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Topic: Wow
Not gay, but loves the cock!
posted 02-05-2002 06:04:56 PM
Today after getting my Stein of Moggok and messing with that I decide to put a little time in on my monk.

Another monk runs by in EC with some odd weapons I've never seen before. I send a tell asking what they are, he turns around and shows them to me in trade.

Hand to Hand : 9dmg 19 dly

"Wow I wish I had those... Hehehe, I'm a poor monk"
Him "You want some"
Me "Really?"
Him "Yeah, follow me I get some off of my main from the bank."
Me "Cool!"

After that he invites me to his guild (Wonderlust). I'm just kinda stunned that I got into a guild that had 4 lvl 50 guys and twinked. Mostly because my monk is only lvl 4. Hehehe.

Nice people out there.

Got Xfire? Join me in the crusade to knock WoW from it's lofty #1 most played Xfire game with Solitare!
Ayerine Angelyre
posted 02-05-2002 06:07:24 PM
Yeah, there are a lot of mean people out there, too.

But I'm glad ya found some nice ones.

Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 02-05-2002 06:41:45 PM
The guild name is "Wanderlust" and it's my guild.

Was a founding member and an officer till I had to delete my account and move my character(-name) and his stuff over to a friends account.

Perhaps I'll log in tomorrow to say hello. =)

[ 02-05-2002: Message edited by: Tarquinn ]

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Not gay, but loves the cock!
posted 02-05-2002 06:43:53 PM
I was only in it for a minute before I had to log, sheesh, I can't be expected to remember everything! ^_^

Got Xfire? Join me in the crusade to knock WoW from it's lofty #1 most played Xfire game with Solitare!
Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 02-05-2002 06:47:15 PM
Didn't blame you.

IT's just ... my guild ... my only guild ... you know?

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Not gay, but loves the cock!
posted 02-05-2002 06:50:45 PM
I could understand that. I don't care much about Eternal Grace though. Just a bunch of Newbie Vah Shir running around. (My Pally's guild)

Got Xfire? Join me in the crusade to knock WoW from it's lofty #1 most played Xfire game with Solitare!
Tier the Genius™
Dark Elf Pimp
posted 02-05-2002 06:52:37 PM
Consider the advantages of being unguilded. Training half of SolB without having anyone report your druid butt to your guild leader.

Boy I enjoy being unguilded.

Not gay, but loves the cock!
posted 02-05-2002 06:54:43 PM
I sucked as a druid, I went around killing Blackbears and wolfs.

Got Xfire? Join me in the crusade to knock WoW from it's lofty #1 most played Xfire game with Solitare!
Personally responsible for the decline of the American Dollar
posted 02-05-2002 06:57:20 PM
Tier had this to say about Punky Brewster:
Consider the advantages of being unguilded an asshole. Training half of SolB without having anyone report your druid asshole butt to your guild leader.

Boy I enjoy being unguilded an asshole.

(Disclaimer : Disclaimer)

~Never underestimate the power of a Dark Clown.
Rodent King
Stabbed in the Eye
posted 02-05-2002 07:08:01 PM
I recently started playing EQ again after 'bout six months of doing other things. After I'd been on a while I noticed that the guild I was in was unusually quiet.

After asking around and /who guild and all that stuff, I've found that I'm the LAST person in a dead guild. YAY ME!

My inner child is bigger than my outer adult.
posted 02-05-2002 07:12:31 PM
doesn't that mean you default to the guild leader?

start inviting people

posted 02-05-2002 08:18:32 PM
All the 50+ people tell me, "Im going on a guild raid/epic raid"
Therefore they destroyed all their stuff to get hyped up for the raid
Delphi Aegis
posted 02-05-2002 08:20:54 PM
Guildless = fun.

I've done perfectly well without a guild past 40, Dont see whats the problem.

However, I cheat. I have a level 60 paladin friend (Along with his newly level 60 epic weilding twink Cleric) at my disposal. Maybe sometime this friggin YEAR I can convince him to do a MM raid to finally get my hilt, and have a flaming pigsticker...

Er.. Damn mini rants. Sorry.

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Falaanla Marr
posted 02-05-2002 08:25:25 PM
Delphi had this to say about Captain Planet:
Guildless = fun.

I've done perfectly well without a guild past 40, Dont see whats the problem.

However, I cheat. I have a level 60 paladin friend (Along with his newly level 60 epic weilding twink Cleric) at my disposal. Maybe sometime this friggin YEAR I can convince him to do a MM raid to finally get my hilt, and have a flaming pigsticker...

Er.. Damn mini rants. Sorry.

Guilds are VERY helpful if you enjoy raiding, makes finding raid groups FAR easier.

