I have never had it hit this close to me either. Please lord Just let me get my hands on one of the SOBs who likes to do this sort of thing.
Sorry for the rant guys.. I just needed to get this out. ANd for the record this has been going on for about 6 weeks now.. Today it has just really hit me hard though..
Sexual Abuse
Yes, please!
Oh ... sorry, nevermind.
THey think they can get thier kicks, and either think "it doesn't hurt anyone" ((as I am betting in my case)) or "they owe it to me" or they really want to hurt the woman.
Men can also be raped, btw.
I personially think, if it were possible, anyone who rapes should, through the wonderfulness of magic, know the agony the victim goes through.
But also, you need to help any way you can. ... If it's happened to you, think of it as somehting to make you stronger. You survived. You made you life better, and letting it rule your life is letting THEM win.
The best thing you can do is talk to them, and let them express their emotions. She doesn't need a boyfriend, she needs a friend that can help her sort things out and get adjusted.
Sexual predators of any kind make me want to vomit... but more importantly, they make me want to dig their hearts out with a rusty nail.
Like it was said above.. be her friend first.. that sort of thing cant be easy, and sometimes all you CAN do is listen, and try to understand. Tell her that appeasement never works. Its wrong to let someone have their way with you when you dont want it.
Not dissing you man, cause I know you wouldnt have messed around with her had you known beforehand...
Man, the whole concept makes me mad..
*sighs* She's gonna have a hard time really getting close to guys in her future, I can tell simply from the way she acts. It takes a lot to recover from anything like that... *sighs*
I think I'll leave this thread untouched, I was feeling somewhat ill before I started reading and thinking, now I'm moreso...
Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.
Children don't turn me on. They just make me reach for the ketchup.
anyone that makes the risk to do such a thing should be punished to the point of not wanting to live... for they will more than likely have destroyed MANY lives in the process...
Azizza got all f'ed up on Angel Dust and wrote:
I found a girl I really like. We go out for coffee and then go back to her place.. We joke and play around some(nothing sexual) and we kiss a bit. She kissed me first mind you. Now the next couple times we are together things get a lot more iteresting. We do not make love but we play around a lot. I leave very frustrated by my own choice..
Now why is this information important you ask (because I am sure it is TMI for most)
Well she gets real distant and tells me she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. We have managed to salvage a friendship out of this and I hope for more. But she tells me that because of what we did she doesn't think that will happen. it has just really hit me hard though..
Exact same thing happend to me with most of the same background also. It is really horrid when people can be so mean to others. I think the child abuse is wrong, don't get me wrong. That is not what I'm talking about though. The way that women can at times be so incredibly callous. I just know that I will never put a woman through what I was put through. That is one promise that I will make and never plan on breaking.
Seriously, anyone would actually goes past having a domination fantasy needs to be taken out into a port-poty and have their head rammed down a hole filled with cherry bombs and acid.