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Topic: Times like these...
I <3 My Deviant
posted 01-15-2002 12:28:32 AM
I've been reminded who my real friends are. And since coming to this board, I've found some true ones.

I could list them.. I mean it;s a pretty long list. lol

Some of you got to see those who I used to respect and call friends. How they are now. *shudders* *points to her little char dealy* Why that says Fennin Ro and not Bristlebane now.

Kenn, Fal.. Thank you two for opening your home up to me. I hope to beable to repay this kindness.

Ryuu leezard =P You've cheered me up more then a few times

Woody.. always *is hopeing he know what that means*

Drysart.. Thank you, for everything.

Peachis.. I have so much respect for you.

Pved, Gik, Blindy.. You guys are always there. So glad to know you all.

Mightion.. anyone's knight in shining armour

Cadga.. Yes.. I concider you my friend! you my monkah

Nem-X.. One of my oldest remaining friends from BB.. *HUGS tight*

Taylen.. You're the next Mathas I sware The fountain of stats and equipment Info. And someone who has been a really good friend.

Parc!.. *picks up the preirie dog and snuggles him*

ok ok I should go off to bed. It's late.. and it's been rather stressful the past few days. I just wanted to thank you people for making this place feel like a home.

posted 01-15-2002 12:58:28 AM
Good nite Aanile, sleep well
posted 01-15-2002 01:09:43 AM
posted 01-15-2002 01:18:01 AM
*Hugs Aani and smiles*

Awww... Sleep well.

Falaanla Marr
posted 01-15-2002 03:54:47 AM
Its amazing how hard it can be to find who your true friends are at times, but Aan, I am very glad you are happy on Fennin. You know im here for ya anytime


hay guys whats going on in this title?
posted 01-15-2002 05:31:52 AM
Night Aanile and good luck
posted 01-15-2002 05:38:27 AM
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