Also, if you are ina guild with a good rep, it helps in other ways. For example, if you join a guild thats well liked, you may find getting in groups easier, and find the amount of people you can raid with greatly expanded.

Delphi Aegis
posted 02-05-2002 08:33:26 PM
Falaanla Marr wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Guilds are VERY helpful if you enjoy raiding, makes finding raid groups FAR easier.

Also, if you are ina guild with a good rep, it helps in other ways. For example, if you join a guild thats well liked, you may find getting in groups easier, and find the amount of people you can raid with greatly expanded.

I dont dislike raids.. Its that whole "waiting to do nothing for another five minutes while the monk gets killed for the 20th time pulling a mob that I could do in five minutes" thing that urks me.

Besides. I dont like groups. At all. Just one of those things with me, I suppose.

But considering I've been on the server since .. well, Everyone, pretty much all the good "0ld sk00l" players know and respect me, even if I am a bit goofy at times. Sometimes I'll crash the Kael zone and make fun of people for the heck of it.

One thing I do want: More PoF raids. I miss that place, it was kewl. Blood raining and everything.. (Half the time I'm the only one to make it to north wall unscathed.)

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
Espio Idsavant
You have gotten better at Being a Lush! (200)
posted 02-06-2002 12:00:25 AM
Falaanla Marr impressed everyone with:
Also, if you are ina guild with a good rep, it helps in other ways. For example, if you join a guild thats well liked, you may find getting in groups easier, and find the amount of people you can raid with greatly expanded.
Agreed. If your guild has a good rep, so do you automatically if someone doesn't know anything about you (of course the same is true for a guild with a bad rep...). Its quite amuzing how people always assume my level 14 baby rogue is always the group leader, simply because the < Dawntreaders > tag is floating above her head.

Guilds aren't just good for raid groups tho, they can be excellent sources of normal exp groups. I think I'm a bit spoiled now even, I haven't gone LFGing via /shout or /ooc in a long, long time... I just find a guild exp group that has an opening.

And you can still be free, If time will set you free
And going higher than the mountain tops
And go high like the wind don't stop...

[ My gooberish Live Journal thingy ]

posted 02-06-2002 10:01:04 AM
I belong to WoLF. Great guild.
Personally, My guildmates are my best friends, tho I've never met any of them IRL. It is NICE to have freinds around when you die in the Tower of Frozen Shadows and cannot get back in.
The Druid Greyeagle

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother forever;

Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 02-06-2002 10:08:18 AM
9/19, eh? What are they called?
I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
Technology Luddite
posted 02-06-2002 10:35:02 AM
H2H weapons were conceived of long ago, but never actually implemented until Luclin. All can be used by both beastlords and monks. However, since the dmg/dly ratio on a beastlords empty fists is fixed, and with monks they constantly go up, beastlords will get more mileage out of them than monks will. But monks will certainly find them useful, if the dmg/dly ration is better then their fists at their level, which can often be true if the monk is of a relatively low level or it's one of the higher quality h2h weapons out there.

Beastlords have good h2h skills... have the same cap as monks do, I think (not 100% sure on thisd, they might be slightly lower, but I know for a fact that no class besides monks has a higher cap). In fact, nobody can beat beastlords hand to hand fighting skills, except for monks. They're the only class that can dual wield fists besides monks (monks can do this at lvl 1, but beastlords can't do it until 17).

There's not a general consensus about their group role yet... although the groups I've been in with beastlords, they're usually a tank, sometimes even a puller.

Anywho... you may disagree with this, but these are just my opinions based on what I've observed beastlords doing. There are already several beastlords in their 40's, even a few in their 50's now... be interesting to see what the high-end game for a beastlord is like, see what they do on raids, that's probably what will give a better definition of their class...

As for guilds, yes you can be unguilded, but for me I wouldn't like going without the support of a guild. Besides raids and groups, my guild allows me to easily find experienced players to talk to for advice, and also people who can help me in difficult situations. I've pretty much avoiding soloing any of my characters once they've past level 9... not that I can't do it, but I don't enjoy it that much (something I find ironic, since in RL I'm quite a loner). I usually don't group with guildmates often anyway, but it's still nice having that support.

And it means more to have people in my guild congratulate me on finishing a quest or gaining a level than complete strangers!

[ 02-06-2002: Message edited by: Troodon ]

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 02-06-2002 10:40:50 AM
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Troodon was all like:
They're the only class that can dual wield fists besides monks (monks can do this at lvl 1, but beastlords can't do it until 17).

Then I must be fooling myself when I quad attack while naked with my 30 Rogue, eh?

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
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