If you could have a minor wish, what would it be and why?
What is a minor wish? Something trivial that would be okay but would not majorly benefit you in any way.
Examples are.
I'd like a tail.
I'd like to be able to change my eye color.
or something minorly benefitting. Like:
Anytime I want a soda, the machine gives me one. However, not like: The machine will give me enough soda's to open a store and sell them.
The Human race might have been decades ahead of where we are right now if we didn't have to sleep,
quote:If nobody needed sleep, we would have 16 hour workdays, and people on the average would be even more dissatisfied with their lives than they are in today's society. Pay would be less on a per-hour basis, since everyone would be expected to work to the extent of their abilities for what society is willing to compensate them.
Lashanna had this to say about dark elf butts:
The Human race might have been decades ahead of where we are right now if we didn't have to sleep,
However, on an individual basis, I agree. I would also like the ability to go without sleep indefinitely, and still function effectively.
A brief something to note: In order to go without sleep naturally, a being would need to eat more, and have a faster rate of natural healing and energy recovery. Nothing drastic, mind you, as there are some animals that need very little sleep compared to us. But that's a side-effect of not sleeping; you need to eat more to continue functioning. [ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: Ford Prefect ]
I would like to be fluent in speaking, reading, and understanding Spanish and/or Hebrew. These are two languages I would find useful, and while I have never had difficulty with math or science, the languages of other nations always seem to fall outside the boundaries of my understanding.
You know, having that one girl say "yes", getting that one question right when I guess on it, be the 1,000th customer to call in and win the prize...
I think that would be useful.
Tier had this to say:
I'd like to overcome my laziness. It's a nuisance.
Ditto here.
Actually, I'd like to be able to fully understand how others think. It would be VERY interesting, and would probably let me understand why people do the stupid things they do. It might even help me steer someone away from doing stupid things. (And possibly enable me to get the girl a want j/k)
If you really think about it, why DO some people even think of doing some of the things that they do? Have you ever satr down and thought about it? Why does one do drugs? I understand that some of them make you feel better or get a 'buzz' or whatever, but why the heck would someone do them, knowing how badly thier body can get screwed up? I guess ignorance is even more common than I thought... or maybe these people don't care. I've had enough of my family get screwed up by drugs to know NOT to ever use misuse or abuse them. What I don't understand is really why some people that I'm sure know about this stuff (due to them being my age and having gone through the same school system, which requires the education of this kind of stuff) do it anyway... I guess they don't think ahead... not chess players, I can definitely say...
Speaking of not thinking ahead, that seems to be an even broader problem than drug misuse/abuse. I know a bunch of people my age who plan to drop out of school and work at McDonalds or whatever random place that takes no further skills than saying, "Welcome to McDonalds. May I take your order? You want fries with that?" Some that I know aren't planning that, but proably will end up doing that anyway. Thjey don't seem to want to take advantage of the fact that they get FREE EDUCATION! They disrupt class, don't pay attention, etc. It seems like they don't care that even though you won't directly be using all of this, the skills and thought processes used to figure out what x is in 2x+7=20 will be needed. It's not always what you learn, but the skills and processes of thought that you will. Not to mention that teachers can often give you a small pearl of wisdom that can't be found in books. Whether you accept this pearl, get it shoved down your throat, or reject it completely is entirely your choice.
*end rant, for now...*
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Ford Prefect was all like:
Another nice wish to have would be the ability to understand people. Not to read minds, just to understand what they want, and how to get along with them more easily.
... Hey! You posted while I was typing!
(I kind of took a while to post...)
Nah, no hard feelings. Funny, how we posted the same thing, though my reasons were different (and led to a rant), though your reasoning's great, actually.
Ruvyen Warblade had this to say about Cuba:
I wish I was an Ogre, with full Ogre-sized combat gear (Including camo!), an Ogre-sized bastard sword, and an Ogre-sized army rifle. Then, I'd join the military, and kick serious ass.
*pictures an ogre running at an enemy, screaming and brandishing a bastard sword only to be shot to death a la Indiana Jones*
I'd imagine a half-elf or something would make an ideal modern infantryman. But that's just an unedjucated guess.
JooJooFlop had this to say about Optimus Prime:
*pictures an ogre running at an enemy, screaming and brandishing a bastard sword only to be shot to death a la Indiana Jones*
That's what the rifle would be for. If they were too far away, I'd just shoot them. Male soldiers would be shot in the groin.
My wish was to not have to sleep. However, is that minor? If sleep wasnt necessary, you couldnt get tired physically. You could do the work of two people and benefit massively. However, its a great wish.
Also, the just not being groggy is a good one.
Sol's 20$ a day is also good. That isnt a very big bit of money but enough to keep you fed.
So far so good!
Ruvyen Warblade thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
I wish I was an Ogre, with full Ogre-sized combat gear (Including camo!), an Ogre-sized bastard sword, and an Ogre-sized army rifle. Then, I'd join the military, and kick serious ass.
If you had the rifle why the hell would you need a sword?.. O wait I forgot you all ready Have that Orge-Sized brain.
Pyscho_Pike had this to say about Pirotess:
If you had the rifle why the hell would you need a sword?.. O wait I forgot you all ready Have that Orge-Sized brain.
Close combat.
What would be more ammo-efficient in a very close melee situation, blowing someone's head off with a rifle round, or decapitating them with the sword and saving the rifle round for that damn sniper in the tower?
Photographic Memory
*hits the mute button then the pause button*
that and being physically "fit" and staying that way without working out like a madman and eating shitty food i dont like (health foo is crap sorry)
[ 01-27-2002: Message edited by: De lid g am ond ]
I'd like to know what they think. Why they think it. Weather or not I should wear less aftershave. If they think my hair looks good down, or back. What they want from a relationship. What they want from sex. Especially from sex.
I want to be able to give every woman that I go out with the most pure form of pleasure that one can recieve.
Hrm. That might be like fifteen major wishes all strung together, but thats ok.
So I'm gonna have to eather go with photographic memory, or never getting sick.
No matter how tired, or stressed I may be.
Ruvyen Warblade had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
Close combat.What would be more ammo-efficient in a very close melee situation, blowing someone's head off with a rifle round, or decapitating them with the sword and saving the rifle round for that damn sniper in the tower?
If that was the case, don't you think you would see more Soldiers with swords? Ammo efficenty is being able to hit your target, You know the marine sniper motto "one shot, One kill" if your woried about ammo, carry more.