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Topic: Since I've seen so much whining lately...
Lenlalron Flameblaster
posted 05-17-2002 10:36:50 AM
Anyone who wants a title given by me, the cool guy, shall get one.

All you untitled people have to do is...whine in this thread!

Grammar is your enemy! - While being able to understand someone's sentences might seem like a good idea for a proper essay, complaining on a forum scarcely leaves time for such trivialities. Write fast! You're angry, grrr! Make that show, and forget about things like capital letters, punctuation, and verbs.
Swims in Erotic Circles
posted 05-17-2002 10:39:05 AM
very important poster
a sweet title
posted 05-17-2002 10:39:49 AM
Len, you whiner.

If you have turned board moderator, however, Lennybashing never existed at any point.

Lenlalron Flameblaster
posted 05-17-2002 10:41:17 AM
Giantt had this to say about Duck Tales:
Len, you whiner.

If you have turned board moderator, however, Lennybashing never existed at any point.


Grammar is your enemy! - While being able to understand someone's sentences might seem like a good idea for a proper essay, complaining on a forum scarcely leaves time for such trivialities. Write fast! You're angry, grrr! Make that show, and forget about things like capital letters, punctuation, and verbs.
Lenlalron Flameblaster
posted 05-17-2002 10:42:41 AM
A sleep deprived Liam stammered:

Liam...you are henceforth known as...

Cantankerous Candian.

Grammar is your enemy! - While being able to understand someone's sentences might seem like a good idea for a proper essay, complaining on a forum scarcely leaves time for such trivialities. Write fast! You're angry, grrr! Make that show, and forget about things like capital letters, punctuation, and verbs.
Dark Knight
posted 05-17-2002 11:08:26 AM
It is pretty funny that when I ask Drystart for any title EXEPT a pancake, he changes everyone who does not have a title to UNTITLED and now im the only person on the board with the name pancake.
It is a long way up, but it is an even longer way down.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
I'll take two of anything, please. To go.
posted 05-17-2002 11:10:24 AM
Dark_Knight had this to say about Punky Brewster:
It is pretty funny that when I ask Drystart for any title EXEPT a pancake, he changes everyone who does not have a title to UNTITLED and now im the only person on the board with the name pancake.

That ain't the queen's english!

Dark Knight
posted 05-17-2002 11:43:48 AM
Soldar had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
That ain't the queen's english!

?????? what does the queens english have to do with ANYTHING

It is a long way up, but it is an even longer way down.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
posted 05-17-2002 11:49:46 AM
Dark_Knight thought about the meaning of life:
?????? what does the queens english have to do with ANYTHING


Dark Knight
posted 05-17-2002 11:54:22 AM
I see that explains it all.
It is a long way up, but it is an even longer way down.
The grass is always greener on the other side.
Aaron (the good one)
posted 05-17-2002 11:54:53 AM
And then some!
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
posted 05-17-2002 11:57:13 AM
Like a fine bag of plain salted potato chips.
Aaron (the good one)
posted 05-17-2002 12:06:52 PM
And a Peanut Butter Jelly Timezones
Galbadia Hotel - Video Game Music
I am Canadian and I hate The Tragically Hip
Ocyrrhoe Trazere
posted 05-17-2002 03:38:05 PM
Dark_Knight had this to say about Matthew Broderick:

Listen. It isn't that hard.


NOT Drystart. Ragh.

"Come at me. Every inch of me will resist you."

Full sigpic image.
Liam - "Caitlin: You terrify me, but in a good way."

posted 05-17-2002 03:41:28 PM
Dark_Knight had this to say about pies:
It is pretty funny that when I ask Drystart for any title EXEPT a pancake, he changes everyone who does not have a title to UNTITLED and now im the only person on the board with the name pancake.

Wow. If I lived anywhere near Drysart and I were old enough to buy beer, I would SO buy Drysart a beer for that one

I'll take two of anything, please. To go.
posted 05-17-2002 04:13:08 PM
Maradön?'s account was hax0red to write:
Wow. If I lived anywhere near Drysart and I were old enough to buy beer, I would SO buy Drysart a beer for that one

I've been led to believe that I live within 2 hours of Drysart, but alas, I am far from drinking/buyingof age.

posted 05-17-2002 05:05:11 PM
Drystart sounds like a breakfast cereal...

No seriously, it does, stop laughing!!

Agent A
Underpowered on Purpose
posted 05-17-2002 05:11:40 PM
Have YOU had your Drystart today?
"How do you all feel about beastiality with taxidermy? It seems like most people aren't very down with it, in fact, alot of people are only medium down with it. But if you only get to second base, where's the harm, right?"
- Melora Creager
posted 05-17-2002 05:15:11 PM
Mad Psycho had this to say about the Spice Girls:
Have YOU had your Drystart today?


