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Topic: I think I was about 13 or so...
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 02-27-2002 04:06:22 PM
When I got my first computer.

A crapard bell 386 PC. No CD-ROM, had a 5.25 and 3.5 inch disk drives, and no sound card. I got one game when I got the PC, a sherlock-holmes type adventure game. Fun, but not really action-packed.

Then I got a game called 'Wing Commander'. I fell in love. It made me a gamer. Fast, action-packed, with a good storyline. I played #1, and was happy. I played #2, and was ecstatic. More ships, better graphics, et cetera.

But the best game I ever played... was Privateer. At first I hated it. I didn't understand. Why weren't they giving me my missions? But once I learned how things went, I loved it even more. I could PICK my missions. I could customise my ship to be the way I wanted it to be. I had to earn the money, work my way up from the bottom, but once I had the money, I could do whatever I needed to. I was the best of the best.

Wing Commander 3 and 4 were great! better graphics, same gameplay as 1 and 2. But privateer 2 was a disappointment. They took all the best elements out and tried to make up for it with more ships/guns, and put in way too many movies. it sucked.

Prophecy was great, though. They took WC, added just enough movies to work, had tons of great gameplay, the ships were balanced, and I loved it.

Now the series is dead, and I'm sad. I'd gladly pay 50 bucks a game if they were re-released with the same storyline, same missions, but better graphics and sounds... and until then, I'll just fantasize about playing the older games on my new PC (Which won't happen, DOS games don't like Windows XP.)

posted 02-27-2002 04:09:25 PM
Texas Instrument computer.... some cowboy game
Wanders too much for a custom title
posted 02-27-2002 04:11:28 PM
Privateer doesn't work on my computer, and Privateer 2 is hard and glitchy (on mine) but I loved Wing Commander Prophecy. I also played 2 a while back, and I liked it a lot too. I loved that entire series. I wish they're bring it back...
Pull my finger!!
posted 02-27-2002 04:23:40 PM
My suggestion is to go out and get Idependance war 2: Edge of Chaos, it is a little bit of a slow starter, but the game is really fun and has a little bit of the old Privater feel to it.
"When people see something as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see somethings as good, other things become bad. So is the way of life."
Upset about being titless
posted 02-27-2002 04:25:35 PM
I always grew up wiht a computer in my house, cos my dad was a big head at Micron.

He always told me never to buy a Mac
I remember playing games like Battlechess and Theatre of war, along with Myst and some of the King's Quest games.

Transport Tycoon is great.

Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
The stars my destination
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 02-27-2002 04:26:42 PM

This thread is about Wing Commander. Nothing else.



Upset about being titless
posted 02-27-2002 04:27:48 PM
Wing Commander was fun.
Descent was funner.
Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
The stars my destination
Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 02-27-2002 05:34:30 PM
Kinanik had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
Wing Commander was fun.
Descent was funner.

Yuck! Descent ...

Wing Commander!

One of the best (PC)game series ever made!

No, wait ... THE BEST!

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Sarudani Miolnir
Old-school poster
posted 02-27-2002 05:40:12 PM
Wing Commander is tied with Red Baron for my favorite sim of all time. The sequels were good, but until WC:Prophecy I don't think they came close to equaling the first one.

Privateer was great, but I still see it as a rehash of Space Rogue, set in the WC universe. (Space Rogue was Origin's first space simulation.)


Want my opinion?
posted 02-27-2002 05:40:22 PM
Wing Commander Armada was fun too

Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 02-27-2002 05:45:51 PM
Azeroth had this to say about John Romero:
Wing Commander Armada was fun too

Yes, but only slightly better than Wing Commander Academy, which was the weakest title in the WC series ...

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Lyinar Ka`Bael
Are you looking at my pine tree again?
posted 02-27-2002 05:50:23 PM
King's Quest R0X0R j00!

I have the entire collection

Lyinar Ka`Bael, Piney Fresh Druidess - Luclin

Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 02-27-2002 06:09:39 PM
Academy was fun for the 'gauntlet' mode. I managed to beat up 149 ships before I died

Armada was fun, but it was generally just instead of being given a story in a sector and having command go wherever and give you the missions, in armada you go wherever and get in fights. Sorta humdrum, IMO.

Privateer 1 was awesome. TOTALLY open ended, the mission generator was awesome, and the ships rocked.

