Dark Age of Camelot
Dark Colony
Dark Earth
Dark Forces (Star Wars is crap)
Dark Reign
This really condones my general way of buying games based on the cover and title (The covers to all these also suck alot). It's late and I put this together, give me some credit! :P
*Growls a little*
Palou had this to say about John Romero:
Dark Age of Camelot
Dark Reign
Both good games.....
Knights of Truth
Swords of Truth
Hammers of Truth
Harbringers of Truth
And so on...
Some guild names can get so intensely lame you scream. But then, you got really nifty ones like "Brotherhood of the Moo".
THERE was a great guild.
Mr. Parcelan stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Some guild names can get so intensely lame you scream. But then, you got really nifty ones like "Brotherhood of the Moo".THERE was a great guild.
We had some good guild names on Bristlebane. Not very many... but some.
"Ill Tempered Sea Bass" is the only one that comes to mind right now...
Fixer wrote this stupid crap:
Oh, I thought you meant playing games in the dark....
Tom Servo!
*squeals like a little girl!*
ArchAngel had this to say about the Spice Girls:
I see Raiders of the Lost Tavern a lot on Xegony...
No no no...that's me.
ArchAngel had this to say about pies:
I see Raiders of the Lost Tavern a lot on Xegony...
RotLT r0x0rs
holy hell was raised at that point as to why all the <insert fantasy noun> of <insert deity> clans got away with it.
A Guild on Karana, and in the game Legends of Kesmai... "KILL"
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
It's kinda depressing how few people get the joke. Not many ShadowRun fans out there, I guess.
Try to beat that name, you can't.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Palador ChibiDragon was all like:
The guild I'm in is called the Universal Brotherhood.It's kinda depressing how few people get the joke. Not many ShadowRun fans out there, I guess.
keep you and yer god damned insect spirits away from me. I've got a Raid insect spray focus and the karma to bond to it!!
SR rocks 'nuff said.
Damn Mog.. i keep forgetting you are on Quell. I remember TSF, buncha beggers.. Kinda like Hell's Highwaymen.