*leckie poses with a Box of Drystart!*

Drystart, full of (_|_) goodness!

Drystart is a copyright of Drysart 2002. If this product fails to meet your standards please PM Drysart to recieve your Banning.

lurk, lurk, lurk
posted 05-17-2002 06:27:14 PM
no title here , but then again i have been lurking these boards since the day i joined
The Outlaw Torn
posted 05-17-2002 06:30:24 PM
Lurkers never get titles.


Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

Comrade Snoota
Da, Tovarisch!
posted 05-17-2002 06:31:14 PM
I got my first title within hours of my first post here. Commie Pinko Bastard! Carried over from Gameplay.
You smell that? Do you smell that? ...Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory.
posted 05-17-2002 06:35:47 PM
wrong quote... lol

I questioned why were wern't Bacon or Eggs when we were new to the board and he did the untitled thing.... it was me not you

[ 05-17-2002: Message edited by: NiteShadow ]

posted 05-17-2002 06:36:25 PM

[ 05-17-2002: Message edited by: NiteShadow ]

The Outlaw Torn
posted 05-17-2002 06:37:22 PM
Work on your button pressing skillzzzz... Edit != Quote

Time was never on my side.
So on I wait my whole lifetime.

posted 05-17-2002 06:38:19 PM
Black Mage... Model 2000 was programmed to say:
Work on your button pressing skillzzzz... Edit != Quote

Ok I will
Not a girl, never will be, no matter how much you may hear differently
posted 05-17-2002 08:08:57 PM
I've had this title sooooo long... but I'm afraid of what he could change it to.
"What power would hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of heaven?" -Dream, Sandman
"When the first living thing existed, I was there waiting. When the last living thing dies, my job will be finished. I'll put the chairs on the tables, turn out the lights, and lock the universe behind me as I leave." -Death, Sandman
"Things need not have happened to be true. Tales and dreams are the shadow truths that will endure when mere facts are dust and ashes, and forgot." Dream, Sandman
Full sigpic image
Elvish Crack Piper
Murder is justified so long as people believe in something different than you do
posted 05-17-2002 09:21:17 PM
I still link I should have my own choice of title.

Points to Title

See! Tolda ya so

(Insert Funny Phrase Here)
Lenlalron Flameblaster
posted 05-17-2002 10:15:20 PM
Leck is now... Mort's stalkee.

Grammar is your enemy! - While being able to understand someone's sentences might seem like a good idea for a proper essay, complaining on a forum scarcely leaves time for such trivialities. Write fast! You're angry, grrr! Make that show, and forget about things like capital letters, punctuation, and verbs.
very important poster
a sweet title
posted 05-17-2002 10:15:23 PM
You're still the Punchbag of EverCrest, Lenny.

[ 05-17-2002: Message edited by: Giantt ]

Lenlalron Flameblaster
posted 05-17-2002 10:16:52 PM
Niteshadow is now known as...

Board Interface and Spelling Master.

Grammar is your enemy! - While being able to understand someone's sentences might seem like a good idea for a proper essay, complaining on a forum scarcely leaves time for such trivialities. Write fast! You're angry, grrr! Make that show, and forget about things like capital letters, punctuation, and verbs.
The Last Strider
I will die alone
posted 05-17-2002 10:28:29 PM
[monotone whine] My title sucks. Give me a new one. Please. I beg of Ye, the second closest to the Almighty Drysart. [/monotone whine]
"We have listened to you speak since the dawn of time, and we have learned to imatoot you exarktly."-The Simpsons

Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.

posted 05-17-2002 10:32:29 PM
I never complained...but since you are offering...


Mission: Failed...

WAAh! Whine whine whine!

[ 05-17-2002: Message edited by: Alaan ]

Upset about being titless
posted 05-17-2002 10:33:25 PM
I r own u
Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
The stars my destination
Mr. Duck
Likes to ____!
posted 05-17-2002 10:34:34 PM
i'm doomed to have to have this title, for all of eternity
posted 05-18-2002 12:17:29 AM
I'm kinda afraid of what title I would get, should I ever get one.
"When correctly viewed, everything is lewd." - Tom Lehrer.
Sadomasochism: It's Fun!
Taylen Ashenbow
Rangers never run we mearly stratigically retreat.
Thats not a train thats a pull, my trains are always much bigger.
Death of Rats
posted 05-18-2002 12:21:30 AM
What about ME!! ME ME ME ME ME!!!!
A particularly crafty sea lion is befuddling the Army Corps of Engineers, who have come to believe the 1,000-pound mammal is either from hell -- or from Harvard.
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