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Topic: Verant crashed our guild's weddings...
Technology Luddite
posted 12-14-2001 11:26:26 PM
This ever happen to anyone? Right when we're picking up the bride in Great Divide, everyone goes link-dead, and the server's locked. Hm. Never had a server actually locked before, in the seven months I've been playing guess it was bound to happen eventually. But during a wdding? What're the odds? Meanwhile, got bored, created a bunch of other characters on other servers, had fun suiciding them by attacking guards, merchants, red creatures, and jumping off cliffs. Server's still not back up. Just realized that I'm still bound in Cabilis, but went link dead at the dragon circle in GD. Think I could make it to Thurgadin when I get back on? Hope so. Oh well. Wonder how long it'll take to get back on. It's been 5 hours since I went LD now.
posted 12-14-2001 11:29:16 PM
its been 5 hours since I tried to get on, and never managed to get past the log in screen. Varent really messed up today.
"a friend will help you move, a really good friend will help you move a body"
posted 12-15-2001 01:14:10 AM
Youve been playing EQ for 7 months and youre [bold]NOT[/bold] used to being boned yet?
Espio Idsavant
You have gotten better at Being a Lush! (200)
posted 12-15-2001 01:36:45 AM
11 servers crashed all at once, mine one of them. Something about a power outage, from what the rumors say. I went LD looting my corpse; half of my guild went LD in the middle of a battle in Sshar temple (I was on my way to join them when about 15 stonegrabbers decided to play with me in Mons while I was waiting for a lost groupmate to catch up). Its gonna be a fun day tomorrow.
And you can still be free, If time will set you free
And going higher than the mountain tops
And go high like the wind don't stop...

[ My gooberish Live Journal thingy ]

Quite Insane
posted 12-15-2001 02:00:37 AM
Troodon had this to say about Tron:
This ever happen to anyone? Right when we're picking up the bride in Great Divide, everyone goes link-dead, and the server's locked. Hm. Never had a server actually locked before, in the seven months I've been playing guess it was bound to happen eventually. But during a wdding? What're the odds? Meanwhile, got bored, created a bunch of other characters on other servers, had fun suiciding them by attacking guards, merchants, red creatures, and jumping off cliffs. Server's still not back up. Just realized that I'm still bound in Cabilis, but went link dead at the dragon circle in GD. Think I could make it to Thurgadin when I get back on? Hope so. Oh well. Wonder how long it'll take to get back on. It's been 5 hours since I went LD now.

yeah VI is out to get you UH HUH YEP THATS JUST IT!

Professional Sinner/Heretic
My mindless dribble
Technology Luddite
posted 12-15-2001 10:02:08 AM
First Dragon had this to say about Robocop:
Youve been playing EQ for 7 months and youre [bold]NOT[/bold] used to being boned yet?

Yep, guess I'm just lucky. Maybe it's the time of day I play, maybe Sol Ro's more reliable than other servers, or something. But in the 7 months I've been playing this is the first unannounced server outage I've ever experienced. I've gone LD quite a few times before, but always managed to get back on again within 5 minutes.

Technology Luddite
posted 12-15-2001 10:08:06 AM
Lawgiver Cadga had this to say about Robocop:

yeah VI is out to get you UH HUH YEP THATS JUST IT!

You're reading paranoia in my thread that was not stated or intended. After all, EVERYBODY, not just me, on my server, and a few others, got kicked off at the same time. I know it was bound to happen eventually, I just remarked that the fact it happened right when we were planning a guild event was rather interesting. And annoying, obviously. I don't seriously believe that Verant pulled the server just to get us. But any two events happening simutaneously is always a remarkable coincidence.

Seriously though, I doubt Verant would go out of its way to piss of paying customers. No company trying to make a profit would be that stupid. Although they accidentally or unintentionally annoy a hand-full of customers from time to time, they'd never do it intentionally, that's like flushing their own money down the toilet.

[ 12-15-2001: Message edited by: Troodon ]

Ayerine Angelyre
posted 12-15-2001 10:18:42 AM
They patch all the time, though. Do they HAVE to take up my Saturday afternoon with patching?
posted 12-15-2001 11:04:27 AM
There was a short circuit or something of the sort in the server room last night according to Rowyl.
Espio Idsavant
You have gotten better at Being a Lush! (200)
posted 12-15-2001 11:52:53 AM
Heh, update on the fun stuff that going on. My guild's officers can no longer invite people. Says "guild not found". One of our guildmates char has poofed (its not at the char select screen, but his corpse is still where he died before the crash). Oh, and I was looting my corpse when the server crashed and my BP is missing now. Wheeee!

Answer to all our petitions: Wait 4 hours and petition again. Whee!

And you can still be free, If time will set you free
And going higher than the mountain tops
And go high like the wind don't stop...

[ My gooberish Live Journal thingy ]

Delphi Aegis
posted 12-15-2001 01:41:51 PM
It makes me glad to know that I cant play EQ for a week or two now. If I was playing, I'm sure that I'd be here bitching just like you are.

Expect a character rollback sometime soon...

I walk in the Light
Facing the Darkness Boldly
I fear no Evil
posted 12-15-2001 02:04:45 PM
hehehehe, that's where my style of play comes in handy.... work so much that you don't have time to play EQ, then when this stuff happens you'll be nowhere near it
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