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Topic: You have 3 wishes
Quite Insane
posted 11-30-2001 02:20:54 AM
make them count you gelatinous tarts

no wishing for lvl 60 and full kael gear in Eq

you get no more OKAY

Djinn Cadga has spoken

Professional Sinner/Heretic
My mindless dribble
Nub nub nu...THWACK!
posted 11-30-2001 02:25:17 AM
I wish I could heal anything with a touch.
Nub, nub me do.
Nub... nub... nub!
Nub is all doo need!
posted 11-30-2001 02:25:24 AM
Life unending

Youth unending

regenerative properties.

That sums it up nicely

Quite Insane
posted 11-30-2001 02:29:16 AM
Pvednes Phoenixfeather impressed everyone with:
Life unending

Youth unending

regenerative properties.

That sums it up nicely

hhe cool so i can set you on fire and it would just heal up after

thats gotat hrut though cause you still feel pain

would hate to get locked into an over and have it Welded shut on ya ... eternity burning and not being able to die

Professional Sinner/Heretic
My mindless dribble
posted 11-30-2001 02:30:48 AM
One who feels no pain is a danger to oneself and one's companions.

But that's a thought.

Quite Insane
posted 11-30-2001 02:32:23 AM
Pvednes Phoenixfeather impressed everyone with:
One who feels no pain is a danger to oneself and one's companions.

But that's a thought.

well one who feels pain and cant die... is gonna hev a hard time getting run over by a steamroller

Professional Sinner/Heretic
My mindless dribble
Good intentions? Or *bad* intentions?
posted 11-30-2001 02:33:04 AM
I wish Money wasn't as important as it is. This way we could work less and spend more time with our loved ones.

I wish for a cure for incurable diseases. They take away the people we love before they get to live their lives.

I wish for a nice bowl of thick potato and cheese soup, with a side of garlic bread soaked in butter and a tall glass of a really nice beer. Can I wish to be able to eat it too?

posted 11-30-2001 02:34:57 AM
Note: regenerative properties.
Not quite so hard a time.

Aaaaannyways, back on topic, I like Peachis' wishes.

[ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: Pvednes Phoenixfeather ]

Quite Insane
posted 11-30-2001 02:36:09 AM
my 3 wishes

i wanna be a Looney Toon Cartoon IRL (yes daed serious) Ala Rogger Rabbit

I wish for a good life for my kids and family

Iwish that people would all collectivly stop taking themselves so seriously.. that cause alot of problems i think....

[ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: Lawgiver Cadga ]

Professional Sinner/Heretic
My mindless dribble
posted 11-30-2001 03:19:23 AM
I wish life was fair

I wish life could just be fair

I wish life was fair

Pooh Ogre
Keeper of the Shoulders of Peachis Perching
posted 11-30-2001 03:26:25 AM
Peachis wrote this stupid crap:
Can I wish to be able to eat it too?

I'll do that for you.


posted 11-30-2001 04:38:05 AM
I wish for a REAL Zeta Gundam that never needs repairs, reloading/refuelling, or maintenance of any kind, and I know how to use it.

I wish for a Lightsaber and enough use of the Force to use it without slicing one of my own body parts off.

I wish to be with my true love for all of eternity.

I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piƱa coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
Melyodas Darkender
posted 11-30-2001 05:14:14 AM
1. To be a mutant with Teleporting and shapeshifting powers

2. To be wealthy

3. That gun powder and laser technology (when used as a weapon, i still want it for medical purposes) doesnt exist anymore, so that we all have to use either arrows or blades to kill people, instead of a simply click of a trigger.

Nammy the Namtar
My sig text is approved by Maradon!
posted 11-30-2001 05:32:14 AM
Omnisceince (the one where you can know all...dont remember how to spell it)
Eternal Life

Noone would ever be sick, noone would ever war, none would ever go hungery, the world would be better all round, and anyone who says a mean or nasty thing about me would just blink out of exsistance.

In short with those 3 things nothing would ever be wrong in the world again and those of you who think I wouldnt be kind and all to the universe...well...you wouldnt be thinking that long.

-Mages are as far beyond necros as Trakanon is beyond a moss snake.
-One Shungokusatsu and its game over.
Illanae's Stooge!
posted 11-30-2001 05:39:11 AM
You just contradicted yourself. "I'll make the world a happy place, but defy me and I destroy you."

