First off: Connecting.
Easiest way is to grab GameSpy Arcade and search for the server by name.
My preferred way is GameSpy 3d, as its not near as clunky as Arcade. The servers IP address is, port: 27015.
Possibly the second easiest is just to use Connect from the Counter-Strike console. Id say its the most foolproof, but there are quite a bit of fools out there.
Next up: Maps.
We do have quite a bit of maps, most of which arent standard. At the moment, they are in one large (16mb, sorry.) file. This will be fixed as soon as possible.
Instructions are fairly straightforward.
All .wad files go into your main cs dir
All .bsp files go into your cs/maps dir
All .txt files go into your cs/maps dir
All .wav files go into your cs/sound/ambience dir
All .tga files go into your cs/gfx/env dir
Next! Admins
Were here to help. There are three of us, Nem-X, BlackMage and myself. We are usually on the server, camping the boards, or in the other IRC server, channel #liquidgaming.
Some of us idle in the EverCrest IRC, but not all the time.
More Admins may be added in the future. Do not ask to be an admin, we will approach you. Asking generally makes us skip over you in the selection process.
Up to bat? Cheaters.
We dont like you. We hate your guts. And so do most other players. You will be caught, and you will be kicked and/or banned.
I wield a mighty banstick, and I am not afraid to use it.
The Webby-Sitey
Were working on it. Give us time. Thats about all I can say. You can make accounts to post on the actual LG message boards, and Im hoping for them to see more use later on.
Be on the look out for news, were thinking of new things to do, and dont be afraid to drop us a line.
Any feedback is good feedback. Even negative feedback. Cleaning the gene pool is fun.
Playing Times
Theyre a bit hectic right now, I know. Due to bandwidth, well either be dropping the server from 9am 5pm Eastern, or highly discouraging use.
On the weekdays, no games from 9am 5pm Eastern Standard Time. Any other times are fine.
On the weekends, there is no time limit.
Conduct and Sprays.
Dont be an asshole. Do not whine every time you die. Do not bitch about the map rotation. If you want something changed, email us. Post on the forums, anything works. Just dont bitch.
Sprays. No porn. Thats about it. Use your head, people. Your brain, not your penis.
[ 03-20-2002: Message edited by: D ]
Now, uh.. Bump this alot in hopes Drys will stick it.
D painfully thought these words up:
The Webby-Sitey
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
While LG may be the unofficial gathering place of CS playing EC'ers, this thread seems kinda inappropriate to be sticky on the EC boards, as it doesn't pertain directly to them.
Stubborn bastards they are.This is not a test.
quote:Shhh. The ignorant unwashed masses do not realize this.
There was much rejoicing when Maradön? said this:
I dunno.While LG may be the unofficial gathering place of CS playing EC'ers, this thread seems kinda inappropriate to be sticky on the EC boards, as it doesn't pertain directly to them.
Maradön? enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
What do I do with .pwf, .pxp, and .res files?
.res is for the server, the others are pathing for bots.
nem-x stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
.res is for the server, the others are pathing for bots.
then why r they included!?
quote:So the server can use them?
Maradön? had this to say about Cuba:
then why r they included!?
nem-x stopped beating up furries long enough to write:
I didn't feel like holding ctrl and clicking on them to not include them in the zip file.
That's all I wanted to hear!
Maradön? had this to say about Robocop:
I cannot connect
O M G....
*mumbles about people that never read the readme's*
Under capitalism, man exploits man. Under communism, it's just the opposite. - John Kenneth Galbraith
I went to buy Half Life the other day so I could play Counterstrike, but Best Buy only had two versions of it. A big boxed set with Half Life, Blue Shift, Counterstrike, Team Fortress, and some other one I can't think of for sixty bucks, and then a smaller twenty buck one with Blue Shift and Team Fortress.
But I wasn't sure if it needed the original Half Life or if Blue Shift would work, so I didn't buy it. [ 03-20-2002: Message edited by: Comrade_Snoota ]
If so, then it might work.
RtCW still > CS
Comrade_Snoota stopped staring at Deedlit long enough to write:
And for the record:RtCW still > CS
yaes, but not enough people on EC play it so I play both.
Thinking about your posts
(and billing you for it) since 2001
From the book of Comrade_Snoota, chapter 3, verse 16:
RtCW still > CS
Just for that, I am so not checking on Blue Shift being CS compatible.
For those of us that suck ass at CS:
Lets all pick a time to try to get together so we can all suck ass together, and a few of us will feel we are l337 when we actually get a kill.
So quoth D:
Just for that, I am so not checking on Blue Shift being CS compatible.
I've never actually played Counterstrike. But Return to Castle Wolfenstein pwns for teamplay.
And LOL.. I like that new random quote.
From the book of Comrade_Snoota, chapter 3, verse 16:
Snoota 3:16! [ 03-20-2002: Message edited by: Comrade_Snoota ]
So quoth Dr. Vorbis:
Nem-X uses an aimbot. I've searched all over the internet for it, but no site has it. Does anyone know where I might find it? It's called 'My Hand'
Knowing most of the people around here, I suggest you wash it thoroughly before use if you do find it!
--Satan, quoted by John Milton
ACES! Another post by Bloodsage:
Knowing most of the people around here, I suggest you wash it thoroughly before use if you do find it!
Maybe that's his secret!
This is a goal I almost always accomplish.
Maradön? had this to say about Punky Brewster:
See, I don't expect to win when I play, I expect to shoot a lot (not nesscessarily at anything) and get shot a lot.This is a goal I almost always accomplish.
This is my general goal except in de_boatseason. There, I generally kick ass with the deagle. I don't think I've ever had a losing record there after I started using it, even though I normally suxor on every other map.
Maradön? enlisted the help of an infinite number of monkeys to write:
See, I don't expect to win when I play, I expect to shoot a lot (not nesscessarily at anything) and get shot a lot.
I have much more fun in a blind shootout than I do going 40 - 0 against a full clan.
Shootouts are fun, god damnit. I love the roar of Carbines and AKs.
D had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
I have much more fun in a blind shootout than I do going 40 - 0 against a full clan.Shootouts are fun, god damnit. I love the roar of Carbines and AKs.
I'm not talking about a blind shootout, I'm just talking about getting shot.
It's hard to understand how people accomplish anything in that game