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Topic: Need opinions about about another thing I wrote
posted 01-06-2002 07:58:13 PM
My friend Kestar and I are student directing the spring play...well...atleast...a few skits. Here is what we have. By the way. I am Frank, he is Josh. Enjoy and discuss.

The Superfluos Wonderous fantablerositic Magical Mystical,
Terrible hideous nasty nonsensical shit,

Page 115 Bounder-Of-Adventurer

Page 134 Biggles dictates a letter

Other Monty Python Skit


Welcome Folks! We have a great show for you tonight!

Josh (whispering)
That’s not the opening line…

Frank (whispering back)
I thought someone was supposed to be holding up cuecards…

Josh (whispering)
I told you yesterday, John quit yesterday.

Frank (whispering)
Oh hell…

Sorry everyone… we’re having a bit of a problem. That’s ok, though folks. The rest of the show will run smoothly. Riiight?


SCENE 1: Eating A Baby

Scene One. Eating A Baby. Wait a minute… that’s rather… disturbing. Well, that’s what it says. Scene One. Eating A Baby.

[Scene One, Eating A Baby ensues. It is completely silent.]

SCENE 2: Monty Python Interlude

And now a brief interlude from Monty Python. Hold on, isn’t that plajoris –

Frank’s Voice
Read it, fatso.

And now, a brief interlude from Monty Python.

[First Monty Python Skit]
Page 115 Bounder-Of-Adventurer

SCENE 3: Stand Up Comedy Hour

Scene Three. Stand up comedy hour. Well, it’s not really an hour… it’s just a few minutes or so, really.

Josh’s Voice
I don’t really like you… (sound of a gun cocking)

Right! Scene Three! Stand up comedy hour.

Frank (onstage)
Heya heya heya folks! You’re great looking tonight, and I really mean that! Come on, lets have a round of applause!

(If we get a lot of applause):
I see the asylum has been letting out it’s inmates again!

(None or little)
Oh, the outpaints are out in force tonight!

Well, everybody let me tell you, I just a piece of swiss cheese before I came up here, and lemme just say, it was as full of holes as an irish protestant on a Sunday!

[hopefully, stunned silence]

(if stunned silence)
What? What’s the matter with you? You gotta something against god?

(if laughter)
What the hell are you people? Racists morons?

Alright, you know what I have to say about this? Well… hold on, I’m a little thirsty here. I’ll just get a drink from my OOOPS! (he spills the water on a plant in the audience)

What the?! What are you doing?!

Oops, sorry there buddy. Oh, I got ya all wet… Now you look like a giant pile of snot, don’tcha?

Pile Of Snot
Hey! Jesus!

Jesus (hidden in audience)

Pile Of Snot (slightly stunned)
Oh… sorry.

Hey, jesus.

Hey, how’ya doin there? It’s been a long time. I didn’t really appreciate that protestant thing, though. You might wanna watch it, the big guy doesn’t take to insults too well.

Oh sorry, didn’t mean to offend god.

No, no

Big Man Bubba Plant
Yea. I doesn’t like bein offendided.

Jesus (putting his arm around the Bad Comic)
Listen, come with me for a second. I’ll buy you a drink or something and we can talk…

(they walk offstage right and pass a park bench upon which are sitting two women, Josh and Someone Else)

Scene 4, Oh good lord! This is disgusting!

Frank’s Voice
Alright! That’s enough! (blast of gun)

Someone Else
Hey, Lois, I don’t feel… fresh.

Wha? Oh me dear! Look at yerself! Yea’re bleedin all over the bench! I understand yea’re problem exactly me deary!

Someone Else
Oh, thank you! I was afraid no one would!

That’s right, deary! In the Old Country we used to just shove a cork in it! But now, in the wonderful New World we have something even better! Tampons!

Frank (returning as salesman)
Are you tired of listening to disgusting personal ads on the radio? Do you change your station everytime something like “Be a man again, Supererecto” or “Womens Yeast Problems Solved!, Menstruate 53”? Then this is the commericial for you! The Cookomatic 2000!

Mother (someone else has now put on an apron)
I don’t have time to make meals for our children, let alone the family dog. We had to put it down and my husband lost his job. Someone help me!

Frank (as the greasy salesman)
I can help you, Madame Povre. What we have here is the Cookomatic 2000! [holy music sounds as the cookomatic is rolled out] It cooks at one tenth of the power of the sun, and can microwave any object from your nasty uncle Tom

Nasty Uncle Josh
Ahhh! I lost a leg in the war!

No you didn’t Uncle Tom…

To your goldfish!

Mommy? Where did goldy go?

To heaven, honey. Now eat your fried goldfish.

Buy the cookomatic 2000 today! And for all you old people….

Josh (quickly changing into Frank Sinatra Salesman)
All you old people, listen up! We have a new product for you! Have you had problems moving your bowels lately? Just can’t get that nice relaxing feeling on the toilet? There is an answer, my geriatric friends! We’ve developed a new product to help you! Now you can feel just fine in the bathroom! Jooooooce Of The Coconut!

