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Topic: HUGE Computer Problem, please help!
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 01-14-2002 08:29:04 PM
Ok...I came home from TKD and went down to my computer, I had PA on IE and Winamp was running the playlist, on account of I didn't shut it off before I left. I move the mouse upto the top of the screen (My start menu is hidden) and the computer freezes. I shrug and CTR-ALT-DLT. Nothing. I do it again, the little screen comes up, then the computer restarts itself. I shrug, ok, whatever. Well, when it finishes restarting and comes from the Win 98 screen to my desktop, everything is in 16 bit colour. I think..."well shit" because it happens sometimes when I hard restart from DOS games. So anyway, I go to display properties and go to settings, and all I can select for colour is 16 bit, and I look up, and it says that there is an unknown monitor. I say some profanities and hard shut down, as in, power OFF. When I turn it back on, I got nothing from the monitor, So I turn that on and off, everything looks dandy, it's at scan-disk.

Well, when I get to the desktop, it says new hardware found, and then starts naming just about EVERYTHING on my system manager. Then it comes to asking for the Win98 CD, I run and get it, but the computer DOES NOT SEE MY CD-ROM!! So I'm fucked, because it needs the drivers for just about everything!

WHY WOULD THIS HAPPEN? Can anyone help? I'm on my dads computer

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
Was once a member
posted 01-14-2002 08:32:54 PM
Random act of computer, what kind of computer do you have? 9 times out of 10, you can get the files it needs without the CD, just point it to C:\windows, c:\windows\system, and c:\windows\system32, most needed files from the CD are in those directories.
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 01-14-2002 08:42:41 PM
Not there
..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
posted 01-14-2002 10:57:46 PM
System specs please...
Steven Steve
posted 01-14-2002 11:09:53 PM
Are you sure you have the latest graphics card drivers?
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"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums

posted 01-14-2002 11:20:08 PM
See, that's the thing. It looks like the OS dumped the portion of his registry that lists the locations of all his driver files. Or, perhaps, all of his driver files were deleted - maybe by a virus.

So many possibilities...

System specs would help.

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