Talk about taking the fun out of a brand new class.
Check out the big brain on Azizza!
Took them long enough..
We have at least one on Bristlebane already.
Azizza had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Took them long enough..
We have at least one on Bristlebane already.
Azizza's new title...
"Anything you can do, I can do better... I can do anything better than you..."
*wanders off to get that pound bag of pepper and a pair of tweezers*
Hello NASA?? Yes, I'd like to borrow the Hubble Space Telescope for a friend...
AbbigailSD had this to say:
Azizza's new title...
"Anything you can do, I can do better... I can do anything better than you..."
There have been 5 or 6 that I've seen in the upper 50's (55 to 59) in the past couple of weeks.... It's frightening how fast someone can powerlevel twinks these days.
I just wonder if they have Velious armor for BST yet.
But that's just me.
What is the point of powerlevelling a character like that? Whats the point now? Why bother playing it.
Comrade_Snoota wrote, obviously thinking too hard with a brain too small:
First off, I've only called Azizza on this once before, and if you notice that thread, people agreed with me that Azizza is constantly trying to wave his wang around with "I'm better than you" comments in people's threads...
But then I wouldnt expect you to understand.. after allm since you're return all you've been is arrogant, sarcastic, and an asshead... Obviously there is some kind of weird cult status in being banned from EC twice, and you're hoping to win it...
Well keep going, 'cos you're sure on the right path..
Check out the big brain on AbbigailSD!
First off, I've only called Azizza on this once before, and if you notice that thread, people agreed with me that Azizza is constantly trying to wave his wang around with "I'm better than you" comments in people's threads...But then I wouldnt expect you to understand.. after allm since you're return all you've been is arrogant, sarcastic, and an asshead... Obviously there is some kind of weird cult status in being banned from EC twice, and you're hoping to win it...
Well keep going, 'cos you're sure on the right path..
Excuse me but what the hell are you talking about?
And what exactly have I done to you?
Skaw had this to say about dark elf butts:
But Legacy of Sorrow did it, tonight their guild-shared BST hit 60.
Talk about taking the fun out of a brand new class.
How does it take the fun out of it? You aren't being forced to play the level 60 character.
And most people expected them to have made level 60 pretty quick. The way some guilds are now, you can PL a character too level 60 in no time flat if its never logged out
What takes fun out of the game, is people that bitch and moan about people having a lvl 60 BST
Some people dont play the game to level. Raiding is a fairly big part of the game as well. And lets face it, the best raiding comes when you hit 60.
Guess maybe I would think differently if I made it to the high end game, KaL was originally lv 31 before I deleted him and all my other characters in January. (lost interest completely in the game) Came back in April and got him back up to 25. I'd probably be around 50 or 50+ if I stayed with it.
You said maybe you'd think differently as a higher level.
Well, I can tell you this, as you level, your view certainly does change, on almost everything. I've had Lashanna for 2 year+, and I've just now started leveling her (36 to 41 in the past month), and it's amazing to me how rapidly my viewpoint of EQ has changed.
Also, my guild has killed Trakanon twice in the past two days (1 hour Patches in the early morning are great), and We've gotten 2 Cobalt BPs, and 2 Beastlord BPs...
The sad/funny/weird/whatever part is, on the second raid, there were enough Beast Lords to roll on it, heh...
AbbigailSD had this to say about Optimus Prime:
But then I wouldnt expect you to understand.. after allm since you're return all you've been is arrogant, sarcastic, and an asshead... Obviously there is some kind of weird cult status in being banned from EC twice, and you're hoping to win it
LOL.. since when have I -not- been a 'arrogant, sarcastic asshead'?
And do you even know how I got banned? I was bored one night and PM'd Drysart with, 'BAN ME PLZ THX!' and he actually did. It had nothing to do with behavior or anything.
And I'm sooooooo sorry I disagree'd with you. You're right. That makes me a meanie poopoo head who deserves to die.
And where did I say anything about you saying that to Azziza before? I've seen you say it to three different people, none of which were actually bragging about anything at that time. I mean.. look at Az's post. He said SOMEONE ON HIS SERVER was 60 also. He probably doesn't even remember the guy's name.
And now that I think about it, Skaw did the SAME EXACT THING Az did. Skaw is a horrible dick waver too! GET OUT THE TWEASERS AND CALL NASA! [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Comrade_Snoota ]
Check out the big brain on AbbigailSD!
Azizza is constantly trying to wave his wang around with "I'm better than you"
Well, duh.
He's a guy!
Well ... since they've stolen three plane raids from me and my friends I really hate them.
Reynar had this to say about Cuba:
How does it take the fun out of it
Some people actually work for level 60. Seeing assheads blaze through it with 7 days playing time is discouraging.
Tarquinn had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate LoS?No?
Well ... since they've stolen three plane raids from me and my friends I really hate them.
No one gets under my skin worse than Seann and Niku... What a bunch of frootloop fairies those two are. [ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Skaw ]
Skaw stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
[QB]Some people actually work for level 60. Seeing assheads blaze through it with 7 days playing time is discouraging.[QB]
I could PL a new character too 55 in about a week and a half probably. But I've already done the time and gotten to 60 on my own (twice). As have most of the people who PL other characters up to 60.
They have the resources to do it so they do.
I suppose you would expect them to sit in sebillis /lfg? I say to hell with that, if I have the means to PL myself a newbie toon up to 60 I am gonna.
Sure, it means I wont know the in's and out's of the character, but that's why its not my primary, just an alt to mess around with. It's the same for most other's that do it as well.
I have a screenshot of Nirandi owning Seann hardcore
Siliddar had this to say about Captain Planet:
All uubah Lewtz fer meeee
Isn't that the LoS guildcharter?
oh btw, hows y'alls hate raid goin skaw? i'm too lazy to go upstairs and ask dave.
Tarquinn thought this was the Ricky Martin Fan Club Forum and wrote:
Isn't that the LoS guildcharter?
Got some hatred for LoS huh?
I know where you are coming from though, before I /movelog'd from the rathe we had fun flame wars between guilds over raids
Siliddar had this to say about Optimus Prime:
no its 7 raids a week, make 4 or your out. Special conditions may apply.
You get booted for not attending raids?
Tarquinn had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
Isn't that the LoS guildcharter?
No, no, no, it's "Everyone elses potential ubah lewtz for us!"
Siliddar wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
no its 7 raids a week, make 4 or your out. Special conditions may apply.
God this will be so awesome, Domaigo is gonna freak.
Domaigo is one of their Wizzies, I knew him when we were camping orcs in EC. Around 30's we kinda lost track of each other.oh btw, hows y'alls hate raid goin skaw? i'm too lazy to go upstairs and ask dave.
<--Not at to Hate tonight.
Doing FG for exp so I don't lose 56 any time soon.
Skaw wrote this then went back to looking for porn:
<--Not at to Hate tonight.
Waiting for one day when theres no one on and then doing a /guildremove and running around free of the slaver bonds.
Narandi beating Seann down faster than an Orc Pawn owning Senaiel(Which is damn near impossible)
[ 01-04-2002: Message edited by: Skaw ]
[edit: my comp skillz are non-existant] [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Aaniele ]
Aaniele had this to say about Cuba:
now, I apologise to whoever this belongs to, but I do feel it was needed just for our dearest Abbi!
*hint* use the one on my webspace*hint*
When me and Dens argue, I don't tell him to shut up cause his viewpoints are different. I try to get him to get on my viewpoints [ 01-05-2002: Message edited by: Skaw ]