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Topic: Osama Bin Laden, Man of the Year?
posted 12-21-2001 04:51:52 PM
I was reading an article where a large number of people have threatened to cancel their Time Magazine subscription if Osama Bin Laden is named Man of the Year.

I was wondering how you all feel about this. I 'll post my opinion in abit (I don't want to start off with my opinion so as to skew it any certain way)

Dad's going to kill you. Really. He is.
posted 12-21-2001 04:53:43 PM
When they voted Hitler 'Man of the Year', it was BEFORE WWII...

I don't see how they could call /bin/laden MOTY at this point...

Beep. Beep. Beep... Ohh... I think my porridge is done.
My fellow Americans, as you know, my foreign policy can be summed up in five words: "Iludium-236 Explosive Space Modulator."
When it comes down to it, searching the web without Google is like straining sewage with your teeth.
posted 12-21-2001 05:01:03 PM
Man of the year is the most well know person not the most liked. Still that being said it is a BAD decision to name him man of the year. The shear fact that he is a terrorist is reason enough he should be disqualified. I dont care HOW well known you are if you were in charge of killing 5,000+ innocent people i dont want to see your name in any magizine unless it's about your capture.
People who try to commit suicide should be dragged out into the street and shot. Heck they wont complain this what they wanted :)

Sig pic done with Microsoft paint, Work that doobie Pikachu.

posted 12-21-2001 05:04:48 PM
RPC: It doesn't have to do with greatness, or most positive. Hitler was still Man of the Year. Ayatullah Khomeini was Man of the Year. Stalin was Man of the Year, twice.

Oh, and I doubt Hitler starting World War II would have hurt his chances of being man of the year....

Time Magazine, January 2, 1939 said this in the "Man of the Year 1938" Issue:
"Hitler became in 1938 the greatest threatening force that the democratic, freedom-loving world faces today"
Dad's going to kill you. Really. He is.
posted 12-21-2001 05:06:44 PM
If he is man of the year there DAMN WELL better be a crosshair over his head or im gonna be pissed. I mean come on to give him that kind of publicity is just disrepectful to anyone invloved in the WTC attack.
People who try to commit suicide should be dragged out into the street and shot. Heck they wont complain this what they wanted :)

Sig pic done with Microsoft paint, Work that doobie Pikachu.

posted 12-21-2001 05:06:48 PM
There's supposed to be a disqualification clause in there for things like what happened with WWII and with /bin/laden. Otherwise Hitler would have been MOTY at least twice more before he died.
Beep. Beep. Beep... Ohh... I think my porridge is done.
My fellow Americans, as you know, my foreign policy can be summed up in five words: "Iludium-236 Explosive Space Modulator."
When it comes down to it, searching the web without Google is like straining sewage with your teeth.
posted 12-21-2001 05:11:34 PM
We were all impressed when RPC wrote:
There's supposed to be a disqualification clause in there for things like what happened with WWII and with /bin/laden

I know no clause, link plz?
This is probably a good place to start looking...

Also, Stalin killed more people during his time in power than Hitler (though I suppose he did have more time in power).

Though, Mao Ze Dong has the record for most deaths due to his actions (in addition to simply killing, a lot of his policies on trading food and storing food caused a lot of people to starve to death).
Just food for thought, if that's where you were going with it.

Dad's going to kill you. Really. He is.
Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 12-21-2001 07:41:23 PM
I will cancel my subscription forever with them if he gets man of the year period.
Can flame me until your face turns blue on this one, just my opinion but it will not change

I hope they change their minds on this, but if they dont it's of course there choice, I am sure they will lose some customers because of it though.

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
Arrenn Lightblade
Yes. Yes he is.
posted 12-21-2001 07:43:13 PM
does he deserve the honor? NO!

...but by desciption of the award, he is definately the right choice. it is for the man talked about THE MOST for the year. and that would be him.

Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 12-21-2001 08:37:39 PM
The difference is in media coverage. Mao, Stalin, Hitler, and the Ayatollah were all in legitimate (albeit sick and twisted) governmental positions. Even the Ayatollah had temporal power, as well as (I believe) some spiritual power.

Bin Laden's a terrorist. He isn't the mastermind of a government. Clues now indicate that Bin Laden wasn't even the brains in the operation, or if he was then he had a lot of advisors who got things done. How impressive is that? Hitler got to power due to a political/socioeconomic flux that he ruthlessly used to take power. Al Quaida was in power before Bin Laden came on the scene.

