Giantt had this to say about Optimus Prime:
If you don't type /log on every time you log on, you don't have such a file. Sorry.
If you know you want to keep a log every time you play, you can default it to always being on at log-in. Just open "eqclient.ini" and change the second line to Log=TRUE. This will cause it to atomatically turn on the /log command once you select your character, creating a log file for each character in your EQ directory (named something to the effect of "Zararazu_82.txt") that you can use various log parses on to evaluate your statistics. To turn this option off, either type /log while online to toggle it back off, or change the line back to Log=FALSE in eqclient.ini. [ 02-08-2002: Message edited by: Troodon ]