EQ lowbies visits AD&D kobald camp
Lb1 rouge: (Peers over a wall) *Whispers* Damn there's 50 of kobalds in that camp only.
Lb2 warrior: *Whispers* Let me check. *Peers over the wall* Hmmm, we should get our guild out here so we can break this camp
Lb1 rouge: Are you sure that our guild can take out this camp? Look there must be at least five shammies not including a wizzy or two.
Lb3 druid: WoW think of the phat lewts if we pull this one off, successfully.
Lb4 cleric: Hmmm the kobalds do look kind of wimpy to me.
Kobald: (from behind) RAWR!!!!!!!
All: EEK! A KOBALD RUN!!!!!!
Kobald camp: Intruders ATTACK!
All: TRAIN!!!!!!!!!
(Five minutes later our group of adventurers get surrounded by kobalds)
Lb1: *Sneezes* Ten kobalds die.
Lb2: What the!
Lb3: WTF!
Lb5 wizard: *Punches a nearby kobald on the nose* you have slain a kobald.
Lb2: Sweet! *bitch slaps 10 kobalds, all ten kobalds dies*
(Five kobalds turned around and flee, but only to die by tripping over a root).
Lb3: WTF all we got was 50cp, lousy xp, and a rusty toothpick.
AD&D lowbies visits EQ kobalds.
(Exploring Sol b)
Lb1: *Snickers* Look they say this is a high level dungeon. My ass look what they got kobalds.
Lb2: We will rule this dungeon.
Lb1: Hey wizard why don't you toss a mm at it?
LB3: Right, one kobald stew coming right up. (Cast mm, hits kobald but only to annoy it)
Kobald: Hey Murine get the fly swatter out.
GAH! Writers BLOCK!
And what does "lb" stand for?
Lb = Lowbie (I'm too lazy to spell it out).
Murine is the other kobald's kobold's name.
Ah STFU and enjoy.
Verily, D doth proclaim:
What's a kobald?
Must be a naked, hairless kobold.
Let's meet our fighters...
Parcelan: Hi.
Freschel: hi
Let the fight begin.
Freschel: frist i wold like to start by sayeng that eq is better than AD&D b/c eq has monsters with a lot of hp and i dont know how to the comma and apostrofee and period keys werk so dont ask me
Oooh! Devastating first attack by the EQ'er!
Parcelan: Does it bother you at all that your game has no depth, no hope for progress, does not build any sort of skill mental or physical, and is widely played by doofi?
Freschel: notat all depth and hoep and all those other bigg werds u used make me think and thinking is bad b/c it makes my hed hert
Incredible! The EQer has shrugged off a potentially lethal attack!
Parcelan: I see...well...take a look at the graphic for Lord Nagafen...
Freschel: yeeeeeess...
Parcelan: ...and take a look at the art for a real Red Dragon.
Freschel: OMG!
Freschel's head has exploded from realizing that there is something cooler than EverQuest!
D&D Wins!
One more thing, I never did say that EQ is better than AD&D.
(I know I'm going to regret this) [ 05-01-2002: Message edited by: Freschel Spindrift ]
Here's a few tips for your future ramblings:
-Constant misspellings are not funny.
-Comparing one thing to another is not funny. Have we ever laughed when Snoota says Snoota > all?
-You are not funny.
You likely never will be funny, either. To be funny, you'd have to make some sense in your writing. As it stands, you're likely too stupid to pick up a book to learn to make sense.
You aren't likely to understand the complexities of D&D, either. A kobold couldn't be an advanced sorceror or rogue, and it couldn't have tactics, could it? No, it must be a wimpy little monster that only knows frontal assault.
Well, monsters are only as good as the mind behind it, junior. And, as evidenced by your slack-jawed yokel drivel, this theory holds true.
Now, crawl back into your toad hole and re-learn your ABCs, jimmy.
Freschel Spindrift had this to say about the Spice Girls:
But despite all that, as you can see above,
Grammar is important. We can't laugh if we have no idea what you're saying. [ 05-01-2002: Message edited by: Suddar Williams ]
Can a group of level one EQ characters take on a train of six kobolds at one time? I think not.
EQ spreads things by giving you more HP to play with, but things do more damage. Convert things into one system or another and D&D characters are actually tougher on average, and certainly much more versatile.
sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me
Freschel Spindrift had this to say about Knight Rider:
Hey, I admitted it wasn't funny.
i thought it was funny. i give this thread a 3!!
Meh... I guess i got the joke. [ 05-02-2002: Message edited by: Melyodas Darkender ]
Just doesn't work.
Black Mage had this to say about Robocop:
Seriously compairing EQ to AD&D is like compairing Al Gore and my neighbor.Just doesn't work.
Al Gore invented your neighbor
Liam makes a Freschelfunny
Black Mage painfully thought these words up:
That's not a compairison, anyways.
Im comparing my spelling to yours.
Yours wins.
Mr. Parcelan painfully thought these words up:
Have we ever laughed when Snoota says Snoota > all?
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
You should really try to let go of the past, my friend. It will make you look far less pathetic than you've made yourself out to be.
Anyway, I felt offended by Freschel's post. Ergo, I made a biting joke. Ergo, he reacted. Ergo, I reacted. There's my reasoning.
I'd reply to your logic, but I don't feel like wading through a sea of bitterness and hypocracy just to make a fool out of you when you've already done it for me.
Come back when you've gotten over yourself, dear. I have.
Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin
Believe it or not, jimmy, we're not all like Deth. And *gasp!* Deth isn't perfect, either!
I'll admit that the latter one was an attack, but I maintain that it was provoked. The original was a joke. You probably can't see it when you've got a redwood up your ass, but it's there.
As to whether it was funny or not, well, it may have been, or it may not have. Why don't you ask Deth? He obviously knows everything.
By the way, you might consider seperating your thoughts in these things called 'paragraphs'. We tactful people do it all the time. It's RADICAL!
In your case, however, I wouldn't advise posting again. I don't look forward to reading flames that could have been written by a blind and dyslexic pangolin while at the same time being subjected to how great you think Deth is.