Kagrama wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
Heck, I bet I could probably move over to England to play on the more event filled DAoC servers, and it would cost less.
Are they?
Tarquinn stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Are they?
Well, I've heard reports that the European servers will have a lot more dynamic events. That's just what I've heard, though.
<PescoWerk> If I pay $30 more a month.. I expect pr0n to randomly go across my screen
<Callalron> And high quality pr0n at that.
If there are in game wh0res.....
Not even for pr0n or whores.
JooJooFlop had this to say about Robocop:
What's this all about? They're finally doing that $40 a month premium service thingy? Where can I see the details?
God damn, I hate Verant for this.
Not because of the server itself, but because of what they're gonna do to the rest of the game.
I have a friend who works in the Quest Troupe, you know, those people who run the story-based GM events? (Not to be confused with the Newbie Killing Giants in the Oasis and such, that's just GM sh!t.)
Well, let's just say that their promise of not neglecting the rest of the game is full of shit. All the manager-types in the Quest Troupe were transferred away from there to work on the Legends server.
Apparently, this is what the big "Change to the troupe" that my friend was harping about all month is.
Spits in disgust
Not only are they not getting 30 more of my bucks per month, but if the game declines like I think it will, they're gonna lose the 10 bucks a month I give.
Oh, and if you read this Rowyl, please don't get too offended. I'm sure it wasn't you who came up with all these ideas.
Everquest had this to say about their nifty-difty new server:
Orcs invading Freeport?And killing people. Gnolls rampaging through the Karanas?And killing people. Or maybe a new dragon emerges from his ages-old slumber to ravage the countryside.And kill people.
Mooj impressed everyone with:
No. No. No. And again, NO!!!God damn, I hate Verant for this.
Not because of the server itself, but because of what they're gonna do to the rest of the game.
I have a friend who works in the Quest Troupe, you know, those people who run the story-based GM events? (Not to be confused with the Newbie Killing Giants in the Oasis and such, that's just GM sh!t.)
Well, let's just say that their promise of not neglecting the rest of the game is full of shit. All the manager-types in the Quest Troupe were transferred away from there to work on the Legends server.
Apparently, this is what the big "Change to the troupe" that my friend was harping about all month is.
Spits in disgust
Not only are they not getting 30 more of my bucks per month, but if the game declines like I think it will, they're gonna lose the 10 bucks a month I give.
Oh, and if you read this Rowyl, please don't get too offended. I'm sure it wasn't you who came up with all these ideas.
There are story based GM events in EQ?
Mooj had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
Not only are they not getting 30 more of my bucks per month, but if the game declines like I think it will, they're gonna lose the 10 bucks a month I give.
I can bearly afford my college loan payments...
And all the stuff they're promicing.. *SHOULD* have been in game from the gitgo...
Now, for 20 bucks a month? Yeah, I'd do that.
The Otaku Penguin had this to say about Tron:
Um, no way in hell, I agree with Mooj. I think they need to have a same price server with more GM events, but only if you PROVE yourself able to RP well enough to participate well enough. Ya know, like an RP-restricted server.
Like Firona Vie?
Not that I consider that a real RP-server... it's just an alignment-team blue server. I like to RP my characters as oddbolls and misfits in their society, acting outside of the stereotypes of their race and class... which simply isn't possible to do on FV.
But FV is the closest thing to a RP-restricted server EQ has right now.
In short, hell no. I aint payin.
This may mean the Legends server is doomed to go the way of the NBC Triplecast, if the posters here are an accurate representative sample of EQ subscribers.
Unless the people who are going to move just don't want to say so.
But yes two months or so ago I would have moved.
Too much Bling-Bling
Too little Bang-Bang
We'd also like to apologize for the NBC Triplecast. Although no incendiary devices were used, we admit it was a bad idea.
I am 90% sure that eventually Verant will have to make a similar statement...
We shall see.
Yes, I know, Legends is more than improved CS, but damn, this picture fits [ 02-04-2002: Message edited by: Khyron ]
Mooj had this to say about Duck Tales:
Oh, and if you read this Rowyl, please don't get too offended. I'm sure it wasn't you who came up with all these ideas.
I think (hope) that Verant doesn't take the opinions of the perma-lowbies on this board seriously...
Myself, if I had the money, I'd spend it eBuying some gear for myself on Zeb.