I found the entire rant very very funny, doubly so as a Paladin.
Very Very Bitter Ranger [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Tyewa Dawnsister ]
quote:He is.
And you thought Maradon was bitter about EQ...
Black Mage had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
He is.
Am not!
Maradön? thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Am not!
I'm serious.
No, really.
....I'm not kidding.
Black Mage had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Superduck 0wnz your 4$$ mofo [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Maradön? ]
quote:Til you log back on/next patch/you think about EQ/you think about anything related to Necros/get bored.
Maradön? had this to say about pies:
I have nothing against EQ or Verant anymore.I'm serious.
No, really.
....I'm not kidding.
quote:I get;
Tyewa Dawnsister had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
There link is fixed... grumble...
Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /ranger/showthread.php.Reason: Document contains no data
Apache/1.3.19 Server at forums.interealms.com Port 80
We were all impressed when Black Mage wrote:
Til you log back on/next patch/you think about EQ/you think about anything related to Necros/get bored.
Well yeah. So?
quote:So you have something against Verant/EQ, therefore you still are bitter.
We were all impressed when Maradön? wrote:
Well yeah. So?
Black Mage stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
So you have something against Verant/EQ, therefore you still are bitter.Quack.
Not at the moment!
People who say "OMG THEY'RE SO OVERPOWERED! MY CLASS IS WORTHLESS NOW" should go play that class and see how damned hard it is to be overpowered.
Sure, we get a 25% haste, but it costs 300 mana. More then a quarter of your mana IF you have less then 100 wis, which as a paladin, you probably do. Our quest armor (Re: Armor of Ro) Is possibly the most difficult of any (Besides something like Ranger boots or something) to get out of all of them..
Bleh. I'll shoosh now.
So sayeth Verant.
That's all it seems to me [ 01-11-2002: Message edited by: Niklas ]
/ cackle
Delphi had this to say about Duck Tales:
Keep clicking. *shrug* Big page, loads slow.People who say "OMG THEY'RE SO OVERPOWERED! MY CLASS IS WORTHLESS NOW" should go play that class and see how damned hard it is to be overpowered.
Sure, we get a 25% haste, but it costs 300 mana. More then a quarter of your mana IF you have less then 100 wis, which as a paladin, you probably do. Our quest armor (Re: Armor of Ro) Is possibly the most difficult of any (Besides something like Ranger boots or something) to get out of all of them..
Bleh. I'll shoosh now.
When I have my one-handed weapon and my CGS I have 110 WIS.
When I have my new Arbitor's Combine Greatsword, I have 116 wisdom.
That put's my mana in the 1100 range here at 46.
That's why your posts are like that, Delphi; you lack wisdom.
(Humor disclaimer!)
quote:Heheh... That was so cheesy, it was funny
Skaw had this to say about dark elf butts:
Someone take that paladin to McDonalds and get him a Wahburger and some French Cries!
Mightion Defensor impressed everyone with:
Then again, my WIS might be up there because nine of my armor pieces have +2 WIS on them...
Yar, That I envy. If I had more wis, I might have a spare heal or stun to stay alive longer. Unfortunatly, I gave up my 8 wis helm, and 13 wis PMT for a DW helm and a badge, respectivly.
In the end I only envy you, Might.
Delphi wrote:
Our quest armor (Re: Armor of Ro) Is possibly the most difficult of any (Besides something like Ranger boots or something) to get out of all of them.
Darkforge isn't hard, but it's probably the longest and most annoying camp out of them all. God damn Lizard Crusaders never spawn, and when they, they have the pieces you already have.
Mortious Shadowstalker stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Darkforge isn't hard, but it's probably the longest and most annoying camp out of them all. God damn Lizard Crusaders never spawn, and when they, they have the pieces you already have.
Aww, C'mon mort, At least they work. I happen to know for a fact that the Plauge sharks for the Vambraces of Ro were broken for months after release.
And the kicker is: We have to go to Mistmoore of all places, not only for our epic, but for the BP and all the peices of Ro as well.
If (Rangers == Good)
ColdDayInHell = TRUE;
Delphi had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Yar, That I envy. If I had more wis, I might have a spare heal or stun to stay alive longer. Unfortunatly, I gave up my 8 wis helm, and 13 wis PMT for a DW helm and a badge, respectivly.In the end I only envy you, Might.
Each of those pieces of armor that give me +2 WIS is a piece I made myself, too!
So, booyah!
i didn't think the Ro armor was hard. the arms maybe because the spawn was messed up. thankfully i found a nice GM
he watched as the shark poofed and said to forget it and gave me the stuff for arms then teleported me to person who gave mold. Mith Marr GMs are nice
First Dragon had this to say about (_|_):
Rangers suck.Let's just leave it at that.
You ever see a ranger pull?
Yeah. Got the OTHER ranger killed, and me, almost.
I think it had to do with the fact that he NEVER EVER asked for the clerics mana.
He did bitch a little about how hard the Ivy Etched quest was, though.
And I was all like 'Oh yeah?' and Lawgiver Cadga was all like:
rangers dont suck they are prolly the best endgame meleers (not tank so dont take it as that)
Yes Cadga, Indeed they are!
The problem rangers have is OTHER people in the group not getting aggro from them effecitvely.
I, personally, have no problems keeping taunt off rangers. Do that, and they have wonderful damage output while the cleric heals the defensive tank.
If ya think about it, the two of us are better then a warrior, IF we each do our jobs right.
Or you could just solo. Plenty of places to do that.
Tegadil had this to say about Robocop:
I dont care so much about what the other classes got, but how VI shafted rangers, all due to one whiny little insignificant person, much like what happened to that Myrkolars Dagger. I was overjoyed when I heard it was possible to attain triple attavk, then I was left hollow when they took it back.If (Rangers == Good)
ColdDayInHell = TRUE;
that should be:
code:If (Rangers == Good)
ColdDayInHell = TRUE;
else it wouldn't compile