Fact is that if you take a realistic look at Bin Laden he's really not that impressive. All he's REALLY done is captured a great deal of attention. If that were the basis for a Man of the Year award, if it were how we wanted 2001 remembered in the annals of history, then shouldn't have 2000 belonged to someone like Brittney Spears? A face everyone recognize, like her or love her?

Okay, granted that's a bit extreme, but I'm sure you see my point.

Likewise, I don't much care for the notion of legitimizing any of this by putting him in the media spotlight. We've done a very good job of putting him in his role, and we've done a very good job of carefully filtering what broadcasts he's made. He is in the end a terrorist, and a terrorist who doesn't get their message out is just a criminal, and criminals are to be punished, not lauded.

Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

posted 12-21-2001 08:57:12 PM
I've got it! We make him MOTY, lure him out, and drop a canister of Napalm-A on his head. Then we make his charred remains the picture on the front. That should make everyone happy. And if all else fails, I'll be happy. That bastard deserves anything he gets.
Aktyr Mystreaver
Green-eyed Crusader of Greenmist
Dark Knight of the 23rd Shadow
Jalal d'Varr
Still a gnome!
posted 12-22-2001 01:09:30 AM
Good call, Mystreaver.
posted 12-22-2001 01:17:25 AM
I would like to point out that Roosevelt and Churchill were probably responciable (in the way Bin Laden is) for killing far more innocents in Germany during WWII. these people are heros. This is not to defent or condone the actions of Bin Laden, I'm join pointing out a diffrent view of the subject.
"a friend will help you move, a really good friend will help you move a body"
Technology Luddite
posted 12-22-2001 02:30:16 AM
RPC had this to say about Tron:
When they voted Hitler 'Man of the Year', it was BEFORE WWII...

I don't see how they could call /bin/laden MOTY at this point...

Many historians agree that if Hitler had died in 1936, he would have been thought of as one of the world's greatest leaders, easily Germany's greatest. Not excusing the things he did afterward, but you have to admit he brought Germany out of one of the world's worst depressions, built up Germany's economy, infrastructure, and made it a world power. But it all went downhill after there, obviously. But give the devil his due; up until just before WWII he did do great things fo Germany.

I don't see that bin Laden has done anything that benefitted the Al Quida, Afghanistan, or the cause of Islam. If anything, all of them are worse off because of his actions. And that's even BEFORE the terrorists attacks. You can argue that Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all left some positive impact as well as negative, but I don't see how you can say that about bin Laden. Nobody's better off for any of his actions, really. Best you can say about him is he woke the US out of our complacency and ignorance about the way the rest of the world views us. But I don't think he shoulsd be applauded for it.

[ 12-22-2001: Message edited by: Troodon ]

Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 12-22-2001 03:00:37 AM
A fine point, Troodon. I agree.
Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

posted 12-22-2001 09:21:09 AM
We were all impressed when Aaniele wrote:
I would like to point out that Roosevelt and Churchill were probably responciable (in the way Bin Laden is) for killing far more innocents in Germany during WWII. these people are heros. This is not to defent or condone the actions of Bin Laden, I'm join pointing out a diffrent view of the subject.

Uh yeah... cuz you know... 11 million jews don't count...

sorry but I disagree, even when germany was randomly bombing london with V-1's and nighttime raids U.S. and English bombing was directed at military targets. Niether side were perfect little angels granted but it's certain that Nazi Germany killed way more innocent people on purpose.

as far as Bin Laden... I don't know... yes by the criteria of the award he can be given it but then why was Sadam Hussein not man of the year? why was Lee Harvey Oswald not man of the year?

and for that matter who gave a fuck about Bin Laden before September?

Oldest Member
Best Lap
posted 12-23-2001 07:17:29 PM
Just to bump this, they just accounced the MOTY would be Mayor Guiliani.

Congrats to him.

"Give me control of a nation's money, and I care not who makes its laws."
-Mayer Rothschild
Road Warrior Queef
posted 12-23-2001 07:19:29 PM
I heard. MUCH better choice.


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posted 12-23-2001 07:21:08 PM

*on a more serious note*

I THINK HE SHOULD BURN!!! and not be man of the year. but he should be top most wanted!

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