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Topic: Image file converting program...
Nith D'vaz
posted 11-24-2001 08:34:48 PM
where can i get a good one that wont reduce the quality horibly *points to his sigpic*
Wherever I go,
everyone is a little bit safer because I am there.
Wherever I am,
anyone in need has a friend.
Whenever I return home,
everyone is happy I am there.

-Robert L. Humphrey (warrior creed)
Nith D'vaz
posted 11-24-2001 09:45:53 PM
Yey !

i fixed it... you mean people

ACDsee is evil at converting BMPs into JPEGs

Wherever I go,
everyone is a little bit safer because I am there.
Wherever I am,
anyone in need has a friend.
Whenever I return home,
everyone is happy I am there.

-Robert L. Humphrey (warrior creed)
posted 11-24-2001 10:28:11 PM
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