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Topic: So I tried to rejoin EQ to check out Luclin...
posted 12-29-2001 09:23:07 PM
SOE really fucked their customer base over the holidays.

My "Account Key has already been used."

Well, duh. I used it over a year ago to activate my original account. I'd like to use it again, please. It is my CD, after all...

And of course I can't call the SOE tech support (a long distance call!) to make it all better, because they are closed for the holidays - meaning, until January 2nd.

Way to go guys!

"Let's release a huge expansion for Christmas this year, then close our support offices for the holidays! Yay! It will be so fun!"


Oh, and according to the phone message, their E-mail support is still operational.


I'll believe that when I get my first reply.

Somebody tell me it will all be OK on Wednesday the 2nd.

This is mostly a rant thread.

Apologies in advance.

[ 12-29-2001: Message edited by: Prometheus ]

Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 12-29-2001 09:26:11 PM
I can say with almost all assurance that..:

Things wont be okay.

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
posted 12-29-2001 09:30:08 PM
Prometheus had this to say about pies:
SOE really fucked their customer base over the holidays.

My "Account Key has already been used."

Well, duh. I used it over a year ago to activate my original account. I'd like to use it again, please. It is my CD, after all...

And of course I can't call the SOE tech support (a long distance call!) to make it all better, because they are closed for the holidays - meaning, until January 2nd.

Way to go guys!

"Let's release a huge expansion for Christmas this year, then close our support offices for the holidays! Yay! It will be so fun!"


Oh, and according to the phone message, their E-mail support is still operational.


I'll believe that when I get my first reply.

Somebody tell me it will all be OK on Wednesday the 2nd.

This is mostly a rant thread.

Apologies in advance.

Try logging into your original account, if possible. It might be able to be restored.

posted 12-29-2001 09:34:17 PM
I tried that. Its looooooooong gone by now. I haven't played in more than 6 months.
posted 12-29-2001 09:40:04 PM
Your account is still active even after 6months. Only characters are lost. Now dont you feel dumb for badmouthing VI for your own stupidity
People who try to commit suicide should be dragged out into the street and shot. Heck they wont complain this what they wanted :)

Sig pic done with Microsoft paint, Work that doobie Pikachu.

posted 12-29-2001 09:47:38 PM
When I quit the game, I canceled my Everquest account. The Station name may still exist (and apparently does, though I am unable to access it), but it would not allow me access to EQ any more than my current account does.

Make sense?

Regardless of Station Name, I still have to create a new EQ account.

I can't do that untill I am permitted to use my Account Keys again.

posted 12-29-2001 09:50:18 PM
Prometheus had this to say about dark elf butts:
When I quit the game, I canceled my Everquest account. The Station name may still exist (and apparently does, though I am unable to access it), but it would not allow me access to EQ any more than my current account does.

Make sense?

Regardless of Station Name, I still have to create a new EQ account.

I can't do that untill I am permitted to use my Account Keys again.

Your account key is tied up in your old account. Therefore, you need to reactivate your old account (just try logging in with correct SN and PW then read the error message or the 'PLEASE RESUBSCRIBE' message) or wait till Verant gets off vacation and get them to free up your account key.

posted 12-29-2001 09:59:07 PM

I'll give it a shot...

posted 12-29-2001 10:06:53 PM
Ugh, what a mess...

I guess I'll just have to wait.

Delphi Aegis
posted 12-29-2001 11:36:54 PM
You should be able to reactivate your account by clicking "Account" and logging in with your original name/pass, then providing billing info.
I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
posted 12-30-2001 12:56:03 AM
I don't think you understand what they are saying.
Ok sorry to yell but I want to make sure that is clear. All you need is the old Username and password. Enter those in then give them a new Credit Card to bill you.. 30 seconds later you have an active account again... No need for reg key...
"Pacifism is a privilege of the protected"
Fippy's VP
posted 12-30-2001 01:27:36 AM
Prometheus had this to say about Captain Planet:
I tried that. Its looooooooong gone by now. I haven't played in more than 6 months.


CD key = one usage

Log into your original account and password. It will tell you it is inactive. Pay them money and you can play.

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