My husband and I wasted forty years… on… the… toilet…

Josh (pushing Francine’s wheelchair out of the way and walking forward as she screams and toples)
Well, now you can regain your revitality and your fiber can flow free again! Joooce of the Coconut! Get it today! (softer) side effects include constipation, liver failure, spleen failure, heart failure, brain failure, phantom third limb, excess bodily fluids, dehydration, and explosive also dangerous flatulence.

Francine (whig askew, standing, obviously a man, and in a deep voice)
Where the hell’s my money?

Er… HELP!!!!!

Francine (removing whig and NOT chasing Josh)
Excuse me? Anybody home?

Josh (returning with the apron on)
Oh! Hello there… dear.

Ah, hello m’am. You called?

You’re the plumber, right? Well, the problems this way.

Ok m’am… I would appreciate it if you stopped looking at me like that. It… distracts me.

Like what, my hansome young man?

Uh… do you REALLY have a clogged drain m’aim?

Oh, more than you know, young seducer!

All right, you old bag, that’s just disgusting! I’m getting out of here!

Wait! WAIT! My husband died ten years ago! I’m in desperate need of a young HANSOME man like you! Come back! Come back! Come! Awwww… (walks back to the table that lights up. Her Husband is sitting there)

What the hell was that all about? I’m still alive, and you know it!

Too bad, isn’t it?

I can’t stand you! I’m going out for a drink!


Well, looking at your ugly mug, I think I’m going to need one.

(Husband walks off left and the stage left side of the stage (which has been turned into a bar) lights up. Inside are the Bad Comedian and Jesus sharing a drink)

Well, it looks like it’s about time for an intermission. What do you think, big guy? (looking up)

(Bubba stands in the audience)



Josh the Greasy Salesman Character
Welcome back, people. We’ve run out of ideas while you were gone. I’m afraid you’re all going to have to go home. Unfortunately, we can’t refund you’re hard earned money. Ta.

[there is a long silence as Josh stares at the audience]

No, you don’t understand… This isn’t a skit. None of this was scripted, we were just making stuff up on the spot. So… leave. Well, I guess you can stay if you want, but there isn’t anything left to see.

(Josh exits and Philip Glass starts playing over the sound system)

[Long pause]

(Philip Glass fades away. Josh comes back onstage)

What? You still here? Fine. We’ll put on something, just for you. (venomously)

(Frank comes onstage with a trash can, a broom and several other instruments. He hands the trash can and two drumsticks to Frank. We begin to dance and play our ‘instruments’)

Ok, yea. This is no good. How about a great finale, Josh? Any ideas?

Well… we could do something involving… Current Events? I mean like, Arabs and the like…

What, you mean like… (fade in never be rude to an arab)

Jesus (once again in the audience)
Holy Me!

(He pulls out a gun and shoots Frank)



(Josh drags Frank offstage)

Well, while he recovers… I’ll play you a little tune on the piano. Let me just see if I can remember here….
(Josh plays the most disharmonius shit that he can possibly think of)

Thank you! Thank you!

Frank (emerging from backstage)
Oooh, my aching head… Get off stage, you tit. Time for some real entertainment.

Josh (sourly)
And now… the Amazing Frank. Jesus.

Stop doing that!

The Fabulous Frank

Well, now if I may be serious for a moment

(a moment passes)

Now if we can begin, would Sandy please bring out my materials?

(John comes out)

For my first trick, to turn this young man into my assistant, Sandy.

Frank (tossing John a blond wig)
Okay, for my second trick, I will now show you the mystery of my healing powers. I will cut myself leaving no wound. However, I will need someone from the audience. Anyone?

Frank talks to the person about their lives, joking around a little

Frank (hands the person a scissor)
Okay, now, see this spot on my wrist? Okay, I will count to three. After the number three, you need to drive the scissor as hard down as possible. If you do it before three, the trick will not work and you’ll be leaving with a lawsuit. Mmkay? AFTER I say three. After. Remember. After.

(Does trick as planned)
What the hell! Are you insane?! I was kidding! Don’t you know a joke?! Jeez…anyhow…we’ll do the next trick. Please, hand me a twenty, or any other paper currency you have. Nothing above twenty

(Does dollar trick, adlib)

Okay, thanks for being a sport. How about a round of applause for (so and so)! Hehe, okay. See ya at home. Now my final trick (adlib about box of deadly stuff, at which point, randomly, Frank scatters the contents onto the audience as the lights go black immediately)

(When lights return, The Who’s Seeker is playing)


posted 01-06-2002 08:28:07 PM
VERY funny. Great job, Oz!
posted 01-06-2002 08:51:03 PM
*sprays milk out of her nose*

ROFL!! its great!

"a friend will help you move, a really good friend will help you move a body"
posted 01-07-2002 03:41:48 PM
Glad ya liked it. Now..any more opinions or are random SoBs just gunna read this and go take a piss?


Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 01-07-2002 03:53:30 PM
Too funny. Worthy of being acted.

Good work, Oz!

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
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