Privateer 2 was okay. The ships were good, but I hated the new mission generator and trading system. I wanna trade in my own damn ship, not in a hired cargo ship.

WC 1-4 were incredible. Awesome games, awesome graphics for their time. Storylines were TOP NOTCH. They are the standard by which other space games are judged by me. PERIOD.

Prophecy was the way the game should have ended. The final fight was just as dramatic as it should have been. Blair finally dying, after all he went through, was just as I'd hoped, he died a hero just like he lived a hero.


Best. Series. Ever.

Akiraiu Zenko
Is actually a giddy schoolgirl
posted 02-27-2002 06:16:04 PM
I think Wing Commander 3 was the best one.

The Excaliber is my favourite starfighter in any game that I can think of!

The artist formerly known as Zephyer Kyuukaze.
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 02-27-2002 06:23:01 PM
Yes, the excalibur was indeed, a r0xx0r ship
Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 02-27-2002 06:48:36 PM

Click the picture.

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Sarudani Miolnir
Old-school poster
posted 02-27-2002 06:50:09 PM
I liked the Rapier from WC, but I had more fun flying the Raptor. It was a flying brick, but it was a well shielded and well armored brick. I found out early on the kilrathi ships were fairly fragile, and they were preticularly vulnerable to collisions with flying bricks.


frolicking imp
posted 02-27-2002 06:50:27 PM
I still think Zork is better. ZORK RULES!!!
*A Nypmh hits you and steals your virginity*
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 02-27-2002 06:52:19 PM
Give me a Rapier over the raptor. The armor may suck, but the shields are excellent, and I can outmaneuver a dragonfly in one.

However, my favorite ship EVER... would probably be the Epee from WC2 Just because I could take on a hundred ships in it and not get scratched. Great mix of power and speed

Sentow, Maybe
posted 02-27-2002 06:52:36 PM
Space Quest IV rocks all your socks.

You have to respect a guy with a ship named "The Aluminum Buzzard."

Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
posted 02-27-2002 06:54:21 PM
Don't feel bad my first computer was a Tandy 100..now there is a piece of crap.
To be born again for your sake; Blowing the past away on fluttering clouds; Letting the future ride on flowing winds; Fearlessly,unceasingly,patiently -clover
Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 02-27-2002 07:03:52 PM
Check out the big brain on Evenstar!
Don't feel bad my first computer was a Tandy 100..now there is a piece of crap.

C64 here.

Awww ...

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 02-27-2002 07:05:18 PM
Okay, technically our first computer was a Commodore 64, but a commodore isn't a computer. It's a glorified console game with a command prompt and 2-bit graphics.
Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 02-27-2002 07:13:24 PM
Khyron had this to say about Robocop:
Yes, the excalibur was indeed, a r0xx0r ship

Anyone remembers the reconaissance mission from WC4 where you had to scout some nebula that jammed your sensors.

Suddenly there was a cut scene showing two Excaliburs heading for you in your crappy border worlds fighter and you thought: "Game Over man, game over.".

But then you wasted the Excals like some lousy Dralthis ...

Damn, what I was dissapointed.
Out of service ancient fighters beating the confeds finest ... easily.

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 02-27-2002 07:18:31 PM
Stick a mediocre pilot in a wonderful ship and he'll do well.

Stick the best pilot in a crappy ship and he'll clean house like nobody's business.

WC was good, but the AI tended more towards 'swarm and destroy' than 'outfly and outshoot'.

Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 02-27-2002 07:26:55 PM
Blah, blah.

Even the pirate Talons from the first mission (WC4) were harder to beat ...

[ 02-27-2002: Message edited by: Tarquinn ]

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Hello, my mushy friend...
posted 02-27-2002 10:02:50 PM
Dude. Wing Commander 3. Best. Game. Ever.

For its time, the graphics were superb.

Real time cutscenes.

EXCEPTIONAL guns, INCREDIBLE gameplay. Choosing your wingmate for the first time? Being able to show up that cocky bastard Flash? Awww yeahhh.

posted 02-27-2002 10:11:17 PM
As Much as I like the Wing Commander Series, I have to say Tie Fighter easily could kick the ass of anyone. X-Wing and Alliance level out to about the same as the rest of the WC series. Danm Tie Fighter is still a kickass space-Sim/fighter game. I am Praying that Lucasarts doesn't drop the ball again for multi-player when they plan to make the starfighter add-on for SWG
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