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Topic: Hopefully I'm the first to say it...
Alleria Qui'farush
posted 12-24-2001 05:49:32 AM
Merry Christmas Eve everyone. ^_^
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 12-24-2001 05:52:22 AM
Alleria Qui'farush had this to say about Captain Planet:
Merry Christmas Eve everyone. ^_^

*grumbles and trudges off to work*

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Cookie Goddess!
posted 12-24-2001 06:34:26 AM
<pounces on everybody> Merry Christmas eve too! ^.^
Cookie Goddess Supreme
Furry Kitsune of Power!
Pouncer of the 12th degree!
"Cxularath ftombn gonoragh pv'iornw hqxoxon targh!"
Translated: "Sell your soul for a cookie?"
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 12-24-2001 08:33:54 AM
WOO WOO WOO HAHAHAHA WOO!!! *dances and celebrates, then passes out from lack of oxygen*
..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
Super Kagrama
posted 12-24-2001 08:44:01 AM

Everyone have a happy holiday!!

i shoueld joeg threw the foreast moer offeand!!11
Squire Twitch
posted 12-24-2001 08:49:14 AM
Demitri had this to say about Jimmy Carter:
*grumbles and trudges off to work*

*Points and laughs*

My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
Cold in an Alley
posted 12-24-2001 11:21:12 AM
We were all impressed when Talorynn wrote:
*Points and laughs*
(*redirects Talorynn's finger up Talorynn's arse*)
Base eight is just like base ten, really... if you're missing two fingers. - Tom Lehrer
There are people in this world who do not love their fellow human beings, and I hate people like that! - Tom Lehrer
I want to be a race car passenger; just a guy who bugs the driver. "Say man, can I turn on the radio? You should slow down. Why do we gotta keep going in circles? Can I put my feet out the window? Man, you really like Tide..." - Mitch Hedberg
Please keep your arms, legs, heads, tails, tentacles, pseudopods, wings, and/or other limb-like structures inside the ride at all times.
Please submit all questions, inquests, and/or inquiries, in triplicate, to the Department of Redundancy Department, Division for the Management of Division Management Divisions.

Upset about being titless
posted 12-24-2001 11:45:49 AM
Merry Christmas eve to you all too!

Off to work.

Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
The stars my destination
posted 12-24-2001 12:40:48 PM
*comforts the people who have to work*

Seasons Greetings, everyone. (I don't want to miss anyone )

Do you believe in fondue? You know you do.
If you look deep within your heart you will find... melted cheese.
posted 12-24-2001 01:04:04 PM
yes, it would be a merry xmas eve except for the fact that my mother goes nuts and makes this day a nightmare for everyone and anyone she makes contact with. At least dinner will be good.

Merry Christmas to everyone, I wish you all the best!

[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Aaniele ]

"a friend will help you move, a really good friend will help you move a body"
I <3 My Deviant
posted 12-24-2001 01:08:01 PM
I was smart and snached the day off

but I gotta work the day after -.-

posted 12-24-2001 09:36:27 PM
For all of you who have to work. At least you have a good excuse for them to save you some dinner and avoid Aunt Martha.

Merry Yule!

posted 12-24-2001 09:53:11 PM
I'm a Jew. I'm a lonely Jew. :: pout ::
Ok, now that that's out of my system, Merry Christmas to all you peoples who are the majority of the world's population!

[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Mystreaver ]

Aktyr Mystreaver
Green-eyed Crusader of Greenmist
Dark Knight of the 23rd Shadow
Cap'n Elethi
I'm too sexy for my shirt, too sexy for my shirt...
posted 12-24-2001 10:50:16 PM
I went skiing.

It was a beautiful day. Cold, clear, the snow was great.

Anyways, Merry Christmas Everyone!

Elethi Rian, A Man Of Many Talents
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