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Topic: Shizzle dizzle!
King Parcelan
Chicken of the Sea
posted 03-16-2002 09:47:26 PM
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...some guy just got really bored and wrote a script. A script about strange people in strange situations...

These are their tales...


The Faction: Mordengard, a United Nation of Dwarves devoted to freedom and justice for their people.

The Troops: Dwarven fighter, a ferocious lass without the beard; a dwarven ranger, friend to weasels and small mountain creatures; a dwarven cleric, a fierce defender of the faith; a stone spike elemental, a terrible creation from the Inner Planes; and two shnooks by the name of Snoota and Delidgamond.

The Mission: Hold a mountain pass against the onslaught of Drazen's Horde.

Day 1

We see the dwarves, hard at work as they prepare their camp. The stone spike, a large elemental made of rock and shaped like a giant, many-fingered claw, rests near a gigantic rock. Two pudgy bald guys laze about nearby.

Dwarven Fighter: Come, Trooper Snoota and Delidgamond! There's work to be done!

Delidgamond: ....

Snoota: ....

Dwarven Fighter: Well, can't ye help any?

Snoota: Don't look at me! Deep-fry these rocks and sell them at a Drive-Thru, then we'll talk.

Delidgamond: I forgot whether I worked or not. I think I do something for Enron.

Dwarven Cleric: That's enough o' that! Get yer arses up and movin', or ye'll learn how our fathers disciplined lazy dwarves!

Delidgamond: Shit! If it's anything like my daddy did to ME, I don't want any part of it!

Dwarven Ranger: Git up and git to work!

Snoota: Ooooh! Look who's acting BIG! The ranger! Ha ha ha! What're you gonna do? Sully my clothes with your blood until I do what you say?

The Dwarven Ranger growls and sinks both of his picks into Snoota's skull. The bald fellow contemplates for a moment, blood dripping down his face.

Snoota: ...I would so pwn you on flameplay.

Day 4

The Dwarves mill about restlessly. The Stone Spike and two new recruits are strangely absent.

Dwarven Fighter: Alright...so none of ye have seen the Stone Spike?

Dwarven Ranger: Nay, nor the two orcspawn rookies.

Suddenly, there is a muffled sound of confusion from behind a rock.

Snoota: Doofus! That's not how it works! Hold still!

Delidgamond: I can't! It's all rocky and pointy!

The Dwarven Cleric gulps, then peers behind the rock. His eyes go wider than cannonballs.

Dwarven Cleric: Oh...sweet...Moradin...THAT'S NOT WHAT THE STONE SPIKE IS FOR!

Day 13: Day of the Onslaught

The Dwarves take their positions, ready for battle. At the end of the pass, we see a horde of savage humanoids charging forward, beating their shields and hooting wildly in anticipation.

Delidgamond and Snoota lurk at the back ranks.

Snoota: Why do we have to help?

Dwarven Cleric: Ye'll have to do TWICE the work since ye traumatized our Stone Spike! I don't think the Plane of Earth will EVER speak to us again after what ye did.

Delidgamond: I got a bad rash from that. I wanna go to the Plane of Preparation H.

Snoota: I don't wanna fight! I'm not a fighter, I'm a lo-...hmm...I'm a fat, hairy guy!

Dwarven Fighter: Cripes, man! Is there nothin' ta put that fiery Dwarven drive in ya?

The Ranger appears back from a scouting mission, red-faced and panting.

Dwarven Cleric: What news, scout?

Dwarven Ranger: They're armed ta the teeth! They're also eating Ultimate Cheeseburgers from Jack-In-The-Box.

Snoota is suddenly overcome with a sense of duty. He rises, grabs an axe, and moves to the front of the line.

Snoota: ....let me at 'em.

The Gory Aftermath:

The Dwarves held the pass bravely until they were overrun by an Orc rush. Dwarven clerics still curse that day, as soon as they found out that the Orcs were allergic to Stone Spikes.

While it seemed as though Snoota's new drive would win the day, the old saying still held true.

"Chubby bald guys are no match for rampaging Ogres."

