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Topic: Today's patch
Sentow, Maybe
posted 03-31-2002 08:49:16 AM
Centurion tells the guild, 'Sorry, went LD.'

Soldier tells the guild, 'Same here. Since we're back, you wanna camp tomb area?'

Centurion tells the guild, 'Yeah, alright.'

(time passes, bum, bum-bum, groovin' on life...)

Centurion tells the guild, 'Where's the spawn?'

Soldier tells the guild, 'Shit, I don't see him anywhere.'

Centurion tells the guild, 'He's never moved from that spot before. I'm petitioning.'

You petition, 'The spawn at the tomb isn't there anymore!'

Jehovah says, 'Hello! Lead GM Jehovah here. How can I help you today?'

Centurion says, 'We were wondering where the spawn in the tomb went. He's supposed to be there, right?'

Jehovah says, 'Ahhhh, that was something we changed in that emergency patch a few days ago. It's working as intended.'

Centurion says, 'WTF'

Jehovah says, 'Yeah, I get that a lot. Just trust me on this one, okay?'

Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 03-31-2002 08:56:40 AM
I fail to see the funny.

Nor do I see why this deserves the 'religion' tag.

Squire Twitch
posted 03-31-2002 09:01:17 AM
Well, see.. the joke is about why "A_deity's_son_00" didnt spawn where they left him. You know.. the whole rebirth thing?

But then.. I also think its funny that the prime symbol of faith for the people who celebrate this holiday, is a Jew nailed to lumber scraps.

No, I didnt go to church today, even though I am catholic..

Why not?

Well, I know I'm going to hell.. and I dont want to speed things up.. I just know the big guy upstairs has a lightning bolt saved JUST for me.

I aint giving him an excuse.

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 03-31-2002 09:10:20 AM
Ah. Camping the jesus spawn. I see it now.
Death of Rats
posted 03-31-2002 09:10:25 AM
i get it and i find it very funny
A particularly crafty sea lion is befuddling the Army Corps of Engineers, who have come to believe the 1,000-pound mammal is either from hell -- or from Harvard.
posted 03-31-2002 09:12:09 AM
Wow. I totally missed the joke the first time I read that. Heh, good one.

""...destructive analysis of the familiar is the only method of approach to an understanding of fundamentally different modes of expression." -Edward Sapir, Language
Sentow, Maybe
posted 03-31-2002 09:50:32 AM
I knew I should've just said, "Romansoldier" instead of, "Centurion."
Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 03-31-2002 10:56:16 AM
Disclaimer: OP does not mean to offend/insult anyone with this reply

Talorynn thought about the meaning of life:
Well, see.. the joke is about why "A_deity's_son_00" didnt spawn where they left him. You know.. the whole rebirth thing?

But then.. I also think its funny that the prime symbol of faith for the people who celebrate this holiday, is a Jew nailed to lumber scraps.

No, I didnt go to church today, even though I am catholic..

Why not?

Well, I know I'm going to hell.. and I dont want to speed things up.. I just know the big guy upstairs has a lightning bolt saved JUST for me.

I aint giving him an excuse.

Um, hello? Easter is about Jesus rising from the dead, NOT dieing. That's what Good Friday is for.

[ 03-31-2002: Message edited by: The Otaku Penguin ]

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
Fun with Chocolate
posted 03-31-2002 11:50:34 AM
Happy Resurrection Day.

I liked the joke, it gave me goosebumps.

Nammy the Namtar
My sig text is approved by Maradon!
posted 03-31-2002 11:57:35 AM
Heh that's a BAD joke...but funny =)
-Mages are as far beyond necros as Trakanon is beyond a moss snake.
-One Shungokusatsu and its game over.
posted 03-31-2002 11:59:15 AM
The Otaku Penguin had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Disclaimer: OP does not mean to offend/insult anyone with this reply

Um, hello? Easter is about Jesus rising from the dead, NOT dieing. That's what Good Friday is for.

I always though it was a corruption of the spring pagan festival of eastra (can't remember the spelling)

Want my opinion?
posted 03-31-2002 12:35:48 PM
I don't get it, so whats the patch message, are the servers down?????? hehe

Squire Twitch
posted 03-31-2002 05:51:51 PM
The Otaku Penguin wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Disclaimer: OP does not mean to offend/insult anyone with this reply

Um, hello? Easter is about Jesus rising from the dead, NOT dieing. That's what Good Friday is for.

<-- Catholic.

I am aware of the meaning. re-read the joke, think about it..

Go on.. I'll wait.

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
Lenlalron Flameblaster
posted 03-31-2002 05:53:50 PM
YSE! Funny and meaningful!
Grammar is your enemy! - While being able to understand someone's sentences might seem like a good idea for a proper essay, complaining on a forum scarcely leaves time for such trivialities. Write fast! You're angry, grrr! Make that show, and forget about things like capital letters, punctuation, and verbs.
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 03-31-2002 07:43:54 PM
This insanity brought to you by Leck:
I always though it was a corruption of the spring pagan festival of eastra (can't remember the spelling)

Don't remember the name either, but it's an ancient fertility festival

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Heart Attack
posted 03-31-2002 07:57:06 PM
It's a recasting of the many pagan celebrations of the vernal equinox. Fertility was obviously a major factor, since planting time determines who thrives and who starves in agrarian societies.

Funny joke, too.

To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

--Satan, quoted by John Milton

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