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Topic: Advanced Cloning...
I <3 My Deviant
posted 12-18-2001 03:26:08 PM
The new... BEEF!

eet bugz
posted 12-18-2001 03:41:29 PM
luks tastey!
play da best song in da world or me eet your soul
posted 12-18-2001 03:48:12 PM
Seen it. They fed it to us in highschool.

I think they called it 'hamburger'

Ja'Deth Issar Ka'bael
I posted in a title changing thread.
posted 12-18-2001 03:57:44 PM
"Mystery Meat"
Lyinar's sweetie and don't you forget it!*
"All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die. -Roy Batty
*Also Lyinar's attack panda

sigpic courtesy of This Guy, original modified by me

Vampiric pixie that might eat your face, if you're lucky
posted 12-18-2001 04:59:14 PM
"If you guess what it is, you can eat for free!"

Me: "Uh, the mangled corpses of dead schoolchildren?"
"A horrible abberation of nature that should never, ever be?"
... WHO TOLD YOU?!?!

Shhh. Everyone will hear us. Everyone will know.
omg mack attack :(
posted 12-18-2001 05:44:29 PM
I think that they're trying to fix the overcrowding problem in schools with worse and worse cafeteria food.
one two three fo let me see that tootsie roll
Coolest Hamster Pimp Ever!
posted 12-18-2001 05:50:06 PM
Aanile stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
For Advanced cloning...

Ctrl+v & Ctrl+c also work wonders for cloning things

"Consistancy is the hobgoblin of little minds."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
posted 12-18-2001 07:23:50 PM
I don't get it?
Pull my finger!!
posted 12-18-2001 07:25:00 PM
Mork, the other white Meep!
"When people see something as beautiful, other things become ugly. When people see somethings as good, other things become bad. So is the way of life."
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