The day was not won without casualties to the Horde, however. Many of the boldest soldiers still shiver at the mention of their most frightening opponent: "He-Who-Kiss-Himself"


Sentow, Maybe
posted 03-16-2002 09:50:50 PM
With a title like "Shizzle dizzle," I knew it'd be good
Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
posted 03-16-2002 09:53:16 PM
Mr. Parcelan had this to say about (_|_):
The Dwarven Ranger growls and sinks both of his picks into Snoota's skull. The bald fellow contemplates for a moment, blood dripping down his face.

Snoota: ...I would so pwn you on flameplay.

Delidgamond: I got a bad rash from that. I wanna go to the Plane of Preparation H.


posted 03-16-2002 09:54:13 PM
Cap'n Elethi
I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt...
posted 03-16-2002 09:54:19 PM

Very nice, Parce-O-Rama.

Elethi Rian, A Man Of Many Talents
Star Collective
posted 03-16-2002 09:57:35 PM
Ryuujin had this to say about Optimus Prime:
The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. - Ursula K. LeGuin ~ The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
posted 03-16-2002 09:58:02 PM
LOL, Parce your great. =)
Poing! Poing!
posted 03-16-2002 10:03:11 PM
Gwar, UBB hates me!

[ 03-16-2002: Message edited by: Ferret ]

Poing! Poing!
posted 03-16-2002 10:04:27 PM

Makes me want to play that.

Palador ChibiDragon
posted 03-16-2002 10:21:32 PM

I love it, but thank you for ending that scene where you did.

I believe in the existance of magic, not because I have seen proof of its existance, but because I refuse to live in a world where it does not exist.
Super Kagrama
posted 03-16-2002 10:22:33 PM
Mr. Parcelan had this to say about Optimus Prime:
Delidgamond: I got a bad rash from that. I wanna go to the Plane of Preparation H.

Kagrama dies laughing

i shoueld joeg threw the foreast moer offeand!!11
Vidi, vici, veni.
Nae's Stooge
posted 03-16-2002 10:41:36 PM
Ryuujin thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Veni, vidi, vici
Dymus Arindelil
I betcha its pink. Jania seems like the type to wear pink undies.
posted 03-17-2002 12:16:12 AM
Plane of Preparation H...lol hehehehe
I know what color underwear Jania wears. So there

Run through the cold of the night, as passion burns in your heart.
Ready to fight, a knife held close by your side
Like a proud wolf alone in the dark with eyes that watch the world

-"Small Two of Pieces"
Comrade Snoota
Da, Tovarisch!
posted 03-17-2002 12:25:21 AM
Mr. Parcelan wrote this stupid crap:
Dwarven Ranger: They're armed ta the teeth! They're also eating Ultimate Cheeseburgers from Jack-In-The-Box.

Snoota is suddenly overcome with a sense of duty. He rises, grabs an axe, and moves to the front of the line.

Snoota: ....let me at 'em.

Mr. Parcelan stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
While it seemed as though Snoota's new drive would win the day, the old saying still held true.

"Chubby bald guys are no match for rampaging Ogres."

You smell that? Do you smell that? ...Napalm, son. Nothing else in the world smells like that. I love the smell of napalm in the morning. You know, one time we had a hill bombed for twelve hours. When it was all over I walked up. We didn't find one of 'em, not one stinkin' dink body. The smell, you know that gasoline smell, the whole hill. Smelled like... victory.
posted 03-17-2002 12:26:43 AM
Ryuujin had this to say about Cuba:

All Empires Fall, You just have to know where to push- Me
Cleric Rogue Sigpic
posted 03-17-2002 12:51:01 AM
OMFG.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......that kicks so much ass.

The format on this kinda reminds me of Prometheus and Bob, on Kablam!...my favorite part of that show.

There is no innuendo in this title.
posted 03-17-2002 01:29:41 AM
I love the Dwarven Ranger. Unfortunately, I'm never again going to be able to look at chainmail products without thinking of these stories and laughing.
In the beginning the Universe was created.
This has made a lot of people angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams, 1952-2001

Pooh Ogre
Keeper of the Shoulders of Peachis Perching
posted 03-17-2002 01:55:35 PM
Mr. Parcelan wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
"Chubby bald guys are no match for rampaging Ogres."

Word. Learn to recognize.


Is a copyright of Peachis. Don't underestimate his pants, either.
posted 03-17-2002 01:59:47 PM
I am amused
posted 03-17-2002 02:04:45 PM
Kloie wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
OMFG.....HAHAHAHAHAHAHA......that kicks so much ass.
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