Me? I only wish to be able to get my life back on track and in order, so that I can begin enjoying it again

Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
Nammy the Namtar
My sig text is approved by Maradon!
posted 11-30-2001 05:45:05 AM
Well it would be a happy place...since if you get pissy you either get unpissy or you are no longer there...thus the world is still happy hhe. Cant be angery if you arent there.

^_^ but Im just babbling

-Mages are as far beyond necros as Trakanon is beyond a moss snake.
-One Shungokusatsu and its game over.
Illanae's Stooge!
posted 11-30-2001 05:49:27 AM
Oh, and where the hell you been hiding Monkeyman?? Haven't seen hide nor hair from in in a week.
Dont make me slap you so hard your bucket spins around, and around,and stops sideways,thus confusing you, and making you run about London wearing your bucket, a g-string, and carrying a stick,smacking the ground while yelling "MAGICALLY DELICIOUS! MAGICALLY FUCKING DELICIOUS!"- {Tal} to Mortious
Hebrew 9:3- 'And the Lord said unto me, "Dude, there isn't a K in covenant."' - Snoota

This beer drops trou and fucks your mouth with pure hoppy goodness. - Karnaj
I <3 My Deviant
posted 11-30-2001 05:54:21 AM
ability to physicaly shift into my wereself

untaxed 6 million bucks (few people know why)

the ability to cast the spells my druid in EQ can =P

posted 11-30-2001 06:01:43 AM
KaLourin DthBlayde had this to say about (_|_):
Oh, and where the hell you been hiding Monkeyman?? Haven't seen hide nor hair from in in a week.

Which one?
I was in the Virgin Islands once. I met a girl, we ate lobster, drank piƱa coladas. At sunset, we made love like sea otters. That was a pretty good day. Why couldn't I get that day over, and over?
Star Collective
posted 11-30-2001 06:16:02 AM
Hmm...I'd have to go with omnipotence, omniscience, and eternal life also.
The trouble is that we have a bad habit, encouraged by pedants and sophisticates, of considering happiness as something rather stupid. Only pain is intellectual, only evil interesting. This is the treason of the artist: a refusal to admit the banality of evil and the terrible boredom of pain. - Ursula K. LeGuin ~ The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas
posted 11-30-2001 06:26:36 AM
To be Hugh Hefner

Legalize Marygwanna world wide

Chocolate covered Viagra

Miandor 56th High Elf Magician
Tulerin Hippyassassin 54th Wood Elf hippy rogue
Myriad Tholuxe Paells
Hungry Hungry Hippo
posted 11-30-2001 06:57:09 AM
1. To have my body be comprised of a nanomachine colony.

I'll save the other two in case of an emergency.

I don't know how to be sexy. If I catch a girl looking at me and our eyes lock, I panic and open mine wider. Then I lick my lips and rub my genitals. And mouth the words "You're dead."
Nammy the Namtar
My sig text is approved by Maradon!
posted 11-30-2001 07:05:11 AM
Star Collective had this to say about John Romero:
Hmm...I'd have to go with omnipotence, omniscience, and eternal life also.

Heh it encompasses all the rest so why ask for more?

-Mages are as far beyond necros as Trakanon is beyond a moss snake.
-One Shungokusatsu and its game over.
Super Kagrama
posted 11-30-2001 07:14:20 AM
loev and paece in the worald/
i shoueld joeg threw the foreast moer offeand!!11
Fun with Chocolate
posted 11-30-2001 07:37:58 AM
I wish for unlimited wishes.

I wish the Taliban would give up and hand Bin Laden over.

My third wish, well I can't say it... in case it doesn't come true.

Nammy the Namtar
My sig text is approved by Maradon!
posted 11-30-2001 07:40:05 AM
Hehe so far mine could still do all of everyone else's wishes
-Mages are as far beyond necros as Trakanon is beyond a moss snake.
-One Shungokusatsu and its game over.
posted 11-30-2001 07:53:35 AM
I wish my children grow up happy, healthy and wise.

I wish for financial security so I don't always have to worry about money and paying bills.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas.

"Unlike adults, children have little need to deceive themselves." - Goethe
Happiness is subjective, subject yourself to it whenever possible.
"A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams." - John Barrymore
Wise men still seek Him.
posted 11-30-2001 07:56:22 AM
I wish I could be out of my house and on my own NOW.

I wish I could be with my boyfriend again..(soon enough)

I wish for all those I know and care about to be happy.

I wish I could help all those I care about to be happy..

Im not NOT licking toads..
>It goes to show that some of the sweetest people in the world battle each other in tights for a living.<
Mightion Defensor
posted 11-30-2001 08:07:35 AM
I wish I could be the person I wanted to be.

