Tinkerable trade skill enhancing items. For around 100pp in materials I believe, you can tinker/get tinkered a primary slot item that ups a trade skill 5%.
You can buy diamonds in one of the mage guilds for ~200pp. I bet you wish you had waited now, Mightion.
Market for FS plate has been almost destroyed. Cheaper, same AC + minor stats can be bought from merchants.
Any you can add?
Oh, I see.
"Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but I am with you. I'll buy it for sure, it's just a matter of for how long I will be playing it..."
- Silvast, Battle.net forums
Ferret impressed everyone with:Market for FS plate has been almost destroyed. Cheaper, same AC + minor stats can be bought from merchants.
Any you can add?
What armor is this? and where?
Bad: Frame rate and zone loading times (but Verant knows and is working on this).
Good: Nexus.
Good: The arena in the Bazaar. It looks like it might be bigger than The Arena (as far as PVP area goes), and it has better spectator seating. Very cool.
Good: New Mage spells. Even at 26, I can twink a kitty with leather armor, shield, and spear (old spell), all for just some mana.
Good: The Vah Shir look very cool. I really like the way male Vah Shir look in leather. Boy, is THAT comment going to come back to haunt me. Also, I've noticed that my Vah Shir has a very cool walking animation. He doesn't just look badass, he walks and moves badass. So, I've had my Vah Shir Warrior walking in Kelethin, and wearing leather armor (took forever to earn that).
Good : Solo'ing a yellow chitterling and losing ~10hp of health.
Bad : Framerate troubles unless I turn down clipping, but damnit, I like clipping up high!
Good : Vah'Shir models ROCK
Good : Shar Vahl VERY quickly became my favorite city.
Bad : Having the glorious, proud Vah'Shir walking around with people named 'Puddytatt' and 'Catpoop'.
Good : My desktop can handle SoL fairly well.
Bad : My laptop can handle most 3D games quite well, but bugs out on EQ...
I have a longer list, but this is a good start. Needless to say, to me... the good outweighs the bad.
Good: Knowing that Verant is still working at ironing out the glitches and problems with this expansion.. honestly people.. did you expect it to work perfectly? Or shall I remind everyone how slow and laggy things were at the beginning.. and after each expansion. It all gets ironed out over the next few months.. I really wish people would stop ragging on Verant.. Its hard trying to please everyone at once.. If something isnt implemented.. its not implemented for a reason. *shakes her head* Sorry, that was my pent up rant from all these months of people complaining about the character models as well as these past few days the game has been out.
Good: The models.. enough said.
I really dont have anything bad to say about it. I like what I am seeing so far and I know that they are working on fixing the bugs n stuff and working towards making the game run smoother. =)
Ferret stumbled drunkenly to the keyboard and typed:
Good:Tinkerable trade skill enhancing items. For around 100pp in materials I believe, you can tinker/get tinkered a primary slot item that ups a trade skill 5%.
You can buy diamonds in one of the mage guilds for ~200pp. I bet you wish you had waited now, Mightion.
Market for FS plate has been almost destroyed. Cheaper, same AC + minor stats can be bought from merchants.
Any you can add?
Diamonds are not a vendor item. The one I found must have been sold by a player, for they weren't there yesterday.
Shut up about the darned Combine armor - you're threatening my livelihood!
That's too bad, because in the Bazaar I can do one-zone fine plate in any size as long as I have leather padding...
The females look good.
My chanter looks GREAT in his Jumpy robe.
Bad: Having higher then the recommended specs and still not being able to turn around smoothly for the first 3 minutes in a zone
Good: Awesome new zones, both look, exp, and loot-wise.
Good: The Nexus finally gives me a way to get off of Feydwer without /shouting for a port for an hour or more
Bad: Some bard songs (the new SoL ones) still aren't working consistantly (yes, me and my guild have /bugged it)
Espio had this to say about (_|_):
Good: The Nexus finally gives me a way to get off of Feydwer without /shouting for a port for an hour or more
JooJooFlop had this to say about Reading Rainbow:
Where can you touch down onto Norrath from the Nexus?
The portals in the Nexus go to NK, DL, Gfay, and Tox - the four BIG wizzy spires.
JooJooFlop had this to say about Robocop:
Also, can you go from Nexus to the wizzie spires like you can teleport via the fire pots in Tim Deep? Or is it a 15 minute cycle like at the wizzie spires to get to Nexus?
Yes, there's a cycle of fifteen minutes... the portals on Norrath activate at the same time as the portals on Luclin.
Mightion Defensor had this to say about dark elf butts:
Yes, there's a cycle of fifteen minutes...
Last I saw, it says 15 minutes, but the cycle is 30 minutes. But this was 4 days ago or so.
The Bad: It's still boring
The Good: I wouldn't get bugged for ports from lonely bards anymore.
The Bad: All the old world mobs still look the SAME.
The Good: It's Everquest.
The Bad: It's Everquest.
But I like it, framerate issues aside... I just wish:
1. More guildies had it so we can travel together
2. That my armor was shiny again. Other races in this plate texture set are shiny...
I like some of the new models. My barbarian looks cool, so does my dark elf wizzy. But my poor DE shadow knight looks funny now. So does my half elf bard. (Unless in DE illusion with her guardian robe.. looks very nice
But, I do not like how leather and tizmak look the same, ry'gorr and banded, and I really dont like how guardian looks like fine plate. Took me two months to camp the stupid stuff cause I thought it looked cool.. now it looks like evrything else..
And the lag/zoning time reminds me of Kunark when it first came out... it got better, so i'll just wait and hope it gets better again.