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posted 12-23-2001 07:24:45 PM
I declare myself a PankaKe OF Grammer Whoreism! yes Grammur WhoreiSm!

Like the old Wise man once sed If grandma dont laugh none through her in the back of truch and bu her a glass of milk cuz once the dogs bark woo diddly!!

"JJACT TV"..not ur every day entertainment!
"theres ahir in the piies"!
"its your Hair"
::crosses eyes and says "ahhh"::
"Hullo there my name is Sarah Hopkins"
Nippa-Festa Day:http://hometown.aol.com/topazgal90/page3.html
posted 12-23-2001 07:26:49 PM
I always thought a grammar whore was a person who nitpicked at people at their grammar? I could be wrong.
Gluttonous Overlard
posted 12-23-2001 07:27:12 PM
You play on Sol Ro?

Mortious weeps.

posted 12-23-2001 07:30:15 PM
Yes yes i do! and ist and gramer QWhroe someone who sux at it? Im a Whore of Knowledge ehhehH
"JJACT TV"..not ur every day entertainment!
"theres ahir in the piies"!
"its your Hair"
::crosses eyes and says "ahhh"::
"Hullo there my name is Sarah Hopkins"
Nippa-Festa Day:http://hometown.aol.com/topazgal90/page3.html
posted 12-23-2001 07:32:41 PM
I always thought that grammar whores were people who'd do anything for good grammar...

kind of like snuggle whores or massage whores or ice cream whores...

hmmmm... ice cream...

Do you believe in fondue? You know you do.
If you look deep within your heart you will find... melted cheese.
Coolest Hamster Pimp Ever!
posted 12-23-2001 07:33:12 PM
ThirdCharm had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
I declare myself a PankaKe OF Grammer Whoreism! yes Grammur WhoreiSm!

Like the old Wise man once sed If grandma dont laugh none through her in the back of truch and bu her a glass of milk cuz once the dogs bark woo diddly!!

this. whole. post. is. hipocritical.

"Consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
posted 12-23-2001 07:35:00 PM


get your daily dose of grammer from Thridcharm! every night on weekdays

GoT Grammer? Grandma got ran over by a bvgrammer whore! walking home from a the bar last afternoon!!

"JJACT TV"..not ur every day entertainment!
"theres ahir in the piies"!
"its your Hair"
::crosses eyes and says "ahhh"::
"Hullo there my name is Sarah Hopkins"
Nippa-Festa Day:http://hometown.aol.com/topazgal90/page3.html
posted 12-23-2001 07:35:41 PM
posted 12-23-2001 07:40:19 PM
Guinney Pig!! ..WHORE

You are the GinIe PIG Whore!!

I now announce u to it!! Grammer of Guiny Pig Whorez!!!!!1 Pancake Liqwuor!

"JJACT TV"..not ur every day entertainment!
"theres ahir in the piies"!
"its your Hair"
::crosses eyes and says "ahhh"::
"Hullo there my name is Sarah Hopkins"
Nippa-Festa Day:http://hometown.aol.com/topazgal90/page3.html
Sentow, Maybe
posted 12-23-2001 07:50:01 PM
I just want to be a chocolate chip pancake. Is that so wrong?

Anyway. Grammar whores are those who try to:

  • Insult others
  • Counter arguments
  • Irritate people

through their constant correction of grammar. This post was grammatically incorrect. Viva le resistance!
Kilroy was here.

[ED, EDD, AND EDIT] This post also contained incorrect spelling. Ha!

[ 12-23-2001: Message edited by: Sentow ]

Once more into the breach, my friends, once more. We'll close the wall with our dead. In peace, nothing so becomes a man as modesty and humility, but when the blast of war blows in our ears, then imitate the action of the tiger, summon up the blood, disguise fair nature with rage and lend the eye a terrible aspect.
posted 12-23-2001 07:55:42 PM
ThirdCharm had this to say about Captain Planet:
I declare myself a PankaKe OF Grammer Whoreism! yes Grammur WhoreiSm!

Like the old Wise man once sed If grandma dont laugh none through her in the back of truch and bu her a glass of milk cuz once the dogs bark woo diddly!!

*Runs from the thread, screaming*

""...destructive analysis of the familiar is the only method of approach to an understanding of fundamentally different modes of expression." -Edward Sapir, Language
I love democracy
posted 12-23-2001 09:01:06 PM
ThirdCharm had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
I declare myself a PankaKe OF Grammer Whoreism! yes Grammur WhoreiSm!

Like the old Wise man once sed If grandma dont laugh none through her in the back of truch and bu her a glass of milk cuz once the dogs bark woo diddly!!

You just lost all respect I had for you.

Luckily, that was none in the first place, so you didn't go anywhere.

Yes, that's right, hot live sex!
There's a raptor behind you.
Resident grammar whore.
Warning, flames imminent!
I'll take two of anything, please. To go.
posted 12-23-2001 09:57:13 PM
I think that she's a grammar whore. She sells grammar for the right price. Of course you pay for the grammar after you get it, so there's no guarantee that it's good grammar. But at least you enjoyed it for your money.

So I'm tired. Okay?

Upset about being titless
posted 12-23-2001 10:31:36 PM
Kel had this to say about Matthew Broderick:
I always thought that grammar whores were people who'd do anything for good grammar...

kind of like snuggle whores or massage whores or ice cream whores...

hmmmm... ice cream...

*wink wink nudge nudge*

Gully Foyle is my name
And Terra is my nation
Deep space is my dwelling place
The stars my destination
The Last Strider
I will die alone
posted 12-23-2001 10:48:42 PM
I am not even going to comment on this. I must keep my mouth shut.
"We have listened to you speak since the dawn of time, and we have learned to imatoot you exarktly."-The Simpsons

Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.

posted 12-24-2001 12:23:44 AM
Wow, this thread went south fast :\

Don't feel bad ThirdCharm.

posted 12-24-2001 01:17:25 AM
you're not a grammar whore
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ph34r me
This uselss post brought to you by:
Anthrax - The other white powder

posted 12-24-2001 01:29:54 AM
I want nem-x's bunny.
posted 12-24-2001 01:36:13 AM
wow, I want to join this club!! we can all type bad together. I call vice president.
"a friend will help you move, a really good friend will help you move a body"
Il Buono
You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend.
posted 12-24-2001 05:54:37 AM
This thread frightens and confuses me.


tHsi therad frighents dan acconfuses me.,

"Those with loaded guns, and those who dig. You dig."
Illanae's Stooge!
posted 12-24-2001 06:59:03 AM
*passes by, glancing at the thread for a moment*

Why did I stop here?

Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
posted 12-24-2001 12:51:10 PM
ThirdCharm had this to say about (_|_):
Yes yes i do! and ist and gramer QWhroe someone who sux at it? Im a Whore of Knowledge ehhehH

Above quote, translated:
Yes, yes i do! And is a grammar whore someone who sucks at it? Im a whore of knowledge, hehehe

  • no, a grammar whore is someone who picks on people for making grammar errors, and has perfect grammar. you don't, and you don't pick on people for making grammar errors.
  • if you were a "whore of knowledge" you wouldn't be making all these grammar/spelling errors.

that is all.

[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Kolak ]

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ph34r me
This uselss post brought to you by:
Anthrax - The other white powder

posted 12-24-2001 01:19:05 PM
yuos cant hav mah bunnay!
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 12-24-2001 05:56:23 PM

*blinks, the walks through the thread*

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
Coolest Hamster Pimp Ever!
posted 12-24-2001 06:00:24 PM
*absently wonders if webster is turning over in his grave because of this thread*
"Consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
posted 12-24-2001 07:17:15 PM
This post deserves a one word answer:


Aktyr Mystreaver
Green-eyed Crusader of Greenmist
Dark Knight of the 23rd Shadow
Coolest Hamster Pimp Ever!
posted 12-24-2001 07:29:24 PM
Mystreaver had this to say about John Romero:
This post deserves a one word answer:


Rocket prapelled Gerbil launchers are great for that type of problem

"Consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Mayor of Townsville
posted 12-24-2001 07:40:15 PM
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's...


The city of Townsville... is entirely mine!
posted 12-24-2001 09:19:13 PM
So ummm wear all pancakes do me get to chose the sirup? I wan't to be da boisenbeary.
posted 12-24-2001 09:40:45 PM
yuo dont have to hqave gud gramar to be a gramer whore. just gud puncktuation.
posted 12-24-2001 09:50:04 PM
Gerbils have nothing on the cactus. My cacti's name is Herb. I use him to keep my brother out of my room. If you think I'm insane, you're wrong. I'm eccentric. And the voices in my head don't help either!

(Oops, just realized that didn't make much sense. O well )

[ 12-24-2001: Message edited by: Mystreaver ]

Aktyr Mystreaver
Green-eyed Crusader of Greenmist
Dark Knight of the 23rd Shadow
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