I wish I was the person I had thought I was.

I wish I knew a good place to pre-order SoL from - when I pre-ordered SoV from Amazon I got it three days after it went live...

posted 11-30-2001 08:10:10 AM
I wish I didn;t ahve to walk to school today

I wish I had a tuna fish sammich.

and MowMix can have my third wish.

Just pointing out that I'm omw to subway to get my wish.

[ 11-30-2001: Message edited by: Aaniele ]

"a friend will help you move, a really good friend will help you move a body"
A completely different kind of Buckethead
posted 11-30-2001 10:47:53 AM
You never wish for life everlasting, immortality etc. unless you have the ability to cancel it at any time. if a big 'ol chunk of spacerock the size of several states slams into, say, Europse and ends up wiping all life out except you, things will be pretty boring for the next several million years while single celled organisms slowly work their way back up. Granted if you are still sane after millions of years you could easily rule the new species though, so it isn't all lost

Now, if you piss off the wrong people by accident and they decide to encase you in a giant block of cement under a skyscraper it wont be much better.

Mr. Duck
Likes to ____!
posted 11-30-2001 10:57:28 AM
i Wish for Xenogears, never needs refueling,repairs, etc

I'm done

posted 11-30-2001 11:42:14 AM
I wish Bill Gates would give me 15 million dollars for a job that would take me 15 minutes to complete successfully. (to ensure the djinn doesn't do the ol "money is from a bank robery" trick)

I wish to have a healthy life, regardless of eating habits and the like, and die at age 70 (to ensure the djinn doesn't force me to do things like excersize and stuff, and magically makes me healthy).

I wish my true love would stay healthy and be with me for the entirety of my life (to ensure the djinn doesn't make my love waste away for the entirety of my life)

Feed my hungry soul.
Suddar Williams
posted 11-30-2001 11:50:28 AM
Nammy the Namtar wrote, obviously thinking too hard:
Hehe so far mine could still do all of everyone else's wishes

Immortality and omnipotence isn't all it's cracked up to be.

Not everybody wants that.

Myself included.

Quite Insane
posted 11-30-2001 11:52:56 AM
KaLourin DthBlayde impressed everyone with:
Oh, and where the hell you been hiding Monkeyman?? Haven't seen hide nor hair from in in a week.

network card burnt out

Professional Sinner/Heretic
My mindless dribble
posted 11-30-2001 12:08:34 PM
Absolute control over all matter and energy in the universe with a simple, concentrated thought.
Quite Insane
posted 11-30-2001 12:29:29 PM
Prometheus had this to say about (_|_):
Absolute control over all matter and energy in the universe with a simple, concentrated thought.

wish in invalid for it surpasses the power of the Djinn which is impossible

please reconsider wish

Professional Sinner/Heretic
My mindless dribble
Peels like a tangerine, but is juicy like an orange.
posted 11-30-2001 01:39:21 PM
Densetsu had this to say about Punky Brewster:
I wish for a REAL Zeta Gundam that never needs repairs, reloading/refuelling, or maintenance of any kind, and I know how to use it.

I wish for a Lightsaber and enough use of the Force to use it without slicing one of my own body parts off.

I wish to be with my true love for all of eternity.

Amen brutha!

..:: This Is The Sound Of Settling ::..
posted 11-30-2001 02:40:44 PM
[QUOTE]Lawgiver Cadga wrote this stupid crap:

no wishing for lvl 60 and full kael gear in Eq

got one and a few peices of the other so...

A starship like the one gene has, cept it can run off car fuel (top performance on unleadded), and the ability to drive/pilot it

Ability to cast spells as such in EQ/D&D

Ability to weild a sword effectively and look damn cool while doing it 8D

All Empires Fall, You just have to know where to push- Me
Cleric Rogue Sigpic
The Last Strider
I will die alone
posted 11-30-2001 02:44:20 PM
I wish that I was in decent physical shape...y'know, having a nice manly chest.

I wish for money to dissapear from the Earth, so there is no more shit about it.

I wish for evryone to be nice to everyone else, no matter wether or not that person is a "loser" or "nerd".

"We have listened to you speak since the dawn of time, and we have learned to imatoot you exarktly."-The Simpsons

Necromancer: How DARE you imply that I was involved in a rude act with my undead servant! I will flay the flesh from your bones! I will summon a thousand maggot-ridden corpses to gnaw your flesh! I will trap your soul in-
Ghoul: My